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14 Fantastic Scriptures On Being Thankful

14 Fantastic Scriptures On Being Thankful

   Reading Time: 5 min 26 sec   Do you look at life through a glass half empty mentality? Do you ever find yourself resenting your life circumstances? Do you struggle with complaining throughout the day? Do you find yourself looking at life through a negative...

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30 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray When You Wake Up

30 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray When You Wake Up

   Reading Time: 2 min 8 sec   Does your prayer life ever feel stuck? You wake up in the morning, and carve out time to pray only to stare into empty space? There is so much you could say that it can feel overwhelming. And frankly, prayer can at times, feel like...

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How To Find Your Faith When You Get Sidetracked

How To Find Your Faith When You Get Sidetracked

   Reading Time: 4 min 46 sec   Developing our faith can feel so elusive. We all have these great intentions of starting a new devotional, studying our Bible, praying for our loved ones, or even journaling; only to get sidetracked, when life gets in the way....

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How To Read The Bible When You Can’t Focus

How To Read The Bible When You Can’t Focus

   Reading Time: 4 min 53 sec   I closed the door and sank into my favorite chair, my mind spinning. “Okay,” I thought. “I’ll have devotions, get ready, then the bank, grocery store, and return the library books.” I grabbed my Bible and turned to the next chapter...

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3 Lies Satan Wants Moms To Believe

3 Lies Satan Wants Moms To Believe

   Reading Time: 5 min 42 sec   Mom life can be tough. From the second we wake up in the morning, until the moment our heads hit the pillow, there can be a constant assault: of tasks, activities, questions, and concerns filling our thoughts. Did we take the dog...

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30 Powerful Bible Verses That Destroy Toxic Anxiety

30 Powerful Bible Verses That Destroy Toxic Anxiety

   Reading Time: 5 min 3 sec   Have you ever been in a situation where you desperately needed to hear bible verses on anxiety?  I remember sitting listening to the doctors, my mind racing with the implications of their words. My head felt stuffy like everything...

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How To Combat Fear When The World Is In Crisis

How To Combat Fear When The World Is In Crisis

   Reading Time: 6 min 17 sec   How do you combat fear when you are in living in a state of crisis? Are you tired of the news playing havoc with your emotions?  Does each press conference, or latest update feel like a stranglehold on your desire for security?...

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13 Inspirational Faith Quotes for When You Are Discouraged

13 Inspirational Faith Quotes for When You Are Discouraged

Stories of inspirational faith can be used by God powerfully in the dark and dreary seasons of life. Today, I have compiled a list of my favorite quotes and scriptures specifically for discouraging seasons. I would encourage you to use the exercise below to allow God to speak to you through their words of hope.

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What To Do When Pain Smacks You In The Face

What To Do When Pain Smacks You In The Face

   Reading Time: 5 min 44 sec   The pain hit like a sledgehammer, followed by the unmistakable realization that life would never be the same. I gulped back a sob and tried to breathe, my whole-body seizing, ready to crumble.  I shook my head in bewilderment, as...

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How To Banish The Fear Of The Boring Christian

How To Banish The Fear Of The Boring Christian

   Reading Time: 5 min 45 sec   I fell to my knees, my soul crying out for more than my controlled paper-thin Christianity. I hungered for the life of meaning and significance that King David and countless others in the Bible experienced. I started to cry out my...

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How To Have Time With God When You Feel Awkward

How To Have Time With God When You Feel Awkward

   Reading Time: 5 min 15 sec I tiptoe through the house, and with a cup of steaming hot coffee in my hands, I pull out my Bible and sink down into the couch.  I bask in the feeling of accomplishment that I actually woke up before the sun, ready to spend some quality...

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How To Stop Destroying People With Your Words

How To Stop Destroying People With Your Words

   Reading Time: 6 min 1 sec Have you ever walked out of a situation wanting to kick yourself over your careless words? More often than I would like to admit, I leave a situation shaking my head, wondering where those words came from.  Why did I feel the need to shred...

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