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7 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray Over Your Kids

7 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray Over Your Kids

   Reading Time: 4 min 28 sec   “Mom, don’t forget to pray over me!” my child murmured sleepily. “I would never forget.” I smiled, and I laid my hand on his head. Following the traditions of thousands of parents throughout the ages, I called on the name of the...

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How To Consistently Read The Bible With Your Child

How To Consistently Read The Bible With Your Child

   Reading Time: 5 min 7 sec   I shook my head in despair. This is ridiculous, I thought. I spend more time, energy, and money finding creative ways to teach my children Math and English than I do in fostering their relationship with Jesus.   Our family...

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How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child

How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child

   Reading Time: 3 min 10 sec   Do you ever wonder how to choose the best Bible for your child? Are all kids Bibles created equal? What type of Bible should you be looking for?   “I have a 6th grader this year and I'm looking for an engaging, fun, and...

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How To Confidently Lead Your Kids In The Salvation Prayer

How To Confidently Lead Your Kids In The Salvation Prayer

   Reading Time: 8 min 1 sec   Your child runs up, her face so serious as she asks, “Mom, I want to ask Jesus into my heart. Can you show me how?”  You know you should be feeling overjoyed, but right now all you are experiencing is panic. Your daughter is only...

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How To Never Forget To Pray For Your Child Again

How To Never Forget To Pray For Your Child Again

   Reading Time: 6 min 8 sec   We all want the best for our children. We agonize over their choices of friends, make sure they are in well-rounded activities, advocate with their teachers, and stress about their futures. We sacrifice sleep, money, and time to set...

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How To Fight For Your Child’s Spiritual Survival

How To Fight For Your Child’s Spiritual Survival

   Reading Time: 6 min 19 sec   “Mommy!” a yell ripped through a fog of sleep, sending me bolt right up in bed. I scrambled to my feet and raced toward the sound. Throwing open the door, I fell to my knees beside her bed and gathered her up in my arms.  ...

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One Simple Family Prayer That Has Astonishing Results

One Simple Family Prayer That Has Astonishing Results

   Reading Time: 4 min 48 sec   It was the best day of the year, his birthday. A shy grin stretched across his face as he was surrounded on every side with aunts, and uncles, grandparents, and cousins, siblings, and parents. He listened to the rousing rendition...

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How To Teach Your Kids to Pray When You Have No Clue

How To Teach Your Kids to Pray When You Have No Clue

   Reading Time: 5 min 17 sec   Every Sunday she stared out the window with longing as she watched her next-door neighbors leave all dressed up in their Sunday best for church. She longed for the love, peace, laughter, and stability that the family exuded. And...

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How to Stop Abdicating Your Spiritual Role as A Parent

How to Stop Abdicating Your Spiritual Role as A Parent

   Reading Time: 5 min 40 sec   As Christian parents we all want our children to grow up to know and love God. We want them to behave well, get good grades, and live a moral life. We believe that if we can only keep them in a church, they will develop a faith...

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