Reading Time: 4 min 44 sec
Have you ever felt frustrated at the lack of depth in your relationship with God? Have you ever wondered if this is all there is? Have you read the stories of people like Bonhoeffer, Lewis, and Mother Theresa and wondered how did they get there?
We read our Bibles, we pray, we journal, we attend church, small groups and prayer meetings. We run from workshop, to retreat, to conferences hoping for something (a blinding light and a voice from heaven would work) transformative that would allow us to have a depth of relationship with God instantaneously. Why? Because we know we were created for a deep relationship with Jesus. We just have no idea how to build it.
Have you ever met those people who glow? Who through one conversation you can almost see the love of Jesus just pouring off them? I have met and read about a couple of those people throughout the years and I yearned for what they had. How did they get to where they are?
Here is what I found out, after many conversations and studying great men and women of faith, a deep life-changing relationship with God:
1. A Relationship With God: Is an Investment
2. A Relationship With God: Is a Priority
3. A Relationship With God: Is a Journey
4. A Relatioship With God: Is Life Changing

1. It’s an Investment
Your relationship with God is an investment both in time and energy. We sometimes tend to think that if we spend ten minutes here or there we are suddenly going to have this super deep relationship with Jesus.
Brian Regan, in his famous sketch, demonstrates this concept: “You can microwave a Pop Tart. That just blew me away that you could microwave a Pop Tart. How long does it take to toast a Pop-Tart? A minute and a half if you want it dark? People don’t have that kind of time? Listen, if you need to zap-fry your Pop Tarts before you head out the door, you might want to loosen up your schedule.”
We are trying to zap fry our relationship with God before heading out the door, and let me be honest, it just doesn’t work that way, in any relationship, human or divine.
If you want a deeply intimate, life-changing relationship with God you are going to have to invest time in the relationship. You need to know the sound of His voice, experience His overwhelming love for you, and discover how to find your identity rooted and grounded in God. To find out more check out this article How To Pray When You Are Out Of Words.
2. It’s a Priority
The relationship of Billy Graham, Susanna Wesley, Corrie Ten Boom, among others, didn’t just appear overnight, they made their relationship with God their number one priority. They still had jobs, families, and commitments, but they invested their time wisely and poured into their relationship with Jesus.
I have a 3×5 card on my bathroom mirror that serves as a daily reminder of my priorities. My time with God trumps everything else, my relationship with my spouse, kids, personal goals or to do’s. When I can start to get wrapped up in other things I just mentally think of my card, and I make sure that whatever else gets done, I spend time with Jesus.
Dallas Willard, author of Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God captures the need with this quote,
“Few people arise in the morning as hungry for God as they are
for cornflakes or toast and eggs.”
Like anything worth doing, you are going to have to say no to some things so you can yes to a deeper relationship with Jesus. That might look like getting up earlier, or spending your lunch break or kids nap time with Jesus.
The sacrifices are worth it because you get to experience a life-altering relationship with God. Let us become people who wake up hungry for God.
3. It’s about the Journey
Investing in a relationship with God takes patience and the understanding that you are on a journey. Even on the days when you feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back you need to step back and remind yourself that its not about your speed, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
We can get so focused on getting to heaven that we lose sight of the fact that we are on a voyage with Jesus. We were not designed to grit our teeth and hold out for heaven, but to fully embrace what God has for us today, a love relationship with Jesus.
God is using literally everything in your life, the joy, the pain, and the mundane to draw you to himself. As you walk through everything that life throws at you, you have a choice, will you surrender and allow God to do his good work in you; or will you resist and stubbornly try to go your own way? Our time on earth is our metamorphosis, a time where we learn how to turn from our selfish desires, surrender our will and say yes to Jesus. The relationship, the transformation, the journey makes the end result (heaven) so much richer.
Surrender is the key to the journey.
4. It’s Life Changing
The time, energy, and sacrifices pale in significance to encountering a deep relationship with God. It’s like a whole new world opens up to you, and you are shouting (at least I was) “where has this been my whole life?”
C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity says it this way, “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not

As you grow closer and deeper in your relationship with God, you begin to experience, not just know, the love of the Father, and your life is truly transformed.
Paul writing to the Ephesians says
When you invest, make God your priority and understand that you are on a life-long journey you come to discover and experience the breadths, lengths, depths, and heights, to God’s love. Your life will never be the same.
Are you hungry and ready to experience a deeper life with God? Join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families.
Grab your free Deeper Life Beginners Guide (get it below) to help YOU get started on your journey to a thicker life with Jesus today!
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Oh, Alexis! I think we are soul sisters. This is exactly my mission for 2019 to go ever deeper into my relationship with Jesus and to help other women doing the same. I guess it is time to read Mere Christianity again because it had been several years now and I definitely didn’t remember that amazing quote. Thank you for the fantastic article.
Hi Sophie, Thank you for your encouraging words! Mere Christianity is Amazing! 🙂
Good morning Alexis:
My prayers are the same and I feel as if I not growing. How do I spend time with Jesus? I’m on the journey with my church reading the one year holy bible. After I read it go over it, pray what am I to do or what shall I do to deepen my relationship with my Lord and Savior?
Hi Rocki,
I’m sorry I am just seeing your comment now. First, your hunger for God is huge sign that he is at work in your life. Yay! I would encourage you to check out our 5 Steps To A Deeper Life With God for a list of practical first steps. I would also encourage you to check out these articles, How to Have Time With God When You Feel Awkward, How to Make God a Priority Now, and How to Experience God When You Hit a Plateau for more info.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Can’t wait to read it and stop being a luke warm Christian! I’ll let you know how it goes! Thank you Alexis!
Lisa, I am glad that this topic resonated with you! It is all about the small choices every day that leads you towards or away from God. I pray that this week God will give you ears to hear his voice, and eyes to see him at work all around you. Blessings! -Alexis
Today is April 2021. Been a Christian for awhile but recently found myself in a trial after a continuous relationship with Jesus. I didn’t doubt Him but wondered why He allowed my son to almost die. I was afraid to pray and read like i was so i stopped. So I questioned my growth in Him so with all that said, i believe He allowed me to read this and i felt a stirring up inside me to shake myself off and continue in my journey with Jesus. I want that deep relationship with Him and you reminded me of… Read more »