Reading Time: 4 min 25 sec
Do you ever wonder if homeschooling is really all everyone says it’s cracked up to be? Do you ever wish that you could get a real (not just Pinterest worthy) perspective on homeschooling? There are so many articles that trumpet the amazing benefits (or negatives) to homeschooling that you wish you could just get an honest behind the scenes look into homeschooling life.
You want the real truth. You want to ask questions like, “How do you afford it? Do you have bad days? Do you ever want to give up and ship your kids off to boarding school in Switzerland? What will I have to give up to homeschool?”
For a lot of us, it can feel like we are moving into uncharted territory when it comes to deciding whether or not to homeschool. The weight of responsibility for guiding our children into adulthood can seem heavy.
The amazing thing is that there are mama’s who have traveled this road ahead of you and we would love to help you through the process of deciding what’s best for YOUR family.
1.The Drawbacks of Homeschooling
2. The Benefits of Homeschooling

1. The Drawbacks of Homeschooling
As with everything, there can be some definite negatives to homeschooling. Homeschooling can be for some a serious lifestyle change. Your kids might have attended public school and deciding to educate them at home will be an adjustment for your family. You have to decide what sacrifices you are willing and able to make for this season in your family’s life.
These drawbacks can include:
a. The Loss of Second Income
This is one of the top reasons that keep families from homeschooling. You will have to adjust your budget and lifestyle to make homeschooling a priority.
b. The Loss of Furthering a Career
Unless you have a flexible schedule or can work from home, you have the strong probability that you will have to make sacrifices when it comes to furthering your career. (Yes, there are always exceptions to every rule.)
c. Limited Amount of Time with Other Adults
You will be spending a large majority of your day with children. Unlike a job, you will have to be intentional about meeting with other adults.
d. You are Primarily Responsible for your Child’s Education
Unlike sending your child to a traditional school, where you oversee their progress.
e. You are Responsible to Pay for their Education
You do not receive any help from the government when it comes to paying for your child’s education. And yes, you still have to pay your local school taxes.
f. Homeschooling is a Lifestyle there is no 8-5
As with parenting, your role as a teacher is 24/7. Your role as a teacher and a mother happen simultaneously throughout the day.
g. You Will Get Frustrated
As much as we would love to believe that every day will be full of Von Trapp Family moments, that just isn’t reality. There will be challenging times (and seasons) to homeschooling.
h. You Will Need to Be Flexible
You will start off with a brilliant plan for the school year only to have it undergo a thousand adjustments, and end up looking completely different (and probably throwing it out altogether). You will live in a world where you are constantly adjusting your teaching style, curriculum, and tools to fit the current needs of your children.
Okay, I know that this list can seem overwhelming. But stick with me and let’s talk about the pros of homeschooling.

2. The Benefits of Homeschooling
There are a number of benefits to Homeschooling. I think the overarching advantage is that homeschooling can be adapted to fit the specific needs of your family. You don’t have to homeschool like your best friend or the homeschooling super mom down the street. You can find a structure and rhythm that brings life into your family.
The benefits can include:
a. The Important Moments
You get to spend the majority of each day together as a family. And because of that, you get to be there for the important moments of life. Your children learn how to read while sitting on your lap. They get conquer Algebra and discuss their passions for the future at your kitchen table.
b. Custom Education
Your child gets the benefit of a tailor-made education. They are continually challenged (in a good way) because they are no longer are held back by the needs of an entire class. That being said, they also have the luxury of being able to spend as long as they need with a concept or subject before moving on.
c. Homeschooling Is Flexible
Education can fit the rhythm and values of your family. Do you like to travel? You can take your books with you and explore the world.
d. Your Child can Take Advantage of Out of the Box Opportunities
When you homeschool, you can arrange your child’s schedule to fit around their passions. Do they love animals? They can volunteer at an animal shelter in the morning and homeschool in the afternoon. The out of the box possibilities are endless.
e. Education in Real-Life
Your children get the benefit of seeing a direct correlation between education and real-life experience. You can practice math in the grocery store, or in measuring for a tree house or in cooking dinner. Your children get the benefit of learning real-life skills as you go about your life, not bound by the limitations of a school day.
f. You Get to Build Amazing Family Memories
Homeschooling creates permanent best friends for life. Your whole family learns together, plays together, and lives life together in community. You become a very close-knit family, full of family lore from the crazy adventures you have embarked upon.
g. Spark a Love of Learning
Homeschooling gives you the ability to spark a love of learning in your children. They will learn for the love of it, not just to take a test. I don’t know about you, but I care about raising adults who can thrive in society not be masters at taking tests.
So where do you go from here?
The point is: Homeschooling is not for everyone, and that’s okay. Your value as a parent is not determined on whether or not you teach your child at home. Homeschooling is just a tool that can be used in the life of your child. I would encourage you to talk with your spouse or trusted friend about your fears and concerns.
If you feel drawn to homeschool, join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through home education. I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form to help you on your journey.
You Got this Mom!
What about you? What are your top concerns when it comes to Homeschooling? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

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