10 Christmas Gift Ideas the Encourage a Love for God Kids Edition
Reading Time: 4 min 56 sec
Christmas’s come and go and do you ever find yourself struggling to remember what you gave or received last Christmas?
The whole point of Christmas is that it is a celebration of the Birth of Christ. I realized that I had focused on Christ’s Birth just in what we did (decorations, service, and activities) and totally bypassed what we GAVE at Christmas? As a part of our family values, we want to be intentional about weaving the things of God into every aspect of our lives.
Does that mean I don’t want to buy them any toys for Christmas? No, I believe that Jesus finds great delight in our joy! What would it look like to turn our child’s focus away from “getting” and towards not even just “giving” (though that’s amazing,) but on Jesus?
Could our focus on Jesus permeate not just our decorations or activities, but even the gifts themselves? What would giving gifts that become a part of their spiritual foundation be like? How would you find them?
Kids are experiential learners. Catherine Townsend in her book, Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey says it this way: “Discoveries made through direct experiences are more transformational and exciting for children than lessons in which adults tell them what they ought to know.” She goes on to say, “..through play children actively think things through.”
Kids need to be able to interact with the stories of Jesus as a part of building their spiritual foundation. When you include gifts that encourage a love for Jesus, you are also reinforcing your family’s values in the life of your child.
I would suggest starting a tradition of giving one or two gifts that turn your child’s eyes towards Jesus every Christmas or birthday.
I am including my top 10 favorite resources to help get the wheels turning. These include:
- Art Books

1. The Boy and the Ocean Max Lucado
“God’s love is like the ocean, my little boy,” she said. “It’s always here. It’s always deep. It never ends. God’s love is special.”
Oh my word, hands down, probably my favorite Christian picture book. The illustrations are beautiful, the words are life-changing, and what an amazing book to pull out at bedtime. The story draws parallels between Gods creation and His vast love for His children. I love how the writer, Max Lucado portrays parents who include God in everyday life. Both boys and girls will love this book.
Gods Great Love for You Rick Warren
This book is all about God’s overwhelming love for His kids told in such an imaginative way. Written by Rick Warren, the book shows a young girl on different adventures discovering God lavish love. The illustrations are adorable and though the book can be read to girls and boys, the book is specifically geared towards young girls. Suggested Age: 4-8 years old
3. Shhh…God is in the Silence Fiona Basile
I have had so many children and youth over the years ask me how do we hear God’s voice? This book is a great introductory book to one of the ways that we hear God’s voice, in the silence. In a time where we value filling up every available moment with something, this counter-cultural book reminds us that God was in “a gentle, quiet whisper”. (1 Kings 19:11-12).
This is a phenomenal paraphrased Bible for kids. The text is age appropriate, the illustrations are captivating, and the overarching story focuses on God’s never ending, never giving up always and forever love for his kids. I have read what feels like HUNDREDS of Bibles (okay, a little overdramatic here) and I haven’t found one yet that comes close.
5. Psalms for Young Children Marie-Helene Delval
This book is all about using the Psalms as a guide to teach children how to talk about their feelings. The Psalms are paraphrased and allows young children to understand and interact with the text. The text and illustrations are age appropriate and imaginative.

I would suggest using this book as a devotional and allowing the kids to act out the different parts of the Psalms. “Let’s clap our hands and shout with joy because God is a great strong king!”
6. Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing Sally Lloyd-Jones
This is an amazing collection of 101 devotionals from the author and illustrator of the Jesus Storybook Bible. This devotional is rich with powerful truths, always turning your child’s eyes towards Gods overwhelming love for them.
I would suggest reading one devotional slowly and thoughtfully each day. At the end of each passage, give your child time to respond before asking open-ended questions. Ages Elementary-Middle School.
Bible DVDs
7. Nest Bible Animated Classics
We have really enjoyed the Animated Bible Classics. These videos are a great complement to devotional time as they allow students to see Bible stories happen right before their eyes. There are thirty-six different stories and they are geared towards ages kindergarten-third grade.
8. What’s In the Bible Series
Phil Vischer (the creator of Veggie Tales) created this fun 13-part series for older kids where he unpacks the narrative of the Bible with detail and wit. I found the series amazing because he manages to go into a lot of detail (for elementary kids) about the books of the Bible, always drawing their attention back to the overarching theme of God’s great rescue plan. This series gives them a great Biblical foundation. Ages 4-Elementary
Art Books
9. Praying in Color Kids Edition Sybil Macbeth
Have you ever heard, “But I don’t want to pray? I don’t know what to say? I’m embarrassed to pray out loud?” This is a revolutionary resource for children (and adults) who want another try another way to spend time with God. The author, Sybil Macbeth gently leads children in understanding what prayer is, common prayer problems, how to pray, and step by step of how to pray using art. This has been an amazing resource for children and students who have felt inadequate or have had a hard time concentrating when it comes to prayer. Love it! Ages 5-11.
10. The Bible Doodle Book Zondervan
This doodle book has 100 unfinished drawings (and stickers) for children to complete. I love it because the children can use the prompts to help them complete the drawings. You can use the drawings/prompts to as a complement to your daily family devotions. A creative way to engage with the Bible! Ages 6 & Up.
Gifts for Mom:
1.The Season of the Nativity Sybil MacBeth
2. Death By Suburb-How to Keep the Suburbs from Killing Your Soul David L. Goetz
3. Organized Simplicity: The Clutter Free Approach to Intentional Living Tsh Oxenreider
What about you? What are your Favorite Kid gifts that foster a love for Jesus in your child?
Please feel free to leave me a comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!