How To Read The Bible When You Can’t Focus

How To Read The Bible When You Can’t Focus


Reading Time: 4 min 53 sec


I closed the door and sank into my favorite chair, my mind spinning. “Okay,” I thought. “I’ll have devotions, get ready, then the bank, grocery store, and return the library books.” I grabbed my Bible and turned to the next chapter and started to read.


How can a young person stay on the path of purity?  By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart
 that I might not sin against you….”


“I forgot I need to meal plan. Augh. Another thing to add to the list.”  I can feel my stress level start to rise as my list of to-dos’ get longer. “I can do this. I just need to focus.” I pull my attention back to the Bible.  This time I make it through a half a verse before I’m thinking about what meals would work with our schedule for the upcoming week.


I pull my attention back to the page for a third time, feelings of guilt overwhelming me. I want to invest in my relationship with Jesus, but today (okay, most days) feel like a train wreck. I want to be focused, but it feels like there are so many other things screaming for my attention. If it’s not the to-do list, then it’s the kids clamoring for attention.


Why is it that I just can’t seem to focus? I know I should enjoy reading the Bible: but it just feels painful at times. What am I doing wrong? After several attempts, I give up and tell myself that I will try another day. After all, how meaningful could this time with Jesus be when I am so distracted?


Have you ever experienced a hard time concentrating when you read scripture? If so, here are five quick tips to help you focus when you read the Bible.


Bible For Beginners: Rhythm 

Bible For Beginners: Heart

Bible For Beginners: Tools

Bible For Beginners: Experience 

Bible For Beginners: Community

Bible Reading For Beginners

1. Bible For Beginners: Set Your Rhythm


The first tip is to find a rhythm to meet with Jesus. There is a distinct difference mentally between fitting Bible reading into the cracks of your day and planning your day around time with Jesus.

Every day I have two or three big rocks that I plan my day around. These are my top priorities that directly reflect my values.  For me, daily spending time with Jesus is a big rock.


Finding a daily rhythm is crucial to accomplishing these values. What this means is that instead of being time-based (devotions at 8:30 am), I focus on the first thing on my list.  When it’s complete, I move on to the next big rock. When the baby cries, the dog doesn’t stop barking, or I overslept, I don’t automatically miss my window for spending time with Jesus.


What are your two-three big rocks? If nothing else happens in your day, but you accomplish these things, your actions will reflect your overall values for life.


2.  Bible For Beginners: Prepare Your Heart  


Tip number two is all about preparing your heart before you spend time in God’s word. What this is all about is eliminating any possible distractions.  This step is so important to spending quality time with Jesus.


It is a hallow feeling to be in the company of someone with whom we long to have a satisfying personal exchange, only to watch hope dissolve as the time together is drained by superficial chatter or surface distractions.”-Richard Foster

Write down a quick list of the thoughts your mind is dwelling on. This could be to-do’s, parenting issues, or upcoming activities.  This activity gives us the freedom to not have to remember the myriad of thoughts rolling around in our heads.


Pray and invite God into this time. Ask him to help you to be present to him as he is ever-present to you. Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read God’s word and pray.


3. Bible For Beginners: Change Your Tool

The ways we connect with God might need to change to fit the different seasons of our lives.   You might enjoy journaling, and then you reach a season where it feels dry and lifeless. This is a completely normal part of your journey into a deeper relationship with Jesus.  


You might want to try meeting with Jesus by listening to his word read aloud, trying a new devotional, or watching scripture unfold through a movie.  You can always pick up journaling, or Bible study, etc. again in the future.


Bible Reading For Beginners
Don’t feel the need to finish something. If a tool is no longer meeting you where you are at (or you are dreading you using it), put it down.


The Visual Bible is a great alternative to reading scripture. These movies give a verse by verse account of Matthew and Acts. They are powerful and provide a fresh way to connect with God’s word.


4. Bible For Beginners: Experience God


The Bible is the living, breathing word of God. When we spend time in scripture, it is an active, not passive activity. Richard Foster explains it like this, “Reading the Bible for spiritual transformation is not a one-sided endeavor: it is a dialogue of human spirit and Holy Spirit.”


We are not just reading the Bible to acquire more information about God; we read it to experience his living word. Scripture has the power to transform our hearts and lives when we surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit.


We can engage in God’s word by reading slowly and prayerfully. The goal is not to finish the chapter or the book but to allow the Holy Spirit to use God’s word to transform our souls.


5. Bible For Beginners: Life In Community


Engaging in God’s word was not supposed to be a solitary activity. We were designed by God to live life together in community. We need a strong support system to encourage us when we are frustrated, discouraged, and unmotivated.


We need others to come alongside us and cover us in prayer. A community of faith is mission-critical to our growth as followers of Jesus. Here are three ways you can live life together in a community with others.


1. Participate (not just attend) in the life of a local church

2. Participate in a small group (typically found at your local church)

3. Are you hungry to know and experience a deeper relationship with God? Do you dream of participating in an authentic community, where together you encourage one another, in your relationship with Jesus?  If so, join our waitlist for the Deeper Life Community. While you wait, you will receive for FREE our Deeper Life Beginners Guide and will be the first to know when registration opens.  Grab your guide today!


The five tools for reading our Bible when we just can’t focus are: finding our rhythm, preparing our hearts, changing our tools, experiencing God, and living life in community with others.

What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to reading the Bible?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


3 Lies Satan Wants Moms To Believe

3 Lies Satan Wants Moms To Believe


Reading Time: 5 min 42 sec


Mom life can be tough. From the second we wake up in the morning, until the moment our heads hit the pillow, there can be a constant assault: of tasks, activities, questions, and concerns filling our thoughts. Did we take the dog outside? Is Junior hitting a growth spurt? What are we eating for dinner tomorrow?


We worry over our child’s health, our financial situation, our mounting to-dos, and our dreams for the future. We warn our children about spiritual attacks and pray protection over our families.


We live-in full-blown Mama Bear mode ready to protect our loved ones at any moment. In fact, we can be so focused on caring for the needs of others that we fail to recognize the web of lies that has invaded our lives.


Satan loves to prey upon our insecurities, fears, and need for control. These lies are insidious. They infiltrate every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make, to how we relate to our spouse and parent our children. 


So, what are the subconscious lies that we believe?  Most often, they are the phrases that play in our heads at three am; or in our overreaction to a trivial issue. They mess with our feelings of control.   If we do not stop and identify the lies we believe, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over.


Developing awareness and replacing the lies with God’s truth is a lifelong process.  Here are three common lies that Satan likes to use to keep us from walking in freedom.


Mom Life: Lie #1- I Don’t Have The Time 

Mom Life: Lie #2- I Have To Do It Myself 

Mom Life : Lie #3- I Should Be Doing More 

mom life

1. Mom Life: Lie #1-I Don’t Have The Time 


How many times have we told ourselves, consciously, or unconsciously that we do not have the time? We do not have the time today: to take a walk, to spend time with Jesus, to go for coffee with a friend. There is this popular idea that a good parent equals a busy parent.  We believe that to take care of our family, we are called to sacrifice our own health: spiritually, physically, and mentally.  


This is a lie regarding our identity. We subconsciously believe that we are what we do. That our family will fall apart if we are not available 24/7.  That our God-given role as a mom is who we are as a person.


Being a mother is not who we are; it is what we do. Yes, we are passionate about nurturing our families, but we are first, and foremost, followers of Jesus. We are, as author Larry Warner likes to say, “Forgiven by God, chosen by God, adopted by God, belonging to God, containing God and beloved by God.”


As followers of Jesus, we are actually commanded: to invest in our relationship with Jesus, to live in community with others, to take care of our bodies, and even to rest! All throughout the Bible, there are examples of how to live a sustainable lifestyle.  At Creation, it says that God worked for six days, and on the seventh, he rested.


As moms, we are the model for how to live a healthy lifestyle for our children.  When we intentionally spend time with Jesus, when we say no to all the things we could do, so we can invest in activities that truly matter, those decisions form how our children operate in life.


Do not buy into the lie that you are what you do. You are a beloved daughter of the king. Your relationship with God, the health of your body, mind, and spirit is vitally important.  It cannot be regulated to the cracks in your schedule.  Be intentional about scheduling time to invest in your health today.


2.  Mom Life: Lie #2- I Have To Do It By Myself  


As a culture, we celebrate the myth of Super Mom. This unattainable woman equally juggles raising a family with a demanding career. Her hair and makeup are flawless while her meals are organic and homemade.  Her house is perfectly decorated.  Her kids are beautifully dressed, and she is professionally successful in all of her endeavors.  


The lie that we have to be a super mom; has been perpetuated throughout social media.  Images of picture-perfect meals, activities, and vacations assault our attention on every platform.  


We start to believe that if our lives do not look like an Instagram feed, that we must be doing something wrong.  We struggle with feelings of inadequacy: discouragement, exhaustion, isolation, and loneliness.  We subconsciously worry that if we showed our true colors that we would be rejected or judged.


God has a different plan in store for us. We are not supposed to wear ourselves out trying to compete with impossible (and fake) standards. He actually designed us to live in an authentic community with others.  A life where we can depend on another. Where we do not have to act like we have all the answers to life. 


It says in Hebrews 10:24-25, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


We are called to be live in real authentic relationships with other Christians.  Practically, this means participating in your local church small group, practicing hospitality, doing life together, caring, and praying for each other. We need to fight the lie that it is up to us to do and be everything by intentionally seeking community and not isolation. 



3. Mom Life: Lie #3-I Should Be Doing More 

This lie piggybacks off the last one.   Have you ever felt like you were always behind? That no matter what you do, it is never enough?

 The foundation of our culture is based on the qualities of hard work, achievement, and success.  Those qualities aren’t bad until they are taken to the extreme.  In the United States, we value burning the candle at both ends, which at its root, fosters a workaholic culture. We push ourselves to do more, believing the lie that more is the answer to life’s questions.

mom life

This attitude bleeds into every aspect of our lives: spiritually, professionally, and personally.  We have bought the lie that our productivity determines our worth. This lie attacks our very identity.


Who am I outside of what I produce?  


Are you trying to prove your worth by what you accomplish? Are you trying to earn God’s love and favor?


God invites us to a different type of life free from the rat race of performance.


Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”


As a follower of Jesus, you don’t have to prove your worth to God. You can take a huge breath of relief, resting in the fact that you are beloved by God, regardless of what you do.

Spend some time in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any area where you are trying to prove your worth through productivity. Ask God to replace those lies with the truth of his word.



We need each other to recognize the lies in our lives. We were designed to live together in community.  We need to have a strong support structure of like-minded people around us.


We can find community through our extended family, friends, and our local church. Be intentional about investing in close relationships with other women. Join our community of moms (below), who are serious about pursuing a deep relationship with Jesus. We are truly stronger together.


If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God: grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in their families. 

What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to recognizing the lies in your life?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


How To Consistently Read The Bible With Your Child

How To Consistently Read The Bible With Your Child


Reading Time: 5 min 7 sec


I shook my head in despair. This is ridiculous, I thought. I spend more time, energy, and money finding creative ways to teach my children Math and English than I do in fostering their relationship with Jesus.


Our family would go through seasons where my kid’s Bible reading was sporadic at best. I would find myself rushing through a daily devotional too, if I’m honest, check it off the list and make myself feel better.  I deeply desired to raise children who knew and experienced a relationship with Jesus; but my actions were not reflecting my values.  I felt dissatisfied and discouraged.


Thankfully, I stumbled onto the biography of Susanna Wesley, called 7 Women: And The Secret Of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas. She was the mother of Charles and John Wesley, evangelists who were powerfully used by God and who were also the founders of the Methodist church.  She was a mother of 19 children and practically raised them single-handedly (their father was gone a lot). 


Metaxas wrote that there was so much noise in her house that to spend daily time with Jesus, she would often throw her apron over her head to limit the distractions. Now that is a mom I can relate to! 🙂  Even more importantly, she was known for her consistency in helping her children create the habit of spending time with Jesus each day.


If she can do it with 19 kids, while parenting single-handedly, so can I.  After years of trial and error, here are three steps that have transformed how I read the Bible consistently with my children.


1. Reading The Bible: Finding Your Rhythm

2. Reading The Bible: The Right Tool

3. Reading The Bible: Listen And Respond

Reading The Bible

 1. Reading The Bible: Finding Your Rhythm 


As I read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom as a child, one of the aspects that struck me was how each morning the family would get dressed, eat breakfast, and start their day centered around the Bible.  Corrie’s father would read scripture aloud, and they would follow it with prayer.

This was a great example of a rhythm. They had three things that started their day. Get dressed, eat breakfast, spend time with Jesus. Those were the priorities, and everything else had to wait.


Yes, life with kids can be unpredictable. Okay, who am I kidding? It is always unpredictable. That’s where a rhythm is so genius. Instead of planning our day around the clock and getting frustrated when life happens, we plan our day around our big rocks, the 2-3 things that must happen every day.  We take our time, finish a task, we just move on to the next thing on the list.


So, when the dog decides to throw up on the carpet or there’s no milk for breakfast etc. you don’t have to stress out.  You know that when you return, time with Jesus is your focus.


Yes, there will be days when reading the Bible with your child does not happen (or anything else for that matter). And that’s okay… that’s life.  But what is amazing is that after implementing a daily rhythm, how life transitions from a reactive to a proactive approach.  Instead of struggling to make devotions happen each day, a rhythm serves as a flexible placeholder for time with Jesus each day.


2. Reading The Bible: Find The Right Tool 


Finding the right tool for the right season makes all the difference in the world. There will be seasons where a long family devotion at home isn’t realistic. That doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel and just wait until the season passes until you get back into God’s word.


You can spend time with God using a variety of tools. There are different resources for different seasons. During one season, scripture set to music might be drawing your child to God. Embrace it. Reflect on the words. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your child.


In Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey, authors Stonehouse and May, explain it like this:

Being Christian is rooted in a relationship with Jesus, and relationships are unique; they begin in different ways and at different times for different persons. But however they begin, healthy relationships grow and change across the years. We want to honor the uniqueness of each child’s experience with God, and we want to participate with God in encouraging the development of that relationship, their spiritual formation.”


Talk to the Holy Spirit. What are you and your children drawn to right now? What are you interested in? Trust the Holy Spirit is leading you.  Your child can interact with God’s word through audio, video, activities, songs, prayer, art, and even nature.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Jesus Storybook Bible
  2. The Visual Bible: Matthew and Acts
  3. Praying In Color: Kid’s Edition
  4. The Jesus Storybook Bible Audio
  5. Listening To Worship Music and Drawing


3. Reading The Bible: Listen and Respond 

    A crucial part of reading the Bible consistently with your child is the interaction with the Holy Spirit. The Bible is a living, breathing book.  It is meant to be read actively, not passively. We do this by first inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to us through his word and second responding to what we have read.

    This is KEY. If we are not careful, we can fall into the trap of reading to get it done or to feel good about ourselves. But what God is inviting us into through scripture is soo much better.

    Reading The Bible

    He is inviting us into a deeper relationship with him.  That comes from responding to what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to us (and our children) through the text.

    When you read the Bible with your children, remember that it is all about a relationship. The relationship between your child and God. Allowing space for the Holy Spirit means that as parents, we need to emphasize more silence and less teaching. This forces us to acknowledge that we are not the God of the universe, and the Holy Spirit is our teacher.


    How To Read The Bible With Your Child 

    a. Invite God’s presence. Ask him to speak to you and your child through his word.

    b. Read the story or passage slowly. Notice anything the Holy Spirit might be highlighting.

    c. At the end of the passage, spend some time in silence.

    Give the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak to you and your child.  THIS IS CRUCIAL. This is where your child responds to the reading. You are training your child to take the time to listen to the Holy Spirit.


    Do not jump over this step even if it feels uncomfortable.  When you allow space for the Holy Spirit meditation on scripture goes from head (what I know about God) to heart. The Holy Spirit uses the active, living word of God to transform our hearts.


    c. Ask your child what caught their attention as you were reading. It could be something from scripture or an event that happened that day.

    d. Finish by closing in prayer and thanking God for his active participation in your lives.


    The key to reading the Bible consistently with your child involves establishing a daily rhythm, finding the right tool for the right season, and actively responding to what you have read.  You got this, Mom!


    If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

    What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


    How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child

    How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child


    Reading Time: 3 min 10 sec


    Do you ever wonder how to choose the best Bible for your child? Are all kids Bibles created equal? What type of Bible should you be looking for?


    I have a 6th grader this year and I’m looking for an engaging, fun, and informative Bible for my child.” Do you choose a Bible purely based on age-development, or preference?  


    Or do you choose a Bible-based on educational needs? “I need to find a more challenging Bible for my child. She really needs to focus on developing her reading comprehension. Her current Bible is great but I know she can definitely read at a higher level.”


    Browsing the shelves at my local Christian bookstore, I was amazed at the plethora of children’s Bibles available on the market. Everyone from recording artists to chefs and leadership gurus had their version of a children’s Bible on the shelves.  It was frankly overwhelming.


    So how do you cut through all the options and find the best Bible for your child? We are going to share with you the key indicators of quality child’s Bible PLUS our top recommendations for kids. 


    Grab a latte, sit back, relax, and say goodbye to camping out in the aisle of your local Christian book store for good. 🙂


    1. Best Bible: How Children Learn

    2. Best Bible: How To Choose 

    3. Best Bible: Recommendations

    Best Bible

     1. Best Bible: How Children Learn


    The first step to choosing the best Bible for your child is understanding how children learn and process information.  This will equip you with a grid that will help you to remove any stumbling blocks (in your power) that would prevent your child from connecting with Jesus.


    Children Learn Experientially– Kids learn best by getting their hands messy. This process (partnered with the Holy Spirit) allows them to engage their senses and turn head knowledge into heart transformation.


    Children Are Visual Learners– Kids can connect with God powerfully through images. Pictures, concrete materials, nature, and art, all of these play a HUGE part in the spiritual development of our children.


    Children Are Concrete Thinkers- Kids at this stage in their development are typically not able to process abstract concepts.  The stories of Jesus are a wonderful place for children to wonder and experience God through scripture.


    Children Learn Best in the Context of Community-  

    Children form their image of God through relationships with parents, family, neighbors, and friends. They experience God by watching and participating in their local church community. They learn about what it means to live a with-God life through interactions with other adults.


    Children Are Spiritual Beings- Children are spiritual beings created by God. We are called, as parents to join the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing in the life of our child.


    2. Best Bible: How To Choose


    You are at the Christian book store or scrolling through Amazon just ready to find the perfect Bible for your child, what should you look for?   Here are the simple criteria that I use to help me choose the best Bible for my child. This is an adaption of a list found in Listening to Children On The Spiritual Journey.


    a. Does the Bible communicate a loving God?


    b. Are the pictures beautiful and or interesting?

    Nothing crushes interest in a Bible storybook than boring images. We want to be aware of and intentional about removing obstacles that might hinder our children’s experience of God.


    c. Are the words concrete and captivating?


    d. Are the chapters short?

    Seriously, we want to set ourselves up for success. Nothing sucks the joy out of Bible reading than trying to plow through an extra-long chapter with a squirmy child.


    e. Are the stories true to actual text?

    Several versions get a little too free with their artistic license. We want to stay as close as possible to the original meaning and text while still meeting children where they are  developmentally.


    3. Best Bible: Recommendations 

      For those of you who are interested, here is a list of my favorite Bibles for children. Most of these Bibles are well-worn favorites on my own bookshelves. 

      I have to mention that the Jesus Storybook Bible is by far my favorite. I would recommend using that Bible with your child up through the elementary years.  Sally Lloyd-Jones does an amazing job of communicating God’s over the top love for his children. This Bible is a foundation forming tool. It really helps your child form a wonderful picture of the character of God. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! 🙂


      Best Bible
      If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

      What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


      How To Help Your Child Embrace The Bible And Not Be Bored

      How To Help Your Child Embrace The Bible And Not Be Bored


      Reading Time: 4 min 56 sec


      If you watch any tv show, bible reading and church are depicted as activities to be endured. The lead characters are typically dragged to church by well-meaning mothers and grandma’s, more out of a sense of social obligation and tradition, than out of a love for Jesus. 


      We snicker as dads make jokes about covertly falling asleep at church, bored to death by the pastor’s dry sermons. And we start to internalize the message that the things of God are boring.


      We like to invest in activities that give us results. We live in a culture where Christianity commonly is portrayed as an emotional prop for unenlightened.  Every day we are assaulted by the seemingly innocuous messages that the things of God are dry lectures to be endured.


      It is no wonder we worry that by bringing our child to church every Sunday and making them read the Bible, that it could turn them off to the whole idea of Christianity.  We worry that the Bible will seem boring or confusing to our child.


      As parents who desire to follow Jesus, it is normal to have questions. We understand that the stakes are high, and we do not want to fail in raising our kids to know and love God.


      Here are three simple steps to help your child embrace the Bible and not be bored.


      1. Bible Reading: Your View

      2. Bible Reading: The Goal

      3. Bible Reading: Wonder Together

      Bible Reading

      1. Bible Reading: Your View


      What is your current experience of the Bible? Do you find it a boring task to be completed?  A “should” that never seems to make it off your to-do list? Do you tune out when the Bible is read aloud? Does it seem dry, boring, or out of date?  Or do you find it alive, powerful with fresh insights?


      It is important to understand your feelings regarding your experience of scripture. Because your conscious (or subconscious) experience with the Bible directly influences your child’s perception of scripture.  “Children imitate what they observe about beliefs, attitudes, and actions.” Vernie Schorr Love


      If you desire that your child would love and engage in the living words of the Bible, then your experience with scripture has to change. You cannot lead from behind— you have to lead by example.


      There is a great transformation that comes from weaving knowledge of and experience with God together.  We cannot live our lives accumulating facts about God. We have to stop and give the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak to us.


      Here is an exercise that will help you talk with God about your experience with scripture.

      I would encourage you to not skip over the activity.  When you take time to reflect, with God, powerful transformation happens! 🙂


      Prayer Exercise

      a. Open the notes section of your phone.

       b. Take two minutes and start writing down words, phrases, or sentences that describe your current experience of God.  Be brutally honest. Set your timer and fully engage in this exercise.

       c. Now, glance over the words you have written.  Does any word or phrase surprise you?

       d. Share these insights with God. Spend some time silence, giving the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak to you.

       e. Finish by sharing with him your desire for a new experience with his word.


      2. Bible Reading: The Goal


      I think a lot of us are confused about the goal of reading the Bible with our children. It can be easy to see scripture as a big book of rules, overflowing with cautionary tales. When we look at scripture through that lens, it is no wonder we worry that our children will see the Bible as boring.


      I have also seen the Bible used as punishment for bad behavior. Is there anything that could suck the love of scripture out of your child more than being forced to copy a hundred verses of Proverbs 12:19, “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.”?


      A lot of us assume that the primary goal of scripture is to show us how to live a moral life. And so, we treat the Bible purely as a manual for right living. And though that is partly true, it is not the full story.

      Catherine Stonehouse and Scottie May, in their book: Listening to Children on the Spiritual Journey, unpack it this way,

      We do want children to know basic Biblical facts, but our ultimate purpose is so much bigger. We long to see them meet God and get to know God, not just know about God. Children experience God as they enter the stories of Scripture and see God in action, discovering God’s character as the story unfolds, and as they hear their self-revealing God speak to them in the narrative.”


      The power of the Bible is that it not only shows, but allows us to experience God’s transforming presence in our lives. Scripture invites our children to embark on a love relationship with Jesus. It is only out of the foundation of a love relationship that true transformation can take place.

        We have to remind ourselves that our goal is not to data dump our children with facts and figures about God, or to try and get extra brownie points in heaven because our child read through the Bible in one year.

        The goal of reading the Bible with our children is to introduce them to a God who lavishly loves them. And out of that love relationship, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they come to know, experience, and follow him.

        Bible Reading

         3. Bible Reading: Wonder Together


        So how do we introduce our children to a loving God through the pages of scripture?

        The secret to reading and engaging with the Bible is by wondering together. Seriously, this is a POWERFUL tool to help your child engage with God’s word (instead of check out).


        Wondering is all about active participation in the words of God. It takes head knowledge and through the power of the Holy Spirit, and creates heart transformation. Wondering gives space to reflect, to internalize, and to allow the Holy Spirit to transform our souls.

        So here’s how it works:


        We read a Bible story or passage of scripture slowly. We invite our children to notice. To interrupt. To wonder.


        I wonder why the disciples were so grumpy?  I wonder if Jesus likes to eat ice cream? I wonder if Abraham tried to count all the stars in the sky? 


        Children at this stage of their development are very visual learners. They love looking at pictures and are masters at noticing the smallest detail. I almost always incorporate some sort of visual image into our daily time with Jesus. Visual images are an important part of engaging children in the practice of wondering.


        So how in the world do you do it?  Here are some simple steps you can use as you read the Bible with your children.


        Scripture Exercise


        1. Pray and invite God’s presence. Ask him to speak to you/your children through the Biblical story.


        1. Read the Bible story or scripture passage slowly.


        1. Invite your child to interrupt and wonder along the way.


        1. Encourage your children to notice different images, words, or thoughts that come to mind.


        1. Spend some time wondering about the story or passage together.


        1. Close by praying and thanking God for his presence during this time.



        If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

        What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


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