How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child
Reading Time: 3 min 10 sec
Do you ever wonder how to choose the best Bible for your child? Are all kids Bibles created equal? What type of Bible should you be looking for?
“I have a 6th grader this year and I’m looking for an engaging, fun, and informative Bible for my child.” Do you choose a Bible purely based on age-development, or preference?
Or do you choose a Bible-based on educational needs? “I need to find a more challenging Bible for my child. She really needs to focus on developing her reading comprehension. Her current Bible is great but I know she can definitely read at a higher level.”
Browsing the shelves at my local Christian bookstore, I was amazed at the plethora of children’s Bibles available on the market. Everyone from recording artists to chefs and leadership gurus had their version of a children’s Bible on the shelves. It was frankly overwhelming.
So how do you cut through all the options and find the best Bible for your child? We are going to share with you the key indicators of quality child’s Bible PLUS our top recommendations for kids.
Grab a latte, sit back, relax, and say goodbye to camping out in the aisle of your local Christian book store for good. 🙂
1. Best Bible: How Children Learn
2. Best Bible: How To Choose
3. Best Bible: Recommendations

1. Best Bible: How Children Learn
The first step to choosing the best Bible for your child is understanding how children learn and process information. This will equip you with a grid that will help you to remove any stumbling blocks (in your power) that would prevent your child from connecting with Jesus.
Children Learn Experientially– Kids learn best by getting their hands messy. This process (partnered with the Holy Spirit) allows them to engage their senses and turn head knowledge into heart transformation.
Children Are Visual Learners– Kids can connect with God powerfully through images. Pictures, concrete materials, nature, and art, all of these play a HUGE part in the spiritual development of our children.
Children Are Concrete Thinkers- Kids at this stage in their development are typically not able to process abstract concepts. The stories of Jesus are a wonderful place for children to wonder and experience God through scripture.
Children Learn Best in the Context of Community-
Children form their image of God through relationships with parents, family, neighbors, and friends. They experience God by watching and participating in their local church community. They learn about what it means to live a with-God life through interactions with other adults.
Children Are Spiritual Beings- Children are spiritual beings created by God. We are called, as parents to join the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing in the life of our child.
2. Best Bible: How To Choose
You are at the Christian book store or scrolling through Amazon just ready to find the perfect Bible for your child, what should you look for? Here are the simple criteria that I use to help me choose the best Bible for my child. This is an adaption of a list found in Listening to Children On The Spiritual Journey.
a. Does the Bible communicate a loving God?
b. Are the pictures beautiful and or interesting?
Nothing crushes interest in a Bible storybook than boring images. We want to be aware of and intentional about removing obstacles that might hinder our children’s experience of God.
c. Are the words concrete and captivating?
d. Are the chapters short?
Seriously, we want to set ourselves up for success. Nothing sucks the joy out of Bible reading than trying to plow through an extra-long chapter with a squirmy child.
e. Are the stories true to actual text?
Several versions get a little too free with their artistic license. We want to stay as close as possible to the original meaning and text while still meeting children where they are developmentally.
3. Best Bible: Recommendations
For those of you who are interested, here is a list of my favorite Bibles for children. Most of these Bibles are well-worn favorites on my own bookshelves.
I have to mention that the Jesus Storybook Bible is by far my favorite. I would recommend using that Bible with your child up through the elementary years. Sally Lloyd-Jones does an amazing job of communicating God’s over the top love for his children. This Bible is a foundation forming tool. It really helps your child form a wonderful picture of the character of God. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! 🙂

What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!