Short on Time? 40 Ways to Homeschool on the Run

Short on Time? 40 Ways to Homeschool on the Run

Reading Time: 3 min 14 sec

Have you ever felt like you spend way too much time in the car running the kids from activity to activity?  There are seasons throughout the year where no matter how you slice it, time in the car seems to grow exponentially. Doctors’ visits, milk runs, trips to the library, vacations, soccer practice, church, field trips, swim practice, Starbucks runs (just being real), you get the point. There is A LOT of driving.  


I am a big proponent of allowing space for great conversations and even silence on road trips. However, there are times when you need to pull a Mary Poppins and grab an activity out of the bag.  What I love about car schooling, is that pretty much any subject can be learned in the car.  Chemistry? Memorize the Periodic Table. Math? Memorize the Multiplication Tables. 


 What I love about car schooling is that you have limited distractions, and you get to spend concentrated time fostering your child’s imagination.  You get the opportunity of exposing them to a wide variety of literature, music, history, science; all from the comfort of your own car. In this article, we are going to talk about our top 40 resources for homeschooling on the run.


The top resources are broken into four categories: 


  1. Individual Games

  2. Music

  3. Art

  4. Audio Books


So let’s dive in…


Car Games & Activities


Here are six individual and group games that are great for family road trips! Ages 4 & Up


    1. Geoboard                             Math
    2. Rory’s Story Cubes           Language Arts                 
    3. Math Dice Jr.                        Math
    4. Rush Hour                            Logic
    5. Brain Builders                      Logic
    6. Magna-Tiles                         STEM


* Story Cubes is an amazing game that encourages children to tell a story using the story prompts on the dice.  This is a game, that even the driver can play.  Just have one designated person to roll the dice and call out the results. 


Music is great for those times when you are running errands and the constant stops prevent you from really engaging in an audiobook.

My children have learned SO MUCH from listening to great music into their time in the car. We have not only listened to a variety of styles (classical, jazz, big band, country etc.) but we have also memorized multiplication facts, state capitols, and the periodic table.

The Classical Kids collection is AMAZING! Each cd tells the story of a famous composer set to music. We have listened to these CDs hundreds of times for years.  They have really fostered a love of classical music in my children. LOVE!

I would encourage you to browse your local library’s audio collection (or Spotify) but in the meantime, here are some of our favorite audio CDs. Ages Three & Up


7.  Kids Meet Composers                                                  

8.  Classical Kids-Mozart’s Magnificent Voyage         

9.  Classical Kids-Mozart’s Magic Fantasy                         

10.  Classical Kids-Tchaikovsky Discovers America

11. Classical Kids-Beethoven Lives Upstairs                      

12. Classical Kids-Mr. Bach Comes to Call                          

13. Classical Kid’s ChristmasBeethoven’s Wig Series 1                                   

14. Beethoven’s Wig 2, More Sing Along Symphonies 

15. Brain Beats                                                                                                                       16. Brain Beats #2

17. Multiplication Rock

18. Beth Manner’s Fun French for Kids

19. Beth Manner’s Magic French for Kids


 We love these activity/art books! It is amazing to watch your children learn about STEM, Geography, Art, Math, History, and Language Arts on the way to grandmas just from an activity book! Ages 4 & Up 

Optional: You might want to think of finding a lap desk for your child, depending on how much they enjoy doing art in the car.


Here are some of my FAVORITE resources:


20. Extreme Dot to Dot Around the World   8+                                                                      

21. Rosie Revere’s Big Project Book for Engineers                     Andrea Beaty

  1. Impressionist Coloring Book                                              Patience Coster
  2. Draw Europe                                                                     Kristin Draeger
  3. Draw the USA                                                                   Kristin Draeger
  4. Draw. Write. Now. Series                                     Marie Hablitzel and Kim Stitzer
  5. Paint By Sticker Kids: Zoo Animals
  6. Etch A Sketch
  7.  Silly Putty



Audio Books 

Audiobooks are an amazing way to expose your children to great literary content while saving your voice. Woohoo!

Helpful tip: When choosing titles, take your child’s personality and the books recommended ages into consideration.  When you remove the task of deciphering the words, children can comprehend more advanced forms of writing.   

Ages 4 & Up


29. Amelia Bedelia Series                                   Peggy Parish                                                   30. Madeline Series                                        Ludwig Bemelmans                                                31. The Paddington Bear Series                        Michael Bond

32. Mercy Watson Series                                  Kate DiCamillo                                                      33. The Wind in the Willows                          Kenneth Grahame

34. Betsy and Tacy                                         Maud Hart Lovelace

35. Henry Huggins Series                                   Beverly Cleary

36. The Melendy Series                                  Elizabeth Enright

37. The Boxcar Children series                   Gertrude Chandler Warner

38.  Pollyanna                                               Eleanor H. Porter

39. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM             Robert C. O’Brien

40. Little Men                                              Louisa May Alcott

What about you? What are your favorite ways to take advantage of travel time? Please feel free to leave me a Comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

 Want to dive in deeper? Check out these 2 Bonus Resources:


  1. Give Your Child the World Jamie C. Martin
  2. Read A-Loud Family Sarah Mackenzie




10 Library Hacks to the Hidden World of Free Curriculum

10 Library Hacks to the Hidden World of Free Curriculum


Reading Time: 4 min 55 sec

Are you interested in Homeschooling but not sure how to get started?  Are you tired of spending money on expensive curriculum, that you will use only once? Me too! I balk at the very thought of buying expensive curriculum not knowing if we will love or hate it. Do you want to take finally take advantage of those hard-earned tax dollars and try out a new curriculum for free? 


We know the library has a lot to offer, but due to the lack of time or our full schedules, we settle for either checking out books or attending a toddler story time, without uncovering its vast resources. So, let’s discover the hidden gems of your library system. *

We will be talking about:

  • WorldCat

  • Elearning

  • Homework Help

  • Events

  • EAudiobooks

  • EMusic

  • EMagazines

  • Streaming Video

  • ENewspapers
  • Research Tools


* This article is to serve as an example of what things could be offered at your local branch. You will need to access your local library’s website for a full listing of the amenities they offer.  For all of these services, you will need a valid library card and you might need to download an app for your mobile device.


1. WorldCat

WorldCat allows you to borrow materials from participating libraries all across the United States.  I LOVE this feature, I have used it to for hard to find books, textbooks, and audiobooks.  The 5-10 minutes it takes to submit a request can save you literally hundreds of dollars!  You can typically find this feature under either the WorldCat tab or the library information tab.

To submit a request, you will need your library card number, the author, title, year and ISBN number (I grab that info from Amazon).  After you submit your request, the screen will populate with either the name of the book (and its location in the US) or an error message that lets you know the book is not available in the interlibrary loan system.

You can choose where you submit your book request (typically a library closest to your location) by clicking on the Libraries Worldwide that Own Item button, located under the Availability tab.

 Or you can just click the button Borrow this item from another library, (also found in the availability section), fill out your personal information and click submit.


It can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a couple of months to process your request. The library also has the option of denying your request, (typically when it is a popular book) if that happens you will receive an e-mail letting you know that your request was denied.  You can then submit another loan request to another library.


  1. Elearning 

I don’t know about you but I was over the moon excited when I found out that our local library offered the Rosetta Stone language program through the library system. I saved $200 with this life hack! 


The e-learning programs are not limited to just language, but also math, economics, computer skills, practice tests, songwriting, instrument lessons, universal classes (500 classes -babysitting, yoga, to accounting) to name a few.


You can find these tools typically under the ELibrary or the Research and Learning tab. You might need to download the app for a number of online programs.  


3. Homework Help Coaches

There are some subjects (Calculus, I’m talking about you!) that once you hit high school, I’m lost. The library offers an amazing resource in their one on one tutoring either in person or online,  FOR FREE, PEOPLE!

Typically, the tutors are available on a first come first serve basis. They are set up to help with a specific homework assignment. The program is usually available from late afternoon to early evening, during the school year.


4. Events

We are all well aware of the toddler story time events, but are you aware they also offer a plethora of other activities?  I remember being surprised to witness a concert, by a local musician, in the kids’ section of the library!   

Library events can include, preschool & family story time, book clubs, concerts, board game nights, science classes, crafters and needlers, edible discussions, ESL classes, etc.

 You can find a listing of upcoming events at the library or on the Events tab on the library website.


5. EAudiobooks 


I don’t know about you but I like to maximize car travel by listening to quality audiobooks. This is a great resource for not only saving major money but accessing popular and classic fiction and nonfiction audiobooks.


You can find digital audiobooks typically under the Elibrary or Go Digital tab on the website.  You will have to download an app to access this resource.  You can check out a list of my favorite educational music and audiobooks here!


6. EMusic


Stream various genres of music such as Popular, Jazz, Classical, American, Historical, and Contemporary World Music straight to your laptop.  I found the American music playlist fascinating because it contains songs written by pioneers, immigrants, and miners, etc..  


They have over 8,400 albums separated by genre in this online collection.  You can find this resource typically under the go digital, emusic tabs on the library’s website.


6. EMagazines

Who else doesn’t like spending $6 on a magazine that you will read only once?  The library does offer hard copies of magazines, however sitting down to read a magazine might be a luxury when you have munchkins trying to pull all the books off the shelves.  


The library (probably in self-preservation) offers up to 250 Popular Magazines through the RB digital app with no limits and no due dates.


 Some libraries also offer full access to Consumer Reports, and National Geographic for Kids; in addition to the library’s subscriptions to online magazines, journals, and Newspapers. You can typically find these resources under the E-learning or Go Digital Tab on the website.


So, curl up with your favorite magazine in the comfort of your home, ideally with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream and in your favorite fuzzy PJs.



8. Streaming Video


Stream FREE movies, classical music performances, opera, ballet, live concerts, and documentaries straight to your computer! You can also stream to your tv using Roku, Apple TV, Xbox, Chromecast, or Amazong Fire tv.


You can find this resource typically under the go digital/emovies/streaming video tabs on the library’s website.


9. ENewspapers


Here is another great research tool for older students! You can receive access to local and regional digital newspapers in addition to publications like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and World Newspapers.  You can find this resource typically under the elibrary or go digital tab on the library’s website.


10. Research Tools


This resource is great not only middle school and high school students but for anyone interested in amazing research databases. Topics include genealogy, ancient and medieval history, diaries, and local and world history etc. You can typically find this resource under the research and learning tabs.


What about you? What are your Favorite Free Resources?   

Please feel free to leave me a comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!


Want More? Check out these Resources:

  1. Give Your Child the World    Jamie C. Martin
  2. Read A-Loud Family            Sarah Mackenzie


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How To Teach Your Preschooler at Home

How To Teach Your Preschooler at Home

Reading Time: 5 min 25 sec


It’s that time of year, when massive bins of pencils, crayons, and markers start appearing when swim paraphernalia is on massive discount, and Starbucks is threatening the upcoming arrival of their pumpkin lattes, that you know…. school… is…. coming!

You start to panic, because though you have made the scary decision to homeschool, and you have NO IDEA what you are doing!  Your adorable three-year-old is counting on you to make sure that she gets into the college of her dreams and you CAN’T MESS THIS UP! 

I was at the same place you are and now after homeschooling two children through preschool myself, I promise you, YOU CAN DO IT!

Everything a child learns in preschool can be learned through living life with you at home. So how do you do it?

  • Stare at Bugs
  • Build Forts

  • Explore Hidden Worlds

  • Listen to Fairy Tales

  • Play Hopscotch

  • Splash in Puddles

  • Go on Adventures

  • Dance Parties

  • Get Messy

  • Help Mommy

Seriously, kids are naturally curious. Who hasn’t sat beside a three or four-year-old without experiencing the endless assault of questions about everything from ducks to socks to spaghettiAs a homeschooling mom of a preschooler, all you have to do is to continue to encourage their love of learning at home!

So how do you do that? How to do you foster an environment of lifelong learning?  


1. Stare at Bugs-Be Curious! 

Kids are natural observers. They want to know how everything works. Be intentional about slowing down and answering their questions.   Of course, you can’t stop and answer their endless questions, every… single… time, however, you can be intentional about encouraging their love of learning.   It’s even better if you don’t know the answer to some super random question because then you and your child can go to the library and find a book on that topic. 


“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Albert Einstein


2. Build Forts-Use Your Imagination!

We have all this misconception that in order to learn we need to be sitting at a table doing busy work. There is study after study that says that play is not only important but crucial to the overall development of your child.

Through play, your child develops a myriad of skills not the least of which is imagination, that equips them to understand how the world works.  So let them pile up the couch cushions and sail for unchartered waters.

  “Play is the highest form of research.”        Albert Einstein


3. Explore Hidden Worlds-Read A Lot! 

Can you imagine a better childhood memory than snuggled up to your mom, covered in a blanket, listening to the stories of faraway places? The world is at your child’s fingertips and they come to understand that anything they want to know about can be found in the pages of a book. Through reading your child develops their vocabulary, critical thinking, imagination, and language skills.


Suggestion: Ella Bella Ballerina or Katie Series by James Mayhew


Children are made readers in the laps of their parents.”-Emilie Buchwald


  1. Listen to Fairy Tales

Avoid sibling squabbles and the endless “are we there yet?” questions by pulling out an audiobook as an alternative to the iPad for those days of errands or long road trips. Audiobooks not only save your voice (woohoo!) and allow you to read longer chapter books but they also develop imagination, listening, creativity and vocabulary skills. 


Suggestion: Start with short books, such as Madeline and move on to exploring longer chapter books like the Paddington Bear series.

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world.  Love of books is the best of all.” Jacqueline Kennedy


5. Play Hopscotch-All about Games 

Wow, the power of games cannot be underestimated! At one point,  I really wanted to develop my child’s math skills. I bought a couple of math board games and we have had so much fun playing together as a family.  Their math skills improved immeasurably and now math is one of their favorite subjects.

 What I love about using games is not only is it FUN but it serves as a mental hook; where later when that subject is studied more in depth, they have amazing memories to connect  with the new information.

 We now use games for every subject in homeschooling.

 Suggestion: Curious George Matching Game, Candy Land, and Magnetic Tiles.  


 If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Ignacio Estrada


6. Splash in Puddles- Get Outside

Do you remember how fun it was to walk in the rain and splash in every big puddle? I love reading about how nature preschools spend the morning outdoors in all types of weather (except dangerous).

 Playing outside in nature helps children be active, develop their imaginations, and their confidence,  learn about their planet, and respect living things. 


Suggestion: Visit parks, hike trails, pull up weeds, put on raincoats, and splash in streams!


“A child, more than anyone else, is a spontaneous observer of nature” -Maria Montessori 


7. Go on Adventures- Field Trips

It seems like the general assumption is that museums and four-year old’s do not go together.


I beg to differ.  It’s how you do it and knowing your child’s (and your own) limits.  With my preschool children, I would aim for a thirty-minute walk around the art museum.  You can either cover the entire museum or like we did spend your time in one or two rooms, just find what works for your family.


   Exposing kids to a wide variety of experiences helps to foster a love of art, literature, music, science etc. from a young age.

When they sit down to learn about math or art later in life, they come with an expectation of enjoyment, as they attach the wonderful memories they had as a young child exploring something new. 

Suggestion: Check out the events available at children’s museums, art and history museums, nature centers, zoos, dairy farms, libraries, ballet, and symphonies. 

 “Kid’s don’t need more toys -they need more adventures!” -Sarah Mueller


  1. Dance Parties-Listen to the Beat

By exploring a wide variety of music, your child will develop their creativity, language, and motor skills. 

Your child will be exposed to pop culture throughout their lives, so be intentional about developing their palate for music.  You might not necessarily listen to jazz, country or the blues, but your child sure will enjoy dancing to the different rhythms!

 There are several ways to listen to a variety of music at home, you just have to find out what works best for your family. One idea is that you could choose to listen to a different style of music every week or every month.


 Suggestion: One of our favorites is the Beethoven’s Wig and the Classical Kids audio series

  “Music can change the world.” Beethoven


9. Get Messy- Experience Art!

It is amazing what kids can create when you provide them with markers, crayons, colored pencils, and finger paint and let them go crazy.  Not only are children developing their creativity, but also their fine motor skills. 

If you don’t want to deal with the mess have your children paint while sitting on the back porch. Or I would have them pick up something on our nature walk (pinecone, rock, leaf) and bring it back to draw. 

 Suggestion:  Check out local museums for  art programs. These programs are specifically designed for preschoolers and most often are free!


      “Every child is an artist” -Picasso


  1. Help Mommy-Chores

Last but not least, teach your child to help you with the chores around the house. Yes, this is easier said than done but learning to clean up after themselves is just as important of a life skill as phonics.

 As your child participates in chores, it helps them to develop responsibility, a strong work ethic and gives them a sense of accomplishment. It also lets them know that they are an important part of your family.

 Start by teaching them how to do small tasks, such as pick up their toys, put away the silverware, fold socks, etc. 

 Suggestion:  To avoid your child feeling overwhelmed (at this age), stay in the room and offer to help them put away their toys.


  “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” Tim Notke


What about you? What are your favorite ways to foster a love of learning at home?


If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment and don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest. about you? What are your favorite ways to increase your child’s awareness of God? 

 If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forge

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