How To Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions With These 12 books

How To Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions With These 12 books

Do you want to go deeper, in your relationship with God, in your marriage, do you want to turn your finances around, find freedom in a clutter-free house, and raise your children to love God in 2024?  Are you hungry for more? More of God’s presence, more of His wisdom, more of His love?


Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”.  As much as we laugh at New Year’s resolutions, the basic idea of setting goals is powerful. 

I have compiled a list of twelve books to help give you actionable steps to achieve your dreams in 2024. 


Readers are Leaders. No matter what job you hold you are serving as a leader in some capacity.  It is imperative that you continue to learn and grow as you mature. 


“You are the books you read, the movies you watch, the music you listen to, the people you spend time with, the conversations you engage in. Choose wisely what you feed your mind.” -Unknown


I have compiled a list of some of the best books ranging from topics on organization, finance, parenting, leadership, biographies, marriage, discernment, and how to experience a deeper love relationship with Jesus.  There are twelve books- one for every month of the year. Some of these books are quick reads, and some you will need to savor as you allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart.


I would encourage you to look over the list and start with the books that you are most drawn to, you will be hungry to learn as opposed to just wanting to cross another book off the list (which is only mildly inspiring).

Let us know what your favorite book is from this list and why you love it. 


Here is to our best year yet!


Here are my Top Twelve Book Recommendations for 2024:





! Leave a comme

nt, and d











































































































1. Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living  Tsh Oxenreider   Organization                                      

What is It About:

(Amazon DescriptionOrganized Simplicity’s aim is to convince its readers that simple living is the absolute best way to live.  Be it with house cleaning, family schedule management, personal finances, and managing the “stuff” you allow within your four walls, the only way to live well is to do so intentionally and simply.

Why I Love it:

Tsh is not only an amazing writer, but she helps you answer the “why” behind why we do what we do. Full of practical tips; from schedules, to cluttered closets, to finances, this book is the answer to addressing the clutter and chaos of life.  Get It Here! 

2. Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality     David G. Benner               Faith

What is It About:

(Amazon Description)  Through careful examination of Scripture and reflection on the Christian tradition, Benner shows how God bids us to trust fully in his perfect love. God is love, and he intends for you to live in his love. Surrender to Love will lead you to an unexpected place, where yieldedness to God frees you to become who he created you to be.

Why I Love it:

Are you tired of living a life of performance before God? Do you long for an intimate relationship with Jesus? This book is an amazing tool for uncovering the lavish love of God poured out on us.  After you read and engage with this book, your spiritual life will never be the same. Get it Here!

  1.  The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness   Dave Ramsey                  Financial Transformation                            

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) You CAN take control of your money.   Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? There’s one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that’s with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition. Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt—meaning cars, houses, everything. Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you). Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

 Why I Love it:

Unless you live under a rock, almost everyone has heard of Dave Ramsey. I had to add this book to the list because it transformed my finances, helped me become debt-free, and live in financial freedom.  This book is an easy and entertaining read (on finances no less) but it packs a punch. Financial Freedom is right around the corner for YOU! Get it Here!


4. Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life

   Tish Harrison Warren                                            Faith

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) Christianity Today’s 2018 Book of the Year-In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God’s presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?  Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each activity is related to a spiritual practice as well as an aspect of our Sunday worship.

Why I Love it:

 Do you ever wonder if you can truly be present to God while changing a dirty diaper, folding laundry, and running kids to activities? Tish brings to light God at work in the mundane tasks of our everyday lives. This is a very practical and encouraging book that women (and men) won’t want to put down. Get it Here!


  1. 7 Women and the Secret of their Greatness                      Eric Metaxas                                         Biography 

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas gives us seven captivating portraits of some of history’s greatest women, each of whom changed the course of history by following God’s call upon their lives.  Each of the world-changing figures who stride across these pages—Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Sister Maria of Paris, Corrie ten Boom, Rosa Parks, and Mother Teresa—is an exemplary model of true womanhood.

Why I Love it:

 Eric Metaxas is not only a superb writer but what an inspiring book! He dedicates a chapter to seven women who exemplified Christ is such similar and vastly different ways.  You will be encouraged, captivated and inspired to wholeheartedly dive after God’s plans for your own life after reading this book.  Get it Here! 

  1. Death By Suburb-How to Keep the Suburbs from Killing Your Soul      Dave L. Goetz                                            Faith

What is It About:

(Amazon Description)  Suburbanites need to understand how the environment affects them and what spiritual disciplines are needed for their faith to survive and thrive. Goetz identifies eight toxins in the suburban life, such as hyper–competition and the “transactional” friendship, and suggests eight corresponding disciplines to keep the spiritual life authentic.

Why I Love it:

Tired of superficial faith? Want to go deeper with Jesus but not sure how?  This author stands out with his brutally honest look at the pitfalls of suburban life. Not a suburbanite? No problem, the truths in this book can apply to any follower of Jesus. I appreciate how he practically applies each chapter to a spiritual discipline. The only downside, I could find is that he (the author) can tend to wax eloquent in a few chapters. Get it Here!  

  1. Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When the Stakes Are High       Kerry Patterson                                  Communication                                                                  

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) The New York Times and Washington Post bestseller that changed the way millions communicate. Crucial Conversations exploded onto the scene and revolutionized the way millions of people communicate when stakes are high. This new edition gives you the tools to: Prepare for high-stakes situations Transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue Make it safe to talk about almost anything    Be persuasive, not abrasive

Why I Love it:

This is one of the best books that I have read on communication. It helps you think clearly, open lines of communication, and converse in a way that your audience can understand. It gives great tools for how to handle conflicts with confidence. Get it Here!

  1. Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey: Nurturing A Life of Faith      Catherine Stonehouse                                    Parenting                                

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) Understanding how a child’s faith forms is crucial to knowing how adults can most significantly enhance the child’s spiritual development.By carefully “setting the stage” through liturgy, sacred stories, and parables, adults can help children meet with God. Quiet times of “godly play,” carefully adapted to the age level of the child, enable adults to join with children on the journey toward deeper intimacy with God.


Why I Love it:

 Do you want to know how to introduce your child to spiritual practices beyond memorization and Bible reading? Do you want to give them spiritual tools that will change the course of the rest of their lives? This book is not only super practical but has put years of research behind the best ways of communicating with your child.  Dive into this book and set your child up for success, a deep relationship with God. Get it Here!


  1. The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery  Ian Morgan Cron             Personal Development                                               

    What is It About:

    (Amazon Description) What you don’t know about yourself can hurt you and your relationships―and maybe even how you make your way in the world. It can also keep you in the shallows with God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you’re stuck in the same ruts? The Enneagram is an ancient personality type system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, both positively and negatively.

    Why I Love it:

 This book is more than a personality tool, it is a way of looking at your life holistically. It helps you become self-aware, understanding why you do what you do, and giving you permission to be yourself. It also shows you warning signs to look out for when you are operating out of an unhealthy place. LOVE IT!  Get it Here!

  1. For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men   Shaunti Feldhahn                                Marriage                                            

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) The man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they’re there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to “get” him—to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you.  Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another, including:

Why your respect means more to him than your love.  How he feels deep inside about his role as provider. What it means for a man to be so visually “wired.” Why sex for him is primarily emotional, not physical. What he most wishes he could say to you.


Why I Love it:

This book answers real-life questions about men, is very honest (sometimes brutally so), and super practical (are you picking up on our theme).  An easy but poignant read, it gives you tools to help you love and understand your spouse at a deeper level. Get it Here!


  1.  The Season Nativity:Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Extremist                          Sybil Macbeth                                                       Advent

What is It About:

(Amazon Description) The Season of the Nativity – Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany – deserves more attention and better publicity. As the opening three acts for the liturgical year, it sets the stage for our yearlong journey through Scripture and salvation history. This book combines memoir, front-porch theology, and pages of spiritual practices and activities to invite individuals and families into a deeper relationship with a time of year you may have never discovered before. It gives simple tools and exercises for word-weary, distracted, and busy people – perhaps to experience a serious and playful nativity season for the first time.


Why I Love it:

WOW! I love this book for its clear explanations of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany and hands-on activities. The book is full of easy, and practical suggestions to create a meaningful season for your family that is focused on Jesus. You could not possibly do every activity presented so pick a couple to add each year.  Get it Here! 

12. Discernment, God’s Will and Living Jesus: Christian Discernment as a Way of Life

Larry Warner                                                Discernment


What is It About:

(Amazon Description) Want help in hearing and recognizing the voice of God? Do you desire to discern and live into God’s Will for your life? Far from the usual notion of trying to “discover God’s will” when faced with a critical decision in life, this book underscores the fact that discernment is foremost a lifestyle we need to cultivate. Written with warmth and wisdom, biblical, practical, gritty, and not always comfortable this book speaks to the mind and heart of every Christian who longs for a closer, more intimate walk with Jesus.

Why I Love it:

Do you ever struggle with knowing the answer to a difficult decision? The saying, “What would Jesus do?” just really doesn’t cut in crucial situations.  This book is all about developing a discerning lifestyle with practical suggestins for everyday life. Larry takes the “mystery” out of Christian discernment. A challenging read that offers practical tools for hearing God’s voice. Get it Here! 



 What about you? What books would you add to this list?

Please feel free to leave me a comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work  on Pinterest!e a comment, and d

9 Unique Ways For Your Child To Spend Time With Jesus

9 Unique Ways For Your Child To Spend Time With Jesus


Reading Time: 4 min 39 sec

So your child is not interested in reading the Bible? You hear, “It’s boring Mommy!” or “Not again!” every time you go to pull out the (what used to be beloved) Bible. Before you start to panic that your child is going to grow up hating the things of God or wondering “What have I done wrong?” just take a deep breath.

 You are not alone!

 Throughout our spiritual journey children, teenagers, and yes, even adults come to a place where the tools that seemed have worked so well in the past are not cutting it anymore.


This is an excellent time to sit back and reevaluate WHAT we are doing and WHY we are doing it.


You see we tend to forget that it’s not the tools, our vast knowledge of the Bible, or our good behavior that awaken a heart to a longing for deeper intimacy with our heavenly father, it is the Holy Spirit.

Our goal is to spend time listening to the Holy Spirit

and modeling a life lived in

a deep love relationship with God.


The point of spending time with Jesus, through the reading of the word, or some other tool, is not to get it done, but to spend quality time with God


Here are some ideas that you can offer when your child feels stuck. Don’t worry, this for a season, he won’t swear off the Bible forever!


  • Art
  • Journal
  • Poetry
  • Drama
  • Stories of the Bible
  • Visual Bible Stories
  • Song 
  • Physical Activity
  • Praying the Psalms

1. Art

I have had several children and youth for a myriad of reasons who have had a difficult time reading the Bible each day but who have really connected to God through art. 


You can suggest several exercises or encourage them to work through a book.  This activity does not need to be fancy or expensive (but if you love craft stores as much as me, then go crazy!).  Just grab whatever you have in the cupboard or drop by your local art store or Amazon for supplies. 


Another option would be to use a Doodle, or Art prayer journal.  They are a great alternative for busy seasons or when your child is more independent.


Here are two books I recommend-

 1. The Bible Doodle Book

2. Praying in Color-Kids Edition


  1. Journal

This is an age-old standby that can be a wonderful option for times when your child loves to pour words on a page, AND for those times when words escape them and only pictures will do.  They can use their journal to pour out their thoughts, and feelings and prayers to a God who never stops listening.


I have searched several stores (Including Target, and Amazon) but have found the best products at our local craft stores.  Make sure to purchase an UNLINED Journal as this gives them the freedom to move from words to pictures to both.

3. Poetry

    Do you have a child who loves to write poetry? You could encourage them to put their thoughts, feelings, and prayer into verses.

Or they could choose to allow God to speak to them through curated poetry that captures their attention and draws their eyes toward Jesus.

 One of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson does that very thing, turns my eyes towards Jesus.

      “Earth is crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God;

But only he who sees

Takes off his shoes-

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries”



3. Drama

A fun (sometimes hilarious) time is had by all when your children act out their favorite Bible story!  They can also create their own story of their experiences with Jesus.  


I created a dress-up chest full of clothes, swords, tiaras, wigs, and sashes. The costumes added a lot of fun and imagination to their dramas. 


 Make your own or check out the after Halloween sales for discounted costumes, the Dollar Store, craft stores, thrift stores, school supply and Amazon for items to fill your own chest!


 5. Bible Story Books

This idea is especially for little ones when the whole Bible might seem too overwhelming, how a simple story with beautiful illustrations can capture their imagination and heart. 

 1. Found: Psalm 23 

2. Loved: The Lord’s Prayer 

6. Watch Bible Stories


  The Bible came to life in a new way when I watched the animated Bible stories for the first time on VHS. There was something about seeing biblical characters in realistic settings that drives home the fact that these were real stories, written about real people.


I have really enjoyed the Animated Bible Classics by Nest Entertainment. This video states that it is for ages kindergarten-third grade, but I found it to be too intense my kindergarteners.


There are 36 volumes that you can buy individually on Amazon (or check out at the library).  We have thoroughly enjoyed revisiting these classics on a semi-regular basis.


7. Song

Invite your child to sing songs of worship to Jesus. They can also create their own songs expressing their feelings to God. This can be a very meaningful time as you hear what’s on their heart.


 8. Physical Activity

Have you ever thought that God is with us when run and play? We don’t have to be acting out a Bible story to spend time with Jesus.  

Pray or have your child pray and invite God into their play and ask him to help them feel his love and pleasure in them!  

 Make sure to talk about the experience (this is supposed to be like 2 minutes) after they are done.  You could ask questions like, “What was your favorite part of _____(running, swinging, playing basketball)?  What do you think God was feeling when he saw you enjoying yourself?  How do you feel when you think about God cheering for you? etc.”


9. Praying the Psalms

Praying the Psalms is a great activity for young and old. You can have your child (or yourself) read them out loud and then discuss the thoughts and feelings of the writer.

 You can also have your child choose a Psalm and adapt it to show how they are feeling about God. There are several paraphrased versions of Psalms to choose from for children that are great.


  1. Psalms for Young Children


What about you? What are your favorite ways to spend time with Jesus?

If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest. about you? What are your favorite ways to increase your child’s awareness of God? 

 If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follo

How to Encourage a Strong Identity in Your Child

How to Encourage a Strong Identity in Your Child


Reading Time: 5 min 3 sec


Our children are growing up in a culture where likes and tweets are dictating their self-worth. We all want our children to grow up having a strong identity, knowing that they are lavishly loved by God and that His love for them is not based on their performance.  Easier said than done, right?


Children at this time in their life, are concrete thinkers and learn primarily through experiences. So just telling them, “God loves you”, “You are one of a kind,” “God is with you”, though important, is only one half of the equation. They need to experience it.  The truth needs to go from head knowledge to heart transformation.

I like how Catherine Stonehouse puts it in her book, Listening to Children on the Spiritual Journey:

 “When we focus on transmission approaches we often fail to give children opportunity to reflect on the questions that are important to them, to spend time listening to God and meeting God in the biblical story and in times of quiet.”


So how do we do that? How do we encourage an awareness of God’s overwhelming love in our children? I believe that Psalm 139:1-22 is one amazing resource when it comes to understanding who we truly are: beloved by God, a masterpiece, and adored. This excerpt from the chapter really strikes home lavish love of God toward us, His kids.

 “You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.” Psalm 139:14-16


 Here are five suggestions of ways that you can interact with the text allowing space for God to speak to your child (and you). *  


  • Memorize Psalm 139:1-22
  • Pray through each section 

  • Journal using Pictures and/or Words

  • Pray Blessing Over your Child

  • Create a Song Expressing your Feelings to God
    1. Memorize Psalm 139:1-22

    Estimated Time: 5-10 minutes a day

    We want the truths found in this passage to be cemented into the hearts of our children. So that in moments of crisis, the Holy Spirit can bring these verses to the foreground of our children’s minds.   I have found that this passage has become a part of our family story. It’s a common reference point that pops up in all types of conversations.

     I split the passage into four sections using the natural text breaks as a guide.  I would encourage you to take your time memorizing this passage. 


    An Optional Idea– before you start to memorize each section:

    1. Read the whole passage           (Understand the big picture)
    2. Replace the word “I” with your child’s name       (Ask how does that make you feel?)
    3. Be curious                                      (I wonder_____?)
    4. Ask questions                               (What does that look like?)

    2. Pray through Each Section

    Estimated Time: 10-20 minutes (depending on age)

    This activity forces us to slow down and spend intentional time soaking in God’s word. I have used this tool with both elementary through high school students and have seen God use it in a powerful way in their lives.


    Take one of the four sections of scripture and use these tips to reflect on God’s word.

    1. ReadThe passage slowly 2x- Ask God to underline a word or phrase

    2. AskWhat do the word (s) say to me?

    3. Pray and tell God your thoughts

    4. Ponderwhat is the Lord asking of me? How can I respond?

    3. Journal Using Pictures and/or Words 

    Estimated Time: 10-15 minutes 

    Supplies: a. White Paper with no lines  b. Markers or crayons  (whatever you have on hand)


    I love that even though you might not be an artist, anyone can pick up a pencil or markers and doodle. There are no rules. No expectations. Just spending time with Jesus.

     I typically will read aloud the tips below to prepare the child for this activity. I will also let the child know that this art is between them and God. They can, but do not have to, show me the completed piece.

     I will typically put on soft worship music in the background. I would also highly encourage you to participate with your child during this activity. You are modeling for your child that spending time with God is a high priority because God speaks to you, and it will help your child not to feel rushed.

    Here are some Ideas: 

    • Pray and invite God’s presence into this time. Ask him to speak to you through the passage.

    • Slowly read a section, or the entire passage aloud

    • Just sit in God’s presence. There is no rush. (This might feel weird at first, but just like anything else, it gets easier with time and practice.)

    • When you feel ready, draw or write whatever God has put on your heart. 

    • When everyone is done, ask-

    1.How did you feel about this activity?  

    2. Was it easy or hard for you?  Why? 



    If they feel comfortable sharing their artwork:

    1. Ask them to share with you what God spoke to them.

    2. Ask them how that made them feel?

    Finish by praying and thanking God for spending time with you today.


    5. Pray Blessing over Your Child

    Estimated Time: 2-5 minutes 

    Take each section and use that passage to pray a blessing over your child each day.

    I would actually suggest praying the same blessing over your child for an extended period of time, only moving on to the next section when the Holy Spirit directs you.   That repetition will allow your child to internalize the blessing, and for the Holy Spirit to cement it in their hearts.



    “Thank You, God that you are never out of our sight. Thank You for lavishly loving ______, (insert your child’s name) that you know him/her so well that You know what he/she is going to say before he/she speaks one word. I pray a blessing over _________, that he/she will always know that he/she are seen, beloved, and never alone. We love You!  Amen.”  


    6. Create a song expressing your feelings to God 

    Estimated Time: 15-20 minutes Supplies:  White paper & a pen or crayons (or whatever you have on hand)

    We couldn’t talk about Psalms without adding music to the list!   I have done this exercise with students individually, and in groups up to high school with great success. I love how we get to cultivate the creative side of our brains in worship to God.

    Read over a section or the entire passage as inspiration for your own song to God. I use the word create because with littles, instead of writing down a song, they could just sing it out spontaneously. 


    I love focusing specifically on verses 13-16 and watching children really light up as they read about how special, unique and loved they are by God.  The songs that come out of it are so amazing.


     I would encourage you to set aside your own expectations of what a “successful” activity looks like, and just dive in allowing the Holy Spirit to take control. 

    Even if you only get through half of the activity, you are modeling a life filled with Jesus. 

     *We read Psalm 139 in Message version because I found it easier for my children to grasp the language.

    Grab your FREE Deeper Life Beginners Guide and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.

    What about you? What are your favorite ways to use scripture to build a strong identity for your child? 


    If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest. bout you? What are your favorite ways to increase your child’s awareness of God? 

     If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follo

    10 Simple Ways to Invite God Into Your Child’s Day

    10 Simple Ways to Invite God Into Your Child’s Day


    Reading Time: 4 min 22 sec

    I don’t know about you but I want my children to grow up in an environment where they instinctively invite God into every aspect of their day. I want to give them a leg up in this thing called…life.

     I want to do the heavy lifting so my kids can

    reap the benefits. 

    Don’t we all want that for our kids? In order to foster such a God-centered environment, we have to be intentional as parents. 

     Intentionality, an intimidating word that can evoke the same fear as the word “budget”. The word that screams, “This parenting gig is just too overwhelming, I can’t add or even think about one more thing. We are failing miserably. We aren’t enough. They are going to need therapy.” 

     Before we all run screaming from the room, take a deep breath, and realize that it while it does take some effort,  we have the benefit of working in tandem with the Holy Spirit.  


    Here is a quick overview of ten ways that you can encourage a God-centered environment at home.  These tips are deceptively simple and yet when practiced consistently (not all at once) the impact can be HUGE!

    • Start the Day with Prayer
    • Memorize a Passage of Scripture

    • Light a Candle

    • Read a story

    • Take a walk

    • Pray over booboos

    • Pray for the needs of others

    • The Power of Silence

    • Reflect back over the day

    • Pray blessing over your child

    Each activity is only 2-15 minutes long. *BTW, all of these activities have the perk of being effective in your life as well.


    Here are 10 very simple ways to invite God into Your Child’s Day


    1. Start the day with a Quick Prayer inviting God into your child’s day.

     Before the morning chaos starts, grab thirty seconds and your ragtag brood and invite God into your day. It makes such a difference! It makes all the sibling fights, the race against the clock, the spilled syrup and dog vomit all over the ground so… much..easier (I said easier not great).


    1. Take Time to work on Memorizing a passage of Scripture

     Write down a short passage of scripture to practice memorizing each day for a couple of minutes.  You can also turn your verses into songs with or without hand motions (not that I know from personal experience or anything). 


    1. Light a Candle to remind your child that God is present with us all day.

     Something about that flickering flame is fascinating to young and old alike. It helps remind us to slow down and remember that we are not alone, that the God of the universe is present today with us.


    1. Read a Story or section from your child’s Bible. Discuss.

    When you get to the end of the story, don’t be quick to fill the silence, with a clarification. Allow your child to sit in silence whether for 5 seconds or a minute. The Holy Spirit is at work and your child will internalize exactly as much or as little as they are ready for. You might be surprised by their insights.

    5. Take a Walk outside. Stop and look at whatever draws their attention.

     Yes, you might be staring at a dead cicada for fifteen minutes, but take off the productive hat (and put your cell phone in your back pocket) and give them the gift your undivided attention.  Join them in marveling at God’s creation. Enjoy the slower pace. 

    1. Pray over boo-boos every..single..time.

    I don’t know about you but my children, big and small, get hurt like a thousand times a day. From scraped knees to hurt pinkies, stopping to pray for healing is such an easy way to include God in the ordinary parts of our day.  It is amazing to see how such a simple five-second prayer brings comfort, peace, and calm to my children.

    It really enforces the truth that God cares about every part of our                            lives even the small splinters in our thumbs. 


    It is beautiful to see the kids instinctively gather together and pray over each other when they get hurt (they get a lot of practice throughout the day). 


    1. Take Five minutes and as a Family Pray for the needs of 1-2 other people.

    This is a great activity because it can literally be done anywhere at any time (no craft supplies needed, Hurray!).  You could focus on using this tool ongoing or for a season as it really fosters a heart of service and love towards others. 


    1. Spend 2 minutes of Silence in the car. Just being with Jesus. No demands.

     WORD of Warning: This.. can.. be.. so.. powerful. 

    However, you can’t just shout, “Kids, we are going to be silent for the next two minutes. You WILL SPEND this time with Jesus!”  It doesn’t work, trust me.

     I would suggest starting off with a quick explanation, “Kids we are going to spend some time just hanging out with Jesus in silence, enjoying his presence.” 

    And a quick two sentence prayer, “God we love you, and we love spending time with you. Be with us during this time.”  

    I would encourage you to set realistic expectations for this activity. If your children have never practiced silence before don’t feel frustrated when little Johnny makes faces at his sister, and weird sounds start erupting from the back seat (it will happen).  This can be a meaningful activity but as with anything it takes practices.  Stick with it! 

    And to end say something really profound like, “Thank you, God. Amen.”

    9. Bedtime- Spend 5 minutes looking back over your day. Ask God to highlight anything that you need to reflect on.

    For a season, we ended every day by praying and asking God to lead us back over our day, both the happy and the sad, and highlight anything we needed to pay attention to.

      I would ask questions like, “What brought you joy today? What made you sad today?” paying attention to their emotions, and giving those feelings and that situation over to God. We would then pray for God’s blessing over tomorrow.

     Allowing your child space to reflect over their day without jumping in with suggestions is necessary for this practice. Some of the most special times that I have had with my child have been during this bedtime prayer.


    1. Finish the Day by Praying a Blessing over your Child.

    Keep it simple. My personal preference is to pray using words that my child understands with zero explanation required.

     Though my blessing seems to vary at times the main heart of it stays the same.  I pray that God would watch over my children all of the days of their lives, that their heart would be soft to things of God, and that their ears would hear his voice.

     It has been a beautiful, simple part of our everyday life. My kids now won’t go to sleep without “praying the prayer”.

    Grab your FREE Deeper Life Beginners Guide and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.




    If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest. about you? What are your favorite ways to increase your child’s awareness of God? 

     If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follo

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