How to Create A Stress-Free Homeschool

How to Create A Stress-Free Homeschool


Reading Time: 3 Min. 8 Seconds

I sat down late at night and did a google search of how to homeschool. I had no idea that there were (what felt like) a thousand different ways to teach my child. Terms like Classical, Montessori, Waldorf, Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, and Eclectic overwhelmed my thoughts.


I hadn’t even started researching state laws and I already feel overwhelmed. Why I thought, does this have to be so complicated? I stared at the screen feeling alone, discouraged, and wishing I had someone to help make sense of this mountain of information.


Have you ever felt the same way? Have you and your spouse talked about homeschooling but you are not sure where to start? Are you already homeschooling but it’s just not working and you can’t figure out why?  Do you have questions about socialization, curriculum, schedules, and homeschool groups?  Do you worry about how to teach your child subjects that you bombed as a kid?


I talk with moms who are overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out after attempting to wade through all of the homeschool information out there.  There are so many different and often conflicting viewpoints that it can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


Wouldn’t it be amazing if a veteran homeschool mom could walk beside you on this journey, simplifying all of the information out there into one spot?  Someone who could help you to craft your ultimate homeschool experience while saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars on useless curriculum, hours of stress and anxiety, and needless work?



1. Professional Development 

2. What Is Zero To Homeschool? 

3. Why I Love It


4. Why It Might Not Be A Good Fit 

1. Professional Development 


Many of us are coming from one-income families and we are trying to homeschool on a budget.  We research, research, and research trying to make our resources stretch.  An online course can seem like a luxury.


Please, don’t make the mistake of putting your ongoing education at the bottom of the priority list.  As your child’s main teacher, you directly affect your homeschool environment.  When you are confident and operating out of a proactive instead of reactive stance, it changes how you homeschool.


Invest in your ongoing education, and save yourself (and your kids) years, buckets of tears, and thousands of dollars trying to piece together a homeschool structure that works.


2. Overview of Zero To Homeschool


Zero to Homeschool is a step by step online course that empowers moms with the hands-on training  to create a homeschool environment that is tailored to your family’s needs.


The course was created by a veteran homeschool mom; someone who answers your questions, encourages you in your role as a teacher, and fills you with the confidence you need to thrive as a homeschool mama.


The course is very comprehensive with 8 modules, 59 lessons, and three bonus workshops. The course is self-paced so you can take it at a time that works best for your schedule.


It teaches you everything from the importance of deschooling, knowing yourself and your family, homeschool styles and resources, how to plan your homeschool year, juggling home life and homeschooling, and so much more.


3. Why I Love It 

I was blown away at how comprehensive the  Zero to Homeschool course is. I kept startling my family, as I went through each module, yelling, “YES!” to each main point.



I just did Module 3 of Zero to Homeschool and I learned a lot. Now instead of allowing myself to get spread too thin with all the things we could do, I was able to refocus on our family’s key priorities.


What I love is that this course is honest about the strengths and pitfalls of homeschooling.  Kelly, the course creator, takes an overwhelming subject and simplifies it into bite-size pieces. I also love that it’s not just lessons but also practical activities that help you apply what you have learned to your homeschool.


For instance, she includes follow up questions to talk about the material with your spouse or friend. She also includes additional articles, and e-books so you can dive down deep into topics that might interest you.


4. Why It Might Not Be Right For You

  • If your homeschool is doing well. Woohoo! Go You!
  • If you are drawn to a very structured approach to homeschooling.


 You can Register and find out more information about the Zero to Homeschool course here



Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling. I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form to help you on your journey. 



What about you? What is the #1 thing in Homeschooling that is most challenging for you? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest! 

How to Homeschool When You Hate Certain Subjects

How to Homeschool When You Hate Certain Subjects


Reading Time: 5 Minutes


Do you ever wonder how to homeschool when you hate certain subjects? Do feelings of inadequacy overwhelm you when you think about teaching subjects you flunked? Did you have such a miserable experience that you don’t want to touch the subject with a ten-foot pole?


I despised math as a child. The endless problems, rote memorization, and puzzles that I never seemed to solve made my brain hurt.  I seriously dreaded every math lesson and swore that when I grew up I would never do another math problem for as long as l lived.


Enter homeschooling.


I had a knot in my stomach at the thought of teaching my precious children the mysteries of math. I seriously reconsidered homeschooling.  Only the thought of my children going through something similar squelched my fear.


We all have certain areas of study that we have a hard time grasping; whether its academics, life skills or interpersonal challenges.  In a nutshell, we are human.


What is encouraging is that you know how hard you worked to grasp a subject. You know the potential hang-ups and you have the flexibility of teaching a small group of children.


This means that with a little out of the box thinking, you can explore your most hated subjects and survive (and even thrive). We are going to talk about the ways and resources that you can use to successfully teach subjects that you despise.


1. Keep An Open Mind 




2. Teach Differently 





3. Utilize Resources 

1. Keep An Open Mind 


Our children are like ninja warriors that instantly pick up on our feelings, especially when it comes to different aspects of learning.  Though I wouldn’t encourage mass hysterics, there is no use trying to mask your past challenges.


It means A LOT to your child when you acknowledge your previous difficulties with a subject. To a child, it is endlessly fascinating to think that mom isn’t great at everything. smile This act of vulnerability teaches your child that we don’t have to excel in everything we study. It’s freeing to know that we are each created uniquely with different gifts and talents.


I am not saying that we don’t wrestle with a concept or idea, but that we each have certain aptitudes that make different subjects easier or more difficult, based on the person.


Ask your child if you can work as a team to learn this subject together. This is the skill of life-long learning in action people.  Working side by side to master an area of learning communicates crucial values that will live on in the life of your child.


Be encouraged, just because you hated this area of study before does not mean you won’t enjoy it now.  At least this time around, you have the secret power of the answer key and a Google search at your fingertips. smile



2. Teach Differently


I remember excitedly walking into a language class, dreaming of travel.  And walking out of that class swearing to never leave my native shores.  My teacher overwhelmed us with busy work and drills, effectively squelching our interest in a foreign language. I remember thinking as I struggled to complete my weekly homework assignment that nothing was worth this misery.


In comparison, I once had an English class where the teacher was a master at fostering a love of classical literature. She made dry, dusty books come alive through insightful questions and spirited debate. It was such a popular class that there was always a waiting list a mile long. Even students who had zero interest in literature thoroughly enjoyed the class.


So, what was the difference between the two classes? The language teacher adopted a firehose mentality to teach her students. She believed that data dumping meant effective learning.


The English teacher on the other hand creatively invited all students to participate by using a variety of tools. She thoroughly loved what she taught and her enthusiasm was magnetic.


How you teach can make or break a class.


You don’t have to teach or co-learn this subject the same way you were taught. You have the freedom to teach outside of the box and to use a plethora of resources.  You don’t have to stick to a curriculum or method of study because of a classroom or school district mandate.


You know your child better than anyone else. You know their strengths and weaknesses, you know they learn and grow. You have the freedom to tailor-make their education to fit your child and your teaching style.


Here are a couple of questions to think about:

A. What made the subject you hated challenging? (Was it the course material? How it was communicated?)

B. How do you learn best? (Do you love or dread textbooks etc.?)

C. What type of study gives you life?

D. How does your child learn best?

E. What type of study gives your child life?


You will need to reach a middle ground between how you teach and how your child learns.  For instance, if textbooks fill you with dread but your child loves the fill in the blank answers; try a workbook or an online program instead.

You will be more likely to teach the subject consistently when you don’t dread using a certain method or tool.


3. Utilize Resources 


These days there are an endless amount of resources at our fingertips.  After you have discovered how you and your child learn best, don’t be afraid to utilize unorthodox tools.  smile


What I love about out of the box learning is that you get to make memories while your child is getting an education. Here is a list of resources that you can explore to help you teach challenging subjects well.


Resource List


  1. Check out local Facebook Homeschool groups for information on local homeschooling classes or co-ops.


  1. Check out your City Homeschool Group. They will have a listing of the available classes, tutors, field trips, co-ops, conferences, etc.


  1. Check out HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense) for a list of Homeschool Co-Ops by state.


  1. Visit a Local Homeschool support group and ask for more information about upcoming opportunities.


  1. Check out the vast resources of the library. Tutoring help, curriculum, free software, online tutoring, curriculum from around the US, etc. Here is a step by step guide here. 


  1. Look for Internships


  1. College Classes for High School Students


  1. Tutoring -Online and locally (Some libraries offer free tutoring)


  1. Bribe Family and friends (Always a win! )


  1. Check out Local Community Clubs on your city website.


  1. Check Local Parenting website for additional city opportunities.


  1. Check out museums for classes.


  1. Some Local Public Schools allow you to register your child for specific classes.


  1. Utilize great computer programs.


  1. Go on field trips related to that area of study. And create memories that will last a lifetime! smile


  1. Read A lot of Living Books!


Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling. I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form to help you on your journey.





What about you? What subject is most challenging for you to teach? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest! 

7 Creative Ways Your Child Can Reflect On The Weekly Sermon

7 Creative Ways Your Child Can Reflect On The Weekly Sermon


Reading Time: 4 min 4 sec


Have you ever bemoaned the fact that your kids attend church on Sunday, only to forget what they learned by Monday? Have you ever desired to work with the church in the spiritual development of your kids but you don’t know how?


Parents are the primary spiritual influence in the lives of their children. Children learn experientially, and your living example teaches them (better than any sermon) what real relationship with God looks like.


However, we can’t raise them to know and love God in isolation. God created us to live in community with one another.


Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


Participating in the greater church community is foundational to the spiritual development of our children. However, it can be challenging (if not impossible) in a large group setting, with a limited amount of time to provide enough space for children to respond to the lesson.


At home, each kid has time to respond and reflect in a way that fits their personality without feeling rushed. This is crucial because it gives our children time to wrestle with the stories and ideas taught at church. And it allows room for the Holy Spirit to transform our child’s heart


It is so important that both the church and parents work together as a team in raising children who know and love God.   They each have critical roles to play in order for our children to grow in their walk with God.  We are truly better together.


So how do we partner with the church in raising children who know and love God?


Here are 7 creative ways to interact, reflect, and reinforce what was taught at church on Sunday morning.

1. Reflective Conversations

2. Time With God 

3. Act Out the Story 

4. Take A Breath

5. Talk To God 

6. Re-tell And Play

7. Art Experience 



1. Reflective Conversations 


Use the car ride home from church every week to talk about what was discussed at church. This is a great way to interact with what was taught while it is still fresh.


The point of this conversation is to allow your child space to listen and respond to God’s still, soft voice. Pose a question and give your child time to respond and don’t interrupt. This is all creating elbow room for the Holy Spirit to transform your child’s heart.


You can receive your own copy of 7 Reflection Questions to Ask Your Kids After Church below! These questions are a great jumping off place to help you have deep conversations with your kids (with zero prep). 🙂



2.  Time With God 


I would encourage you to sink into the story with your child. Don’t feel rushed. If led, spend an entire week on the passage. You can do this by reading the passage of scripture several times.


1st Time) Read the entire passage.

2nd Time) Pay attention to new perspectives

3rd Time) Ask God to highlight a word or phrase.

4th Time) Reflect on the word or phrase and ask the Father to speak to you.


Ask: What is the Lord inviting me into?  How can I respond?


3. Act Out The Story

Read the story through once, then act out the story together. This is an amazing way for children to not just read but actually interact with the story.  Any props that you find from around your house always make a fun addition.


Ask Questions Like:

a. What jumps out at you in this story

b. What do you think the main character was feeling?

c. Where do you see God at work in this situation?

4. Read and Imagine 


This is a great way for children who are easily distracted to enter into a Biblical story. When they interact with the story in a new way it reminds them that this isn’t a fairy tale but that it actually happened. By engaging with the story, as it is read aloud, children are free to engage their senses and imagine what it was like to actually be in the story.


Read the Bible passage to them slowly. Encourage your child to close their eyes and imagine that they are a part of the story.


a. What can they see

b. What do they feel?

c. What do they hear?

d. What can they smell?

e. What do they taste?

5. Talk To God 

Find a place in your day when you are not rushed. Invite God’s presence and ask him to help you be present to him during this time.  Spend some time in silence (start with one to two minutes) just hanging out with God.

Tip: Set an alarm on your phone so you can also be present to God during this time instead of monitoring the time.

Close out your time of silence by praying for anyone the Holy Spirit brings to mind.


6. Re-tell And Play


Invite your child to re-tell the story in their own words using puppets, and dolls.  You can even have your children use popsicle sticks or paper bags and make their own puppets. This is another wonderful way to experience God at work in their own hearts and in the Bible.


7. Art Expression

This is a wonderful activity that can be used with children of all ages.  Invite God’s presence and ask him to highlight a word or picture in the passage.  Encourage your children to close their eyes (limits distractions) and listen to you read the passage slowly, twice.

Invite your child to draw, paint, or color whatever or image was highlighted for them. After they are finished spend some time talking about their creations.  



Grab your FREE Deeper Guide to The Beginners Life and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.


What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to helping your children experience a life with God?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!


7 Amazing Benefits To Homeschooling In The Summer

7 Amazing Benefits To Homeschooling In The Summer


Reading Time: 4 min 49 sec

The end of May rolled around and we closed our school books with a bang. I don’t know who was more excited for NO SCHOOLWORK: me or the children. I was more than ready for this school year to be done.


The first couple of days were magical; sleeping in, sticky popsicles, trips to the pool, and hours spent reading books. And then suddenly, like a storm cloud, the restlessness, whining, arguing, and repetitive phrases of, “I’m bored!” started appearing out of nowhere.


When I first heard about homeschooling in the summer, I thought, “Why in the world would anyone want to give up the beauty of summer for year-round school ? Let’s be honest, MAMA NEEDS A BREAK!  Kids need to play in mud puddles, build forts, and just be kids.


I did just that for a year or two and learned that for our family we thrive with a little structure in place.  We stumbled our way into homeschooling during the summer by necessity and found that what appeared to be soul-sucking was actually very life-giving.


We already view homeschooling as life learning so it wasn’t a big jump to incorporate some intentional learning time throughout the summer. We have a flexible rhythm that builds in time for intentional learning and still leaves plenty of time for soaking up the summer sun.


1. Rhythm to the Day

2. Focus on 1 or 2 Subjects

3. School Year Flexibility 

4. Explore New Interests

5. Learn Outside

6. The Answer To “I’m Bored” 

7. Intentional Time Together


1. Rhythm To The Day


There is such peace when you follow a daily rhythm. (You can learn more about why we use a rhythm instead of a schedule here) We have a rhythm for the school year and a different rhythm for summer.  Our summer rhythm takes advantage of those unique summer opportunities, such as beautiful weather, different sports, etc. by incorporating a lot of outside time.


We always put our priorities first and all of the optional activities or to do’s second. Priorities might be time with Jesus, chores, homeschooling, play and time spent outside.  Optional activities: Pool, field trips, time with friends and family, etc.


 2. Focus On 1 or 2 Subjects 


I love how the slow pace of the summer allows you to focus on one or two challenging subjects.  It makes it easier to engage with harder subjects in smaller increments and when it is the only thing you have to do that day.  We treat this learning time like icing on the cake, bonus learning, and it becomes way more enjoyable. 

To clarify, we are only spending twenty to thirty minutes on a chosen subject each day. But WOW, the end of the summer those small chunks of time produce such growth in our children.


3. School Year Flexibility


When you homeschool during the summer you get greater flexibility during the school year. You can take your time when learning challenging subjects, explore a four-day school week, or take multiple week-long breaks during the school year. It’s amazing how much easier it is to homeschool when you aren’t participating in a race to “get it done” by the end of the school term.


I fell in love with summer learning because one hour a day spent learning makes the world of difference, come fall. You don’t have to fight to get back in a routine. You feel like you have a leg up on the school year because you never stopped.

You also have the joy of knowing that whenever you or your children need a mental break, you can stop and not have to spend the rest of the year scrambling to catch up.  Plus, you still have time to lounge by the pool and soak up the summer sun. What could be better than that?! smile


4. Explore New Interests 


If your children are anything like mine, they have endless interests and hobbies. The summer gives them the opportunity to really explore those interests that they might not have time for during the school year.  You have the time to dive down rabbit holes without feeling the pressure to move on to cover all of your main subjects for the day.


At the end of each school year, I ask my children what they would like to learn this summer. Their answers have been very eclectic and we have had fun learning new skills and exploring new areas of study.  Honestly, I would have never chosen to explore these areas of learning.  However, this exercise teaches my children ownership and that they can learn anything they set their mind too.



5. Learn Outside 


Your summer learning doesn’t have to happen inside. We wake up early before the summer heat and explore gardens, ponds, woods, and streams. We grab books, art supplies, hiking paraphernalia, a blanket and always tons of snacks and enjoy the beautiful weather. We might study math from a picnic blanket outside, read about the ecosystem, and then wade into a stream, stay up late and study the stars with a telescope.


If you are looking for unusual ideas for outside activities, here are some suggestions.


1. Ask your children what they would like to learn about or discover this summer.

2. Revisit any unit studies you did during the fall. Are there any activities that could reinforce that learning?

3. Check out local nature conservatories, arboretums, and parks for more ideas.

4. Explore your cities parenting website or magazine (check your local grocery store) for fun field trip ideas.


6. The Answer To “I’m Bored” 


Have you ever reached that point when the novelty of summer has worn off and your kids just wander around repeating, “I’m bored?” a hundred times a day?



I believe that its healthy for kids to be bored because that is where creativity thrives. When kids are encouraged to use their imaginations, suddenly forts are created, water balloon wars have commenced, and secret worlds are discovered.


However, I have noticed that a lot of questions arise when there are huge chunks of free time without a plan.  Kids like to know what’s coming next, even if it’s just lunch.  I have found that when you follow a rhythm, kids feel free to create and play knowing what’s (dinner, snacks, pool, etc.) coming up.


7. Time Together


When you get going too fast during the summer, your kids can miss out on some intentional one on one time with you. Spending an hour or two a day engaged in intentional learning is a perfect opportunity to spend focused time with your children.


It could look like snuggling on the couch and reading that stack of library books aloud, or grabbing a bunch of coloring books and listening to your favorite audio stories (these are our favorite). Board games are also a great way to spend time together while participating in some sneaky learning.


Here are my favorite low-prep summer resources: 


Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling. I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form to help you on your journey. 



What about you? What are your thoughts on homeschooling during the summer? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest! 

17 Ideas to Celebrate the Last Day of School

17 Ideas to Celebrate the Last Day of School


Reading Time: 3 min 53 sec

When I first heard about celebrating the end of the school year with a party, I thought it sounded brilliant. I mean who doesn’t want an excuse to eat yummy food, and have fun?! smile


However, when the end of the year rolled around, I was neck deep in paperwork, graduation parties, and work projects, so having a party didn’t even make the first ten pages of my to-do list.


Let’s be honest, as homeschooling moms, testing, finishing up curriculum, portfolios, state requirements, teacher evaluations, and spring sports, can fill our waking moments (and dreams) at the end of the school year.  With so many different things clamoring for our attention there is a temptation to sprint right past the end of the school year.


As moms, we can spend a lot of time over the years questioning the ramifications of homeschooling. We can indulge in self-doubt and worry that our children are not receiving a good education, that we are enough.  We can easily forget in the rush of the end of the year to do’s, the sheer number of challenges we overcame, our many triumphs, the times when deep relationships were forged, and when the light bulbs went on for our kids.


We spend the entire year hiking (sometimes trudging) up the mountain and we have finally reached the summit, and we can get to decide where we go from here.


1. Intentional Celebration

2. All About Relationships 

3.17 Party Ideas

1. Intentional Celebration

Celebrating the end of the school year is not about creating a Pinterest worthy party; it is about intentionally being present with our kids .


We live in a culture that celebrates a frantic pace of life and accomplishments. We finish a major project and instead of taking a breather, we immediately jump into planning our next big accomplishment.  We are a culture that is constantly fighting to prove our worth and value in what we do. It is demoralizing, exhausting, and unhealthy to constantly be in a state of go, go, go.


Children can teach us a lot about how to move through life. They don’t understand the meaning of the word “hurry“. They move at what seems like a snail’s pace, stopping to ask questions, give extra hugs and kisses, and gather treasures.  Children are masters of being present in the moment.  


Stopping to celebrate gives your family permission to breathe, to savor, to rest. It allows you to set aside to do lists, exams, doubts, and fears, and spend intentional time laughing, enjoying, playing, remembering, and delighting in your most precious gifts: your family.


We all need time at the top of the mountain.  It is good for our soul.


2. All About Relationships


An end of the year party is more than just a fun day out.  Its being intentionally present with our children.  Its day full of laughter, food, bonding, reminiscing, fun, hugs, and more food.


It can be very meaningful to take the time to ask questions throughout the day.  Over a meal, or slurping up ice cream, ask questions like:

What was your biggest challenge this year? What are you the proudest of? What did you enjoy learning about the most? What was your favorite moment?


Take the time to tell them how proud you are of their perseverance. It’s not about mastery or gathering a list of accomplishments, it’s about the journey. It’s about taking the time to celebrate their progress.


For the kid who struggles with math, it is celebrating that they memorized their multiplication tables. For the child who hates history, it’s about acknowledging how hard they worked to understand the ancient civilizations. For some children, it might not even be academic, but relational progress. No matter how big or small, celebrate the ride.


You can do this with fun activities, food, ice cream, more fun, questions, chocolate and by revisiting the year. Spend time looking over their end of the year portfolios, pictures, or mementos, and talk about their favorite experiences.


As a family, give yourself permission to stop and catch your breath, enjoy the view, and to celebrate how far you have traveled.


3. 17 Party Ideas

Today, the focus is on celebrating together. Rejoicing in life together. This party can something informal or as a well-planned strategy.  Choose an activity, outing or special food that brings life to your family.   

It doesn’t have to be expensive, elaborate, or an all-day event. It just has to be something out of the norm that will create space for you to celebrate together. We have done a pancake and/or waffle bar before that was a HUGE hit!  I would highly advise adding special food to whatever you decide to do. laughing


Here Are Some Ideas To Get You Started:


1. Go on a Treasure Hunt

2. Go to a Trampoline Park

3. Explore Downtown or a Fun Area of Your City

4. Indoor Rock Climbing

5. Host a Family Party

6. Revisit Favorite Field Trip Destination

7. Go Camping

8. Try a New Restaurant

9. Visit a Water Park or Pool

10. Host a Family Bowling Tournament

11. Weekend Road Trip

12. Go Horseback riding

13. Participate in a Challenge Course

14. Participate in a Backwards Meal

15. Go to a Movie

16. Hike or Picnic in the Woods

17. Board Game and Snacks Day


Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling. I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form to help you on your journey. 



What about you? What are your favorite ways to celebrate the end of the school year? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest! 

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