14 Powerful Picture Books That Will Ignite Your Child’s Faith

14 Powerful Picture Books That Will Ignite Your Child’s Faith


Reading Time: 3 min 14 sec


Have you ever searched for Christian children’s books only to shake your head in dismay?  I have only just realized that for most of my life, I have had this thought that Children’s Christian literature is subpar, a chotskies, something you stick in an Easter basket or as an “extra” gift on Christmas morning because you feel like you should.

Even as a child, it seemed like most Christian picture books were trying to portray this cotton candy outlook on life, light but rarely formative.  They were what you read at Grandma’s when you were bored with literally nothing else to do.


It is not until now, as a mother, that I realize that alongside the cotton candy are books dripping with gold.  These books rarely make it to the bestseller list and are hidden in out-of-the-way nooks, but they are formative to our child’s walk with Jesus. We are going to be talking about 14 Powerful Books that will ignite your children’s faith.

1. Children Learn Through Experience

2. The Power of a Truly Great Book 

3. How to Read Christian Picture Books 

4. 14 Powerful Picture Books



1. Children Learn Through Experience 


I discovered that reading stories is not just a way to pass the time or to make sure our child is receiving a solid foundation in Christianity, but as a powerful tool in their walk with Jesus.


Children learn through experience and even though as parents we would like to open their heads and stick in all the right answers to life’s greatest questions, we can’t.  While we have good intentions, the fact is that all of the knowledge in the world cannot trump experience.


My mother loves recounting the story (okay hundreds of them) of myself as a toddler, and my fascination with the stove.  She would constantly tell me, “Alexis, don’t touch that, you will get burned.” But no matter how many times she said it, I didn’t believe her. I reached out touched that stove, and truly experienced the meaning of the word “hot”.


Fortunately, through the power of stories (and the graciousness of the Holy Spirit) our children can experience many different situations and see the consequences without ever leaving the comfort of the couch. Books allow us to experience truth without having to walk through the pain.


2.  The Power of a Truly Great Book


Did you ever read a book as a child that’s truths stick with you to this day?  The book that shaped me, was Anne of Green Gables.  This book which has so captured the hearts of millions of people depicts the beauty of ordinary life.  It showed us how to observe the world around us, how to bask in the beauty of today, how to invest in relationships even when they are messy, how to love well, and how to persevere.


Great books invite you to reflect, allow you to discover, spark your imagination, call out the beauty in the world, and inspire you to new heights. Great books read in community, as a family curled up on a couch, give you a shared vocabulary, a way of relating to each other and the world around you. They not only build life-long memories, as you wrestle together, with ideas and concepts, but they allow your child to form their outlook on life.


Reading great Christian books together as a family isn’t just a good idea, or something to check off the to-do list, but a simple, yet powerful tool in the investment of your child’s walk with God.


We all learn best in the context of a story. 


3. How To Read Christian Picture Books

I adore books. I love surrounding my children with life-changing literature. However, if I bought every book I read I would need another house. 🙂


The more I read about the spiritual development of children the more I realize the importance of providing select tools for their spiritual development. I look at these picture books as something comparable to what a journal or podcast would be for adults. I would plan to add these titles to your collection over time. 🙂


Unlike books for educational purposes, the goal is not to finish. I know shocker, right!  The goal is to allow space to be present to each other, to listen to the still, soft voice of the Holy Spirit, to wonder, and ask questions.


As YOU read, don’t hurry to turn the page, but take the time to take in the illustrations. At the end, do not rush to teach or share the moral of the story. Trust that the Holy Spirit is touching your childs heart.


Instead, invite discussion. Ask your child what they thought and felt as they experienced this book.  This doesn’t have to be a long-drawn-out affair.  Yes, this can be done with active children. 🙂  Remember that whether you can see it or not the Holy Spirit is at work in the heart of your child.  Enjoy!



4. 14 Powerful Picture Books 

Grab your FREE Beginner Guide to The Deeper Life and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.




What about you? What is your favorite Christian children’s picture book?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

7 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray Over Your Kids

7 Powerful Scriptures You Need To Pray Over Your Kids


Reading Time: 4 min 28 sec


Mom, don’t forget to pray over me!” my child murmured sleepily. “I would never forget.” I smiled, and I laid my hand on his head. Following the traditions of thousands of parents throughout the ages, I called on the name of the most high God.


“Father In Heaven, I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. He won’t let you stumble, your Guardian God won’t fall asleep. Not on your life! Israel’s Guardian will never doze or sleep. God’s your Guardian, right at your side to protect you—Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke.  God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life.  He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” (Psalm 121:1-8)


Praying Scripture over your children is one of the most powerful gifts you can give your kids. It teaches them about the character of God, it reminds them of their identity in Christ and comforts them with the knowledge of his protection and love.


The combination of words and touch leaves children with the deep sense of being loved, accepted, cared for, and valued.”- Vernie Schor Love


Discover my top tips and seven powerful scriptures you can pray over your children today.  


1. Prayers For My Children: The Importance

2. Prayers For My Children: 7 Powerful Scriptures 

prayers for my children

1. Prayers For My Children: The Importance  


Establishing a habit of praying over your child is so powerful. It teaches them about the character of God, reminds them of who they are, and where they are going.  Praying scripture is a physical act of obedience, a daily surrender of your need to control, and a placing of your most precious treasure into God’s protection and love.


Erik Erikson, the famous child psychoanalyst, believed that “we are influenced by the history of our family and community as well as by present dynamics…The stories of who we have been as a family, a community or a nation affect our expectations, perceptions, and responses. When these stories are recounted and celebrated, their influence increases.”- Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey


By immersing our family in scripture through prayer, experience, study, and celebration, we increase its influence in the lives of our children. By establishing a daily practice of prayer: it models for our children a life lived with God. We communicate to our children that we were not meant to live separated from God.


Children also need adults who are willing to intentionally cover them in prayer. They will face many challenges, and they need adults who will serve as prayer intercessors. Praying Scripture over your child is convenient (you don’t have to come up with any words). And it is a great way to engage in the work of the Holy Spirit in your child’s life.


2. Prayers For My Children: 7 Powerful Scriptures

Here are some tips that you might find helpful. I have found that the easiest way is to pray over my children at bedtime.

Take the time to prepare notecards with key verses ahead of prayer time.  You want to choose verses on topics most relevant to your child’s situation. For instance, if your child is struggling with worry, focus on praying scriptures on peace over your child.

The goal is not to complete a prayer but to steep yourself in scripture. Children love repetition. So focus on one prayer for several days, weeks, or months until you feel the Holy Spirit drawing you to another passage.

I have included seven passages of scripture on a variety of topics to get you started.



Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”


Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”


Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

prayers for my children



Psalm 121:1-8I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains?

No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

He won’t let you stumble, your Guardian God won’t fall asleep. Not on your life! Israel’s Guardian will never doze or sleep. God’s your Guardian, right at your side to protect you—Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke.  God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life.  He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” (MSG)



Habakkuk 3:17-19, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”




Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”



Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”


If you desire to shape your child’s future, give them a sense of identity, and place a hedge of protection around them, practice the habit of praying scripture over your child. You just might be shocked at how a five-minute investment can change the course of your child’s life.


Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.,


If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 



What about you? What’s your #1 issue when it comes to praying for your kids? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child

How to Choose The Best Bible For Your Child


Reading Time: 3 min 10 sec


Do you ever wonder how to choose the best Bible for your child? Are all kids Bibles created equal? What type of Bible should you be looking for?


I have a 6th grader this year and I’m looking for an engaging, fun, and informative Bible for my child.” Do you choose a Bible purely based on age-development, or preference?  


Or do you choose a Bible-based on educational needs? “I need to find a more challenging Bible for my child. She really needs to focus on developing her reading comprehension. Her current Bible is great but I know she can definitely read at a higher level.”


Browsing the shelves at my local Christian bookstore, I was amazed at the plethora of children’s Bibles available on the market. Everyone from recording artists to chefs and leadership gurus had their version of a children’s Bible on the shelves.  It was frankly overwhelming.


So how do you cut through all the options and find the best Bible for your child? We are going to share with you the key indicators of quality child’s Bible PLUS our top recommendations for kids. 


Grab a latte, sit back, relax, and say goodbye to camping out in the aisle of your local Christian book store for good. 🙂


1. Best Bible: How Children Learn

2. Best Bible: How To Choose 

3. Best Bible: Recommendations

Best Bible

 1. Best Bible: How Children Learn


The first step to choosing the best Bible for your child is understanding how children learn and process information.  This will equip you with a grid that will help you to remove any stumbling blocks (in your power) that would prevent your child from connecting with Jesus.


Children Learn Experientially– Kids learn best by getting their hands messy. This process (partnered with the Holy Spirit) allows them to engage their senses and turn head knowledge into heart transformation.


Children Are Visual Learners– Kids can connect with God powerfully through images. Pictures, concrete materials, nature, and art, all of these play a HUGE part in the spiritual development of our children.


Children Are Concrete Thinkers- Kids at this stage in their development are typically not able to process abstract concepts.  The stories of Jesus are a wonderful place for children to wonder and experience God through scripture.


Children Learn Best in the Context of Community-  

Children form their image of God through relationships with parents, family, neighbors, and friends. They experience God by watching and participating in their local church community. They learn about what it means to live a with-God life through interactions with other adults.


Children Are Spiritual Beings- Children are spiritual beings created by God. We are called, as parents to join the Holy Spirit in what he is already doing in the life of our child.


2. Best Bible: How To Choose


You are at the Christian book store or scrolling through Amazon just ready to find the perfect Bible for your child, what should you look for?   Here are the simple criteria that I use to help me choose the best Bible for my child. This is an adaption of a list found in Listening to Children On The Spiritual Journey.


a. Does the Bible communicate a loving God?


b. Are the pictures beautiful and or interesting?

Nothing crushes interest in a Bible storybook than boring images. We want to be aware of and intentional about removing obstacles that might hinder our children’s experience of God.


c. Are the words concrete and captivating?


d. Are the chapters short?

Seriously, we want to set ourselves up for success. Nothing sucks the joy out of Bible reading than trying to plow through an extra-long chapter with a squirmy child.


e. Are the stories true to actual text?

Several versions get a little too free with their artistic license. We want to stay as close as possible to the original meaning and text while still meeting children where they are  developmentally.


3. Best Bible: Recommendations 

    For those of you who are interested, here is a list of my favorite Bibles for children. Most of these Bibles are well-worn favorites on my own bookshelves. 

    I have to mention that the Jesus Storybook Bible is by far my favorite. I would recommend using that Bible with your child up through the elementary years.  Sally Lloyd-Jones does an amazing job of communicating God’s over the top love for his children. This Bible is a foundation forming tool. It really helps your child form a wonderful picture of the character of God. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! 🙂


    Best Bible

    If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

    What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


    How To Help Your Child Embrace The Bible And Not Be Bored

    How To Help Your Child Embrace The Bible And Not Be Bored


    Reading Time: 4 min 56 sec


    If you watch any tv show, bible reading and church are depicted as activities to be endured. The lead characters are typically dragged to church by well-meaning mothers and grandma’s, more out of a sense of social obligation and tradition, than out of a love for Jesus. 


    We snicker as dads make jokes about covertly falling asleep at church, bored to death by the pastor’s dry sermons. And we start to internalize the message that the things of God are boring.


    We like to invest in activities that give us results. We live in a culture where Christianity commonly is portrayed as an emotional prop for unenlightened.  Every day we are assaulted by the seemingly innocuous messages that the things of God are dry lectures to be endured.


    It is no wonder we worry that by bringing our child to church every Sunday and making them read the Bible, that it could turn them off to the whole idea of Christianity.  We worry that the Bible will seem boring or confusing to our child.


    As parents who desire to follow Jesus, it is normal to have questions. We understand that the stakes are high, and we do not want to fail in raising our kids to know and love God.


    Here are three simple steps to help your child embrace the Bible and not be bored.


    1. Bible Reading: Your View

    2. Bible Reading: The Goal

    3. Bible Reading: Wonder Together

    Bible Reading

    1. Bible Reading: Your View


    What is your current experience of the Bible? Do you find it a boring task to be completed?  A “should” that never seems to make it off your to-do list? Do you tune out when the Bible is read aloud? Does it seem dry, boring, or out of date?  Or do you find it alive, powerful with fresh insights?


    It is important to understand your feelings regarding your experience of scripture. Because your conscious (or subconscious) experience with the Bible directly influences your child’s perception of scripture.  “Children imitate what they observe about beliefs, attitudes, and actions.” Vernie Schorr Love


    If you desire that your child would love and engage in the living words of the Bible, then your experience with scripture has to change. You cannot lead from behind— you have to lead by example.


    There is a great transformation that comes from weaving knowledge of and experience with God together.  We cannot live our lives accumulating facts about God. We have to stop and give the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak to us.


    Here is an exercise that will help you talk with God about your experience with scripture.

    I would encourage you to not skip over the activity.  When you take time to reflect, with God, powerful transformation happens! 🙂


    Prayer Exercise

    a. Open the notes section of your phone.

     b. Take two minutes and start writing down words, phrases, or sentences that describe your current experience of God.  Be brutally honest. Set your timer and fully engage in this exercise.

     c. Now, glance over the words you have written.  Does any word or phrase surprise you?

     d. Share these insights with God. Spend some time silence, giving the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak to you.

     e. Finish by sharing with him your desire for a new experience with his word.


    2. Bible Reading: The Goal


    I think a lot of us are confused about the goal of reading the Bible with our children. It can be easy to see scripture as a big book of rules, overflowing with cautionary tales. When we look at scripture through that lens, it is no wonder we worry that our children will see the Bible as boring.


    I have also seen the Bible used as punishment for bad behavior. Is there anything that could suck the love of scripture out of your child more than being forced to copy a hundred verses of Proverbs 12:19, “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.”?


    A lot of us assume that the primary goal of scripture is to show us how to live a moral life. And so, we treat the Bible purely as a manual for right living. And though that is partly true, it is not the full story.

    Catherine Stonehouse and Scottie May, in their book: Listening to Children on the Spiritual Journey, unpack it this way,

    We do want children to know basic Biblical facts, but our ultimate purpose is so much bigger. We long to see them meet God and get to know God, not just know about God. Children experience God as they enter the stories of Scripture and see God in action, discovering God’s character as the story unfolds, and as they hear their self-revealing God speak to them in the narrative.”


    The power of the Bible is that it not only shows, but allows us to experience God’s transforming presence in our lives. Scripture invites our children to embark on a love relationship with Jesus. It is only out of the foundation of a love relationship that true transformation can take place.

      We have to remind ourselves that our goal is not to data dump our children with facts and figures about God, or to try and get extra brownie points in heaven because our child read through the Bible in one year.

      The goal of reading the Bible with our children is to introduce them to a God who lavishly loves them. And out of that love relationship, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they come to know, experience, and follow him.

      Bible Reading

       3. Bible Reading: Wonder Together


      So how do we introduce our children to a loving God through the pages of scripture?

      The secret to reading and engaging with the Bible is by wondering together. Seriously, this is a POWERFUL tool to help your child engage with God’s word (instead of check out).


      Wondering is all about active participation in the words of God. It takes head knowledge and through the power of the Holy Spirit, and creates heart transformation. Wondering gives space to reflect, to internalize, and to allow the Holy Spirit to transform our souls.

      So here’s how it works:


      We read a Bible story or passage of scripture slowly. We invite our children to notice. To interrupt. To wonder.


      I wonder why the disciples were so grumpy?  I wonder if Jesus likes to eat ice cream? I wonder if Abraham tried to count all the stars in the sky? 


      Children at this stage of their development are very visual learners. They love looking at pictures and are masters at noticing the smallest detail. I almost always incorporate some sort of visual image into our daily time with Jesus. Visual images are an important part of engaging children in the practice of wondering.


      So how in the world do you do it?  Here are some simple steps you can use as you read the Bible with your children.


      Scripture Exercise


      1. Pray and invite God’s presence. Ask him to speak to you/your children through the Biblical story.


      1. Read the Bible story or scripture passage slowly.


      1. Invite your child to interrupt and wonder along the way.


      1. Encourage your children to notice different images, words, or thoughts that come to mind.


      1. Spend some time wondering about the story or passage together.


      1. Close by praying and thanking God for his presence during this time.



      If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

      What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to teaching your child to love Bible reading?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!   


      How To Confidently Lead Your Kids In The Salvation Prayer

      How To Confidently Lead Your Kids In The Salvation Prayer


      Reading Time: 8 min 1 sec


      Your child runs up, her face so serious as she asks, “Mom, I want to ask Jesus into my heart. Can you show me how?”  You know you should be feeling overjoyed, but right now all you are experiencing is panic. Your daughter is only four years old, how can she be old enough to really understand what she is doing? All the words fly from your mouth as you stare at her rather blankly.


      It can’t hurt to pray with her, you think, even if she is too young. But how does one go about leading a child to Christ? How in-depth do you go on the whole sin thing?  You try to visualize what your pastor would say in this situation and you fumble through explaining sin, and Jesus’ death and resurrection to a four-year-old.


      You pray with her and try to celebrate as you desperately wonder if you did it right.   Maybe you should take her to church and have a pastor “properly” lead her to Christ? Just for your peace of mind. Who knows? Maybe you left out some crucial part that determines the whole make it into heaven thing.


      Where are the professionals when you need them?!


      As parents, we can sometimes struggle with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to the spiritual life of our child. Especially, if our journey with Jesus has been different or we didn’t grow up in homes where they valued investing in the spiritual life of children. We worry that we are failing our children in some way.


      Rest assured, we are going to walk you through a simple process of how to lead your child to Christ.

      1. Salvation Prayer For Kids: God’s Rescue Plan

      2. Salvation Prayer For Kids: FAQs

      3. Salvation Prayer For Kids: Prayer

      1. Salvation Prayer For Kids: God’s Rescue Plan


      I love how Sally Lloyd-Jones, in the Jesus Storybook Bible describes salvation as “God’s Great Rescue Plan”.  Salvation is a beautiful story of a merciful God. Who so lavishly, over the top loves us, that he gave up his precious son to rescue us from an eternity spent separated from him.


      The prophet Jeremiah aptly describes a rescuing God in Lamentations 3:19-26. The Babylonians have ransacked the country of Israel, and he cries out to God, saying, “I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:

       Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”


      It all starts with love. Love was at creation when God spoke the world into existence. Love was at the fall. God could have destroyed Adam and Eve for their sin. But out of his great love for them, he gave them a second chance. Love was at Jesus’ death on the cross and at His resurrection. Love is interwoven into every aspect of our being; drawing us into a relationship with him.


      The salvation story looks like this: in the Bible, it says that God created the world and it was good. But as a result of Satan’s lies and temptation, Adam and Eve brought sin, sickness, and death into the world, through their disobedience. We are now born into sin, we make bad decisions, that move us away from God, and the payment for that sin is death.


      But God so loved the world, which includes you and me: that he gave his only son, whom he loved so, so, so much, to die on a cross, as a payment for our sins. If we tell Jesus our sins, ask for his forgiveness, and ask him to be in charge of our lives, he is faithful to forgive us. We then get to be best friends with Jesus forever and ever in on earth and in heaven.


      1 John 1:9 says, “If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.”


      The Lord’s great love, his compassion, his faithfulness, and mercy to his children is the foundation of the salvation story. The God who spoke the universe into life invites us into a lifelong best friend relationship with him.


      2. Salvation Prayer For Kids: FAQs 


      Here is a list of frequently asked questions for quick referral.


      a. What About Escaping the Fires Of Hell?

      For a number of us, as we were growing up, the salvation story was explained as a decision we made to escape fiery pit of hell.  The term, “Turn or Burn” was a common evangelism phrase and made nifty bumper stickers. Thousands of people were scared into heaven.


      I’m sorry, but who wants to be friends with someone under the threat of bodily harm? That doesn’t seem like a strong foundation for any relationship. I am not saying that God can’t transform a decision made out of fear into something strong and enduring. But everything we know about God goes against this methodology (that is still taught today).


      Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins 1 John 4:7-10


      Salvation is an invitation into a love relationship with God. When you look at salvation through the lens of relationship, you come to understand that escaping the fiery pit of hell is more about being separated forever from the love and security of your father in heaven; not about saving your own skin.


      For children, we must present the gospel as an invitation to be best friends with a loving God. Catherine Stonehouse says it like this, “A deep awareness of that love (of Jesus) is essential for a treasured, growing relationship with Christ- a relationship that releases a child to receive God’s grace and live in ways that bless others.”


      Love, not hell, is the foundation of salvation.


      1. How Do We Prepare Our Child For Salvation?

      It all comes back to your relationship with Jesus. Your children are establishing their own picture and depth of desire for God by watching you. What you value, what you do, where your money goes, what your schedule looks like, all influence the spiritual depth of your child’s relationship with Jesus.
      salvation prayer for kids
      In an environment where conversation about God happened naturally, these children opened the way for their parents to walk with them and assist them in “coming to Jesus”. The parents did not have to figure out the right time and the right approach, but they were listening and ready to respond to the child’s questions and desires.” Catherine Stonehouse and Scottie May


      When you raise your child in a household where God is interwoven into your days, leading a child to Christ is the natural outcome of spiritual conversations. You don’t have to do anything special, you just have to be available. The best preparation is your relationship with God lived out in front of your children.


      b. Is My Child Too Young? 


      If your child expresses an interest in accepting Christ then go for it. I have heard of so many children, through doctoral studies, in books, and even personally who have expressed a desire to invite Jesus into their life starting at age three.


      In Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey, authors Stonehouse and May, explain it like this:

      Being Christian is rooted in a relationship with Jesus, and relationships are unique; they begin in different ways and at different times for different persons. But however they begin, healthy relationships grow and change across the years. We want to honor the uniqueness of each child’s experience with God, and we want to participate with God in encouraging the development of that relationship, their spiritual formation.”


      If your child expresses an interest in inviting Jesus into their hearts go for it! Trust and celebrate that the Holy Spirit is at work in the life of your child.


      c. Do I Initiate the Salvation Prayer With My Child?


      Every child is different. Every child is on their own unique spiritual journey. We need to remember to put aside our own (and others) expectations and trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in the life of our children. He will lead them to make decisions of faith when the time is right.


      These parents (in a research study) freely shared their faith story, while giving children time to process, to come to understand, and time for God to draw them into a relationship. They seemed to understand that there would be a right time for each child and they didn’t want to get ahead of God and the child; they wanted to keep in step.” Stonehouse and May


      Our goal as parents is to stay in step with what the Holy Spirit is already doing in the lives of our children. We do that by developing our own relationship with Jesus, and intentionally focusing on God; through our values, actions, schedules, and financial choices.



       3. Salvation Prayer For Kids: Prayer


      When your child is ready to ask Jesus into their lives, I briefly explain the salvation story. You want your child to understand (at their level) what they praying.

      Here is a sample you can use/adapt to talk and pray with your child.


      The Salvation Story:

      The Bible says that God created the world and it was good. But as a result of Satan’s lies and temptation, Adam and Eve brought sin, sickness, and death into the world, through their disobedience. We are now born into sin, we make bad decisions, that move us away from God, and the payment for that sin is death.


      But God so loved the world; which includes you and me, that he gave his only son, whom he loved so, so, so much, to die on a cross, as a payment for our sins. If we tell Jesus our sins, ask for his forgiveness, and ask him to be in charge of our lives, he is faithful to forgive us. We then get to be best friends with Jesus forever and ever in on earth and in heaven.  We will never be separated from Jesus, no matter what.


      Salvation Prayer Example:

      I typically ask the child to repeat the prayer after me. After you have prayed, CELEBRATE! Call everyone you know! Let your child tell them the great news! Celebrate by serving their favorite food for dinner. This is a huge deal! Let your child remember this important decision with fond memories.


      “Dear God, Thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son, Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me for the wrong things I have done and wash my heart clean inside. I want to best friends with you forever, and ever. Please show me how to listen and follow you every day. Thank you for never leaving me. I love you! Amen!”


      If you want to know how to get started in living a deep life with God; grab our Deeper Life Beginners Guide (below). And join our community of moms who are hungry for more Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their families. 

        What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to leading your child into a relationship with Jesus?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!      [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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