14 Powerful Picture Books That Will Ignite Your Child’s Faith

14 Powerful Picture Books That Will Ignite Your Child’s Faith


Reading Time: 3 min 14 sec


Have you ever searched for Christian children’s books only to shake your head in dismay?  I have only just realized that for most of my life, I have had this thought that Children’s Christian literature is subpar, a chotskies, something you stick in an Easter basket or as an “extra” gift on Christmas morning because you feel like you should.

Even as a child, it seemed like most Christian picture books were trying to portray this cotton candy outlook on life, light but rarely formative.  They were what you read at Grandma’s when you were bored with literally nothing else to do.


It is not until now, as a mother, that I realize that alongside the cotton candy are books dripping with gold.  These books rarely make it to the bestseller list and are hidden in out-of-the-way nooks, but they are formative to our child’s walk with Jesus. We are going to be talking about 14 Powerful Books that will ignite your children’s faith.

1. Children Learn Through Experience

2. The Power of a Truly Great Book 

3. How to Read Christian Picture Books 

4. 14 Powerful Picture Books



1. Children Learn Through Experience 


I discovered that reading stories is not just a way to pass the time or to make sure our child is receiving a solid foundation in Christianity, but as a powerful tool in their walk with Jesus.


Children learn through experience and even though as parents we would like to open their heads and stick in all the right answers to life’s greatest questions, we can’t.  While we have good intentions, the fact is that all of the knowledge in the world cannot trump experience.


My mother loves recounting the story (okay hundreds of them) of myself as a toddler, and my fascination with the stove.  She would constantly tell me, “Alexis, don’t touch that, you will get burned.” But no matter how many times she said it, I didn’t believe her. I reached out touched that stove, and truly experienced the meaning of the word “hot”.


Fortunately, through the power of stories (and the graciousness of the Holy Spirit) our children can experience many different situations and see the consequences without ever leaving the comfort of the couch. Books allow us to experience truth without having to walk through the pain.


2.  The Power of a Truly Great Book


Did you ever read a book as a child that’s truths stick with you to this day?  The book that shaped me, was Anne of Green Gables.  This book which has so captured the hearts of millions of people depicts the beauty of ordinary life.  It showed us how to observe the world around us, how to bask in the beauty of today, how to invest in relationships even when they are messy, how to love well, and how to persevere.


Great books invite you to reflect, allow you to discover, spark your imagination, call out the beauty in the world, and inspire you to new heights. Great books read in community, as a family curled up on a couch, give you a shared vocabulary, a way of relating to each other and the world around you. They not only build life-long memories, as you wrestle together, with ideas and concepts, but they allow your child to form their outlook on life.


Reading great Christian books together as a family isn’t just a good idea, or something to check off the to-do list, but a simple, yet powerful tool in the investment of your child’s walk with God.


We all learn best in the context of a story. 


3. How To Read Christian Picture Books

I adore books. I love surrounding my children with life-changing literature. However, if I bought every book I read I would need another house. 🙂


The more I read about the spiritual development of children the more I realize the importance of providing select tools for their spiritual development. I look at these picture books as something comparable to what a journal or podcast would be for adults. I would plan to add these titles to your collection over time. 🙂


Unlike books for educational purposes, the goal is not to finish. I know shocker, right!  The goal is to allow space to be present to each other, to listen to the still, soft voice of the Holy Spirit, to wonder, and ask questions.


As YOU read, don’t hurry to turn the page, but take the time to take in the illustrations. At the end, do not rush to teach or share the moral of the story. Trust that the Holy Spirit is touching your childs heart.


Instead, invite discussion. Ask your child what they thought and felt as they experienced this book.  This doesn’t have to be a long-drawn-out affair.  Yes, this can be done with active children. 🙂  Remember that whether you can see it or not the Holy Spirit is at work in the heart of your child.  Enjoy!



4. 14 Powerful Picture Books 

Grab your FREE Beginner Guide to The Deeper Life and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.




What about you? What is your favorite Christian children’s picture book?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

7 Creative Ways Your Child Can Reflect On The Weekly Sermon

7 Creative Ways Your Child Can Reflect On The Weekly Sermon


Reading Time: 4 min 4 sec


Have you ever bemoaned the fact that your kids attend church on Sunday, only to forget what they learned by Monday? Have you ever desired to work with the church in the spiritual development of your kids but you don’t know how?


Parents are the primary spiritual influence in the lives of their children. Children learn experientially, and your living example teaches them (better than any sermon) what real relationship with God looks like.


However, we can’t raise them to know and love God in isolation. God created us to live in community with one another.


Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


Participating in the greater church community is foundational to the spiritual development of our children. However, it can be challenging (if not impossible) in a large group setting, with a limited amount of time to provide enough space for children to respond to the lesson.


At home, each kid has time to respond and reflect in a way that fits their personality without feeling rushed. This is crucial because it gives our children time to wrestle with the stories and ideas taught at church. And it allows room for the Holy Spirit to transform our child’s heart


It is so important that both the church and parents work together as a team in raising children who know and love God.   They each have critical roles to play in order for our children to grow in their walk with God.  We are truly better together.


So how do we partner with the church in raising children who know and love God?


Here are 7 creative ways to interact, reflect, and reinforce what was taught at church on Sunday morning.

1. Reflective Conversations

2. Time With God 

3. Act Out the Story 

4. Take A Breath

5. Talk To God 

6. Re-tell And Play

7. Art Experience 



1. Reflective Conversations 


Use the car ride home from church every week to talk about what was discussed at church. This is a great way to interact with what was taught while it is still fresh.


The point of this conversation is to allow your child space to listen and respond to God’s still, soft voice. Pose a question and give your child time to respond and don’t interrupt. This is all creating elbow room for the Holy Spirit to transform your child’s heart.


You can receive your own copy of 7 Reflection Questions to Ask Your Kids After Church below! These questions are a great jumping off place to help you have deep conversations with your kids (with zero prep). 🙂



2.  Time With God 


I would encourage you to sink into the story with your child. Don’t feel rushed. If led, spend an entire week on the passage. You can do this by reading the passage of scripture several times.


1st Time) Read the entire passage.

2nd Time) Pay attention to new perspectives

3rd Time) Ask God to highlight a word or phrase.

4th Time) Reflect on the word or phrase and ask the Father to speak to you.


Ask: What is the Lord inviting me into?  How can I respond?


3. Act Out The Story

Read the story through once, then act out the story together. This is an amazing way for children to not just read but actually interact with the story.  Any props that you find from around your house always make a fun addition.


Ask Questions Like:

a. What jumps out at you in this story

b. What do you think the main character was feeling?

c. Where do you see God at work in this situation?

4. Read and Imagine 


This is a great way for children who are easily distracted to enter into a Biblical story. When they interact with the story in a new way it reminds them that this isn’t a fairy tale but that it actually happened. By engaging with the story, as it is read aloud, children are free to engage their senses and imagine what it was like to actually be in the story.


Read the Bible passage to them slowly. Encourage your child to close their eyes and imagine that they are a part of the story.


a. What can they see

b. What do they feel?

c. What do they hear?

d. What can they smell?

e. What do they taste?

5. Talk To God 

Find a place in your day when you are not rushed. Invite God’s presence and ask him to help you be present to him during this time.  Spend some time in silence (start with one to two minutes) just hanging out with God.

Tip: Set an alarm on your phone so you can also be present to God during this time instead of monitoring the time.

Close out your time of silence by praying for anyone the Holy Spirit brings to mind.


6. Re-tell And Play


Invite your child to re-tell the story in their own words using puppets, and dolls.  You can even have your children use popsicle sticks or paper bags and make their own puppets. This is another wonderful way to experience God at work in their own hearts and in the Bible.


7. Art Expression

This is a wonderful activity that can be used with children of all ages.  Invite God’s presence and ask him to highlight a word or picture in the passage.  Encourage your children to close their eyes (limits distractions) and listen to you read the passage slowly, twice.

Invite your child to draw, paint, or color whatever or image was highlighted for them. After they are finished spend some time talking about their creations.  



Grab your FREE Deeper Guide to The Beginners Life and join our community of moms who are hungry for more of Jesus in their lives and in the lives of their children.


What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to helping your children experience a life with God?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!


12 Kid Approved Gifts that Focus on the True Meaning of Easter

12 Kid Approved Gifts that Focus on the True Meaning of Easter


Reading Time: 4 min 56 sec

One of my most favorite memories growing up is visiting my grandparents’ house and participating in a massive scavenger hunt to find my very own Easter basket. Even though the basket was pretty much always hidden in the dryer, it was an amazing time of fun, excitement, and it ended with a basketful of chocolate!  


As a follower of Jesus’ the celebration of Easter is the most important day of the year. Jesus death and resurrection are foundational to our faith.   If Easter is so important, what are we communicating to our children when we condense it down to fancy outfits, beautiful eggs, and tons of candy?


I am not saying banish your Easter traditions. Instead, what I am saying is that what if we intentionally moved the focus from candy to Jesus? Can you imagine our children experiencing Jesus’ over the top love for them as they come to appreciate his sacrifice on the cross in a whole new way?  


Children go deeper in their faith, and own their faith through experiential learning. By watching you, experiencing life in a family and church context, they are being told each day what is really important.  Easter is a huge opportunity to pour into the spiritual lives of our children. So how do we do that?


Intentionally invite Jesus into what you are already doing. Instead of giving an Easter basket or gift, full to the brim with chocolate, what if you included some items that would turn your child’s eyes towards Jesus?  Instead of hurrying past Lent without much of a thought, what if you took some time to journey through an Easter devotional or watched a video of Jesus’ death and resurrection together as a family?  These small steps make a POWERFUL impact on the lives of your children.


Today, we are going to be talking about twelve amazing resources that you can use to help turn your family’s eyes towards the true meaning of Easter this year!


1. Devotionals 

2. Toys 

3. Books 

4. Journals

5. Art 

6. DVD’s



Good Dirt by Lacy Finn Borgo

1. Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide

This is the BEST devotional I have found yet for kids during Easter. The devotional is very doable for each day (it’s about a half a page). The devotional covers Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide and is written from an evangelical perspective.

I really appreciate how each devotional is broken into four sections:

– Till (Prayer)

– Plant (Meditate on Scripture)

– Water (Reflect)

– Weed (Examine)

As you travel through lent, this is a great resource to serve as the foundational piece of your day.

Jesus Doll

2. Jesus Doll

My children LOVE this doll! They sleep with it every night and it serves as a tangible reminder that Jesus is always with them. One of my children told me, “I know I don’t have to be afraid (of the dark) because I hold my Jesus doll and remember that Jesus is in the room with me.”  This doll is perfect for a young-elementary child because it is not huge and will be easy to carry around.

The Jesus Storybook Bible

3. The Jesus Storybook Bible

 This is a phenomenal paraphrased Bible for kids. The text is age appropriate, the illustrations are captivating, and the overarching story focuses on God’s never ending, never giving up, always and forever love for his kids.  I have read what feels like HUNDREDS of Bibles (okay, a little overdramatic here) and I haven’t found one yet that comes close.

4. A Picture of Jesus

This is huge!  When you place a special picture of Jesus with a child or a lamb in your child’s room it is a daily reminder that Jesus is always with them. It is also a huge reinforcement that Jesus is priority in the life of your family.  For years, we have asked our children, Who is that that lamb that Jesus is holding? And they shout out, that’s me!

5. The Boy And The Ocean

“God’s love is like the ocean, my little boy,” she said. “It’s always here. It’s always deep. It never ends. God’s love is special.”

Oh my word, hands down, probably my favorite Christian picture book. The illustrations are beautiful, the words are life-changing, and what an amazing book to pull out at bedtime.   The story draws parallels between Gods creation and his vast love for his children. I love how Max Lucado, portrays parents who include God in everyday life. Both boys and girls will love this book.

God's Great Love For You by Rick Warren

6. God's Great Love For You by Rick Warren

This book is all about Gods overwhelming love for his kids told in such an imaginative way. Written by Rick Warren, the book shows a young girl on different adventures discovering God lavish love. The illustrations are adorable and though the book can be read to girls and boys, the book is specifically geared towards young girls.

Writing To God Kids Edition

7. Journal - Writing To God: Kids Edition

This book is an amazing and creative resource full of journal prompts that guide children in learning how to talk to God.  This book has 35 different prayer journal exercises and it covers prayer topics on events that happen during the day, emotions, praise, thanks, pain, and using their five senses.  Your child comes to find out that you can speak to God about EVERYTHING, and has actually practiced doing just that throughout the book. Love it

Praying in Color Kid's Edition

8. Journal - Praying in Color - Kid's Edition

Have you ever heard “But I don’t want to pray? I don’t know what to say? I’m embarrassed to pray out loud?” This is a revolutionary resource for children (and adults) who want to try another way to spend time with God.  The author, Sybil Macbeth gently leads children in understanding what prayer is, common prayer problems, how to pray, and step by step of how to pray using art. This has been an amazing resource for children and students who have felt inadequate or have had a hard time concentrating when it comes to prayer. Love it!

The Bible Doodle Book - Amazing Bible Pictures You Can Complete and Create!

9. Journal - The Bible Doodle Book

This doodle book has 100 unfinished drawings and stickers for children to complete.  I love it because the children can use the prompts to help them complete the drawings. You can use the drawings/prompts as a complement to your daily family devotions. A creative way to engage with the Bible!

Blank Journal

10. Journal

Choose a journal (with no lines) for your child to write or draw prayers that can be especially for this Lenten season.  After a lot of searching, the best journals seem to be found at your local craft store. Let me know if you find a great journal somewhere else!

The Animated Passion Trilogy

11. DVD - The Animated Passion Trilogy

This is a great visual retelling of the Easter story for preschool-elementary age kids. Something about a video allows the children to really experience the life of Jesus in a whole new way.

Matthew - Visual Bible

12. DVD - Matthew: Visual Bible DVD

This is a wonderful movie for older elementary children who are emotionally ready to watch the crucifixion and resurrection. It is not as graphic as the Messiah but I would still preview it ahead of time to make sure your kids are ready for it.

How to Help Your Child Experience Jesus this Easter

How to Help Your Child Experience Jesus this Easter


Reading Time: 5 min 31 sec

Have you ever had a year where you are so busy that one minute its Christmas and the next, it’s the Saturday before Easter and you are scrambling trying to cobble together outfits and stuff a million Easter eggs with chocolate bunnies?  


Do you wish that there was a way to really help your children understand that Easter is more than eggs, candy, with some Jesus thrown in?  ME TOO!


In our fast-paced society, it can be easy to pass over the importance of the lent season with nothing more than a thought or a good intention to stop eating chocolate.


But Lent is more than giving something up; it is a time of reflection, of preparing our hearts, of remembering Christ’s life, death and resurrection, and a concentrated time of refocusing on Jesus. A forty day (not including Sundays) fast, interwoven with prayer and giving that culminates on Easter Sunday.


We do not celebrate Lent or Easter as a way to earn more brownie points with God or as another task to complete. There is nothing we can do to make God love us any more or any less than he does right now.  We participate in Lent and Easter as a way to actively participate with the Holy Spirit in the transforming of our hearts.


I love how life as a follower of Jesus, is an ACTIVE, experiential life. We don’t just get to hear about God, we get to EXPERIENCE a relationship WITH God.  Children learn experientially, and active participation is formational in their spiritual growth. Lent and Easter is a time rich with experiences and a perfect way for children to actively engage in their faith.   


We are going to be talking about 13 meaningful experiences that you can have with your child as you learn to walk through this Easter season with intention. 


These are just suggestions. You do not need to do everything on the list but choose one or two activities that are speaking to you.   I pray that the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of your family in powerful ways this Easter season.


  1. Art

  2. Devotional

  3. Drama

  4. Events

  5. Decorations

  6. Music

  7. Practices


A Couple of Tips: Your active participation with your child in the activity is HUGE. Do not to rush through these activities. It is not about getting them “done” and giving your child an Easter experience. This is not about being productive but about moving slowly, savoring, and giving the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak with your child. Allow for silence, (yes, this can work even with preschool children) in and around the activity.  

1.Use a Lent-Easter Family Devotional

 This is the BEST devotional, (Good Dirt Lent, Holy Week, Eastertide Devotional)  I have found yet for kids during Easter. The devotional is very doable for each day(it’s about a half a page).

 The devotional covers Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide and is written from an evangelical perspective. I really appreciate how each devotional is broken into four sections: Till (Prayer) Plant (Meditate on Scripture) Water (Reflect) Weed (Examine).  The book includes 14 weeks of devotionals.  You can grab your copy here!

2. Decorate Your Home

 Allow the decorations in your home to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of the Lenten season. The color purple serves as the traditional reminder of Easter. It symbolizes not only the pain of the cross but it is also the color of royalty, and it celebrates Jesus’s resurrection.  Decorate a table or space (or throughout the house) with the color purple, you could add a cross, a Bible and or a candle.  


3. Observe Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday serves as the start to the lenten season. It is important for your child to witness the community of God gathered together to worship him. Carving out time to attend serves speaks louder than words to your child about your family’s priorities.


4. Light a Candle 

 Every morning, start your day, by lighting a candle each day to as a reminder of Jesus’ shining light in the world. You can follow the lighting of the candle with prayer inviting him into your day.


5. Look at Art


Visit a church, or museum, in books, or print some pictures off the internet depicting the crucifixion and resurrection.  

 Start by inviting Jesus into this time. Find a piece that speaks to you or your child. Spend some time just enjoying the art.

Ask God what he is saying to you through this piece.  Remember, this is for you as much as it is for your child. It is powerful for your children to watch you engage with the Holy Spirit through art.


After a couple of minutes ask your child:

a) How does this piece make you feel?  

b.) What do you love about it?

c) What do you think the Father is saying to you through this piece?


Tip: Don’t rush. The goal is quality over quality. You are there to create elbow room for the Holy Spirit to speak to them through art. You are not there to teach your kids something (though they will learn). Also, don’t feel like you have to be there an hour to make it worthwhile.

6. Listen to an Easter Playlist

It is important to place a special emphasis on creating an environment that draws their hearts towards Jesus during this Lenten season.

Tip-I am loving the Lent and Easter Worship Songs Playlists by Salt of the Sound on Spotify


7. Act out the Easter Story

This can be as simple or elaborate as you desire. 🙂  This is great for allowing the children to really engage in the story of Easter. Remember this is not about getting it “right” but about engaging in the story of Jesus’ resurrection. 

Tip: Your children can also do this with stuffed animals or dolls.  


8. Draw Prayers to Jesus 

Layout art supplies, plain paper, and have your Easter playlist playing quietly in the background. Encourage your child to write or draw prayers to Jesus.

 Tip: This should not feel like a homework assignment. There is no correct way of doing this. This is their personal prayer to God. Let them know that they can but don’t have to share their prayers with you when they are done.

9. Watch a Video of the Easter Story


Here are two suggestions for younger and older children:

  1. Preschool-Elementary- The Animated Passion Trilogy
  2. Middle School-High School- Matthew:Visual Bible 

10. Use Playdough to Recreate the Empty Tomb

This is a GREAT, hands-on, simple activity to allow children to engage in the Easter story.


11. Draw or Paint an Easter Scene

Read through the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Encourage your children to draw or paint a picture of a scene from the Easter story that grabs their attention.  

Tip: I typically put on instrumental music in the background to help focus their attention on listening to Jesus.

12. Look for Ways to Serve Others

Pray with your children. And ask God what way he wants you to focus on serving others during this Lenten season. 

13. Attend a Good Friday and Easter Service

If appropriate allow your children to join you for all or part of the service. The death and resurrection of Jesus are foundational to our faith and allowing your child to witness that at a young age is HUGE!  Also, Easter sunrise services are amazing (especially for elementary age children).


14. Plan a Special Meal for Easter Sunday


The goal is to plan and prepare WITH your children a special meal celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. Invite over family and friends to celebrate.


Give your Easter season a strong foundation by grabbing your own copy of the Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide Devotional. I am excited to travel through it with my own family this year!  You can get it here! 


What about you? What are your favorite ways to encourage a love of Jesus in your child during Easter? 

If you try any of these activities, let me know! Leave me a comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

9 Unique Ways For Your Child To Spend Time With Jesus

9 Unique Ways For Your Child To Spend Time With Jesus


Reading Time: 4 min 39 sec

So your child is not interested in reading the Bible? You hear, “It’s boring Mommy!” or “Not again!” every time you go to pull out the (what used to be beloved) Bible. Before you start to panic that your child is going to grow up hating the things of God or wondering “What have I done wrong?” just take a deep breath.

 You are not alone!

 Throughout our spiritual journey children, teenagers, and yes, even adults come to a place where the tools that seemed have worked so well in the past are not cutting it anymore.


This is an excellent time to sit back and reevaluate WHAT we are doing and WHY we are doing it.


You see we tend to forget that it’s not the tools, our vast knowledge of the Bible, or our good behavior that awaken a heart to a longing for deeper intimacy with our heavenly father, it is the Holy Spirit.

Our goal is to spend time listening to the Holy Spirit

and modeling a life lived in

a deep love relationship with God.


The point of spending time with Jesus, through the reading of the word, or some other tool, is not to get it done, but to spend quality time with God


Here are some ideas that you can offer when your child feels stuck. Don’t worry, this for a season, he won’t swear off the Bible forever!


  • Art
  • Journal
  • Poetry
  • Drama
  • Stories of the Bible
  • Visual Bible Stories
  • Song 
  • Physical Activity
  • Praying the Psalms

1. Art

I have had several children and youth for a myriad of reasons who have had a difficult time reading the Bible each day but who have really connected to God through art. 


You can suggest several exercises or encourage them to work through a book.  This activity does not need to be fancy or expensive (but if you love craft stores as much as me, then go crazy!).  Just grab whatever you have in the cupboard or drop by your local art store or Amazon for supplies. 


Another option would be to use a Doodle, or Art prayer journal.  They are a great alternative for busy seasons or when your child is more independent.


Here are two books I recommend-

 1. The Bible Doodle Book

2. Praying in Color-Kids Edition


  1. Journal

This is an age-old standby that can be a wonderful option for times when your child loves to pour words on a page, AND for those times when words escape them and only pictures will do.  They can use their journal to pour out their thoughts, and feelings and prayers to a God who never stops listening.


I have searched several stores (Including Target, and Amazon) but have found the best products at our local craft stores.  Make sure to purchase an UNLINED Journal as this gives them the freedom to move from words to pictures to both.

3. Poetry

    Do you have a child who loves to write poetry? You could encourage them to put their thoughts, feelings, and prayer into verses.

Or they could choose to allow God to speak to them through curated poetry that captures their attention and draws their eyes toward Jesus.

 One of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson does that very thing, turns my eyes towards Jesus.

      “Earth is crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God;

But only he who sees

Takes off his shoes-

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries”



3. Drama

A fun (sometimes hilarious) time is had by all when your children act out their favorite Bible story!  They can also create their own story of their experiences with Jesus.  


I created a dress-up chest full of clothes, swords, tiaras, wigs, and sashes. The costumes added a lot of fun and imagination to their dramas. 


 Make your own or check out the after Halloween sales for discounted costumes, the Dollar Store, craft stores, thrift stores, school supply and Amazon for items to fill your own chest!


 5. Bible Story Books

This idea is especially for little ones when the whole Bible might seem too overwhelming, how a simple story with beautiful illustrations can capture their imagination and heart. 

 1. Found: Psalm 23 

2. Loved: The Lord’s Prayer 

6. Watch Bible Stories


  The Bible came to life in a new way when I watched the animated Bible stories for the first time on VHS. There was something about seeing biblical characters in realistic settings that drives home the fact that these were real stories, written about real people.


I have really enjoyed the Animated Bible Classics by Nest Entertainment. This video states that it is for ages kindergarten-third grade, but I found it to be too intense my kindergarteners.


There are 36 volumes that you can buy individually on Amazon (or check out at the library).  We have thoroughly enjoyed revisiting these classics on a semi-regular basis.


7. Song

Invite your child to sing songs of worship to Jesus. They can also create their own songs expressing their feelings to God. This can be a very meaningful time as you hear what’s on their heart.


 8. Physical Activity

Have you ever thought that God is with us when run and play? We don’t have to be acting out a Bible story to spend time with Jesus.  

Pray or have your child pray and invite God into their play and ask him to help them feel his love and pleasure in them!  

 Make sure to talk about the experience (this is supposed to be like 2 minutes) after they are done.  You could ask questions like, “What was your favorite part of _____(running, swinging, playing basketball)?  What do you think God was feeling when he saw you enjoying yourself?  How do you feel when you think about God cheering for you? etc.”


9. Praying the Psalms

Praying the Psalms is a great activity for young and old. You can have your child (or yourself) read them out loud and then discuss the thoughts and feelings of the writer.

 You can also have your child choose a Psalm and adapt it to show how they are feeling about God. There are several paraphrased versions of Psalms to choose from for children that are great.


  1. Psalms for Young Children


What about you? What are your favorite ways to spend time with Jesus?

If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest. about you? What are your favorite ways to increase your child’s awareness of God? 

 If you try any of these activities, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follo

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