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100 History Books That Will Delight Your Kindergartner

100 History Books That Will Delight Your Kindergartner

   Reading Time: 1 min 3 sec   You might be asking if there are 100 history books that will delight your kindergartner? It might be hard for you to imagine history as delightful if your primary introduction was through textbooks.  Let’s face it, it’s pretty hard...

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How to Create A Stress-Free Homeschool

How to Create A Stress-Free Homeschool

   Reading Time: 3 Min. 8 Seconds I sat down late at night and did a google search of how to homeschool. I had no idea that there were (what felt like) a thousand different ways to teach my child. Terms like Classical, Montessori, Waldorf, Unschooling, Charlotte...

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How to Homeschool When You Hate Certain Subjects

How to Homeschool When You Hate Certain Subjects

   Reading Time: 5 Minutes   Do you ever wonder how to homeschool when you hate certain subjects? Do feelings of inadequacy overwhelm you when you think about teaching subjects you flunked? Did you have such a miserable experience that you don’t want to touch the...

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7 Amazing Benefits To Homeschooling In The Summer

7 Amazing Benefits To Homeschooling In The Summer

   Reading Time: 4 min 49 sec The end of May rolled around and we closed our school books with a bang. I don’t know who was more excited for NO SCHOOLWORK: me or the children. I was more than ready for this school year to be done.   The first couple of days were...

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17 Ideas to Celebrate the Last Day of School

17 Ideas to Celebrate the Last Day of School

   Reading Time: 3 min 53 sec When I first heard about celebrating the end of the school year with a party, I thought it sounded brilliant. I mean who doesn’t want an excuse to eat yummy food, and have fun?!    However, when the end of the year rolled around, I...

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Amazing And Affordable Curriculum Ideas for First Grade

Amazing And Affordable Curriculum Ideas for First Grade

   Reading Time: 10 min 32 sec   I don’t know about you, but I love planning for a new school year.  It can feel like a treasure hunt as I comb through various places to find just that right tool to help learning come alive for my child.  I have compiled a list...

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The Behind the Scenes Look At Homeschooling

The Behind the Scenes Look At Homeschooling

   Reading Time: 4 min 25 sec Do you ever wonder if homeschooling is really all everyone says it’s cracked up to be? Do you ever wish that you could get a real (not just Pinterest worthy) perspective on homeschooling?  There are so many articles that trumpet the...

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The Fear Of The Lonely Homeschooler

The Fear Of The Lonely Homeschooler

   Reading Time: 4 min 58 sec I pushed my cart up to the checkout counter at my local grocery store. My cashier was an early twenty-something who just oozed personality.  I swear, part of the job description for working at this grocery store is the ability to make...

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A Homeschool Day In the Life

A Homeschool Day In the Life

   Reading Time: 4 min 48 sec When we first decided to homeschool, we had a vision to create a certain type of atmosphere for our children.  We wanted to foster deep family relationships, build life long memories, dive down rabbit holes, and allow our...

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How to Unlock Hidden Secrets to Affordable Homeschooling

How to Unlock Hidden Secrets to Affordable Homeschooling

                                                            Reading Time: 4 min 21 sec You are interested in homeschooling but one of the huge hurdles is the budget. Last time you checked, you are not Bill Gates, and you have kids that are determined to eat you out of...

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