How To Pray When It Feels Like God Isn’t Listening

How To Pray When It Feels Like God Isn’t Listening


Reading Time: 5 min 46 sec

Have you ever wondered if God is off taking a vacation when you pray? Okay, maybe not a vacation, but it seems like every time you call out to him, you are met with deafening silence. You secretly wonder if you are doing something wrong.  All your friends, your pastor, people at church are always mentioning, God said this…or I hear God today.. and you are like, “WAIT, did I miss the memo? Did God show up today and I didn’t hear about it? 


The fact that you must be defective, or a really immature Christian, festers in the back of your brain, you feel embarrassed, and you try to mask the fact that apparently you and God aren’t on speaking terms. You push your prayer frustrations to the side until one day you are confronted with pain.


Whether the death of a loved one, frustration at work, a rebellious teen, violence in the world, something stirs your heart, and you cry out to God, “God, where are you? I am in agony. I am confused. I am frustrated. You say you love me, but where are you when I need you? All I get is silence. Am I doing something wrong? Do you not love me? Where are you? I need you now.”


If that’s you, keep reading…

  1. Playing Hide and Seek with God 

2. The Invitation 

3. Practice Showing Up 



1. Playing Hide and Seek With God 


 So where is God? Seriously, it can seem like every time we desperately need to hear from him, he is off saving the world. What about us? Where is he, when we call out in our pain?  Does he even care?       Psalm 139:1-12 gives us explicit directions as to where God is hanging out.


It says, “God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too—your reassuring presence, coming and going.

This is too much, too wonderful. I can’t take it all in!  Is there any place I can go to avoid your Spirit? To be out of your sight?

 If I climb to the sky, you’re there!  If I go underground, you’re there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon,You’d find me in a minute—you’re already there waiting!

Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I’m immersed in the light!” It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to you.”


Is there a word or phrase that jumps out at you in this passage?  


Do you notice that it says, he knows what we are thinking?  Not just what we are doing, but our very thoughts and that there is no place we can go to avoid his Spirit.


King David, the author of this Psalm, was known for having a deep, intimate relationship with God, and out of that intimacy, he shares his experience of God with us.  Now before you think that this is just a picture of David’s relationship with God, David wrote this psalm for the choir director. Meaning this song was written to be sung by people of Israel, proclaiming Gods praises, attesting of Gods’ faithfulness to us.


 We read this passage and tell ourselves, yes, of course, God is with me.  Any person who has been a Christian for longer than five minutes knows that God never leaves us or forsakes us.


 We know this truth mentally but it sure doesn’t feel like he is present.  So, if we can’t outrun, out hide, or out fly, the love of God than why can’t I hear his voice?



2. The Invitation


I was having a conversation with an acquaintance, and halfway through, I noticed that her eyes kept drifting, and she was looking very distracted.  All throughout our conversation, she kept smiling and nodding to the people around me. Needless to say, it was a very distracting conversation for both of us.


We can fall into this same trap in our conversations with God.  We are either so desperate for an answer that we spend the entire time shouting our requests to God. Or we say a five-second prayer, wait for a moment or two, and then rail at him when he doesn’t show up in a miraculous way.


Anthony Bloom, a spiritual writer says it this way, “We complain that God does not make himself present to us for the few minutes we reserve for him, but what about the twenty-three and a half hours during which God may be knocking at our door and we answer, “I am busy. I am sorry.” Or when we do not answer at all because we do not even hear the knock at the door of our heart, of our mind, of our conscience, of our life.”


 God loves spending time with you.  He is not hiding or playing games with you. He genuinely loves to hear your voice. And he is presenting you with a Grand Invitation. He is inviting you to go deeper into a love relationship with him. He is asking, “I am inviting you to spend time with me?


He is asking you to invite him into your entire day, not just the twenty minutes you spend reading the Bible each morning.


 So how can we practically be present with God all throughout the day? How can we give him more than a distracted conversation in a time of crisis? 


3. Practice Showing Up 


 Do you ever feel like you are wasting your time when you sit down to have devotions and nothing seems to happen? That there are so many other responsibilities clamoring for your attention, taking twenty minutes out of your day can seem well, a lavish extravagance.  


You go through the motions of reading a Bible passage or filling in the answers in a devotional, and at times it can just seem…well boring. (GASP!) Yes, I did say boring, because frankly, devotions can be boring.


I got bored. I wanted something more than filling my head with facts about God (though it is an important part of our faith), I wanted to actually have a living, breathing experience of God. I wanted what Daniel, David, Esther, Mary, and countless others had with Jesus. I wanted to have a real relationship with him. 


To have a deep relationship with him, we must be active participants in our conversations with God. Setting aside distractions (or at least keeping them at bay), and engaging in talking and listening to God. And here is the key part…even when it feels like nothing is happening.   


It seriously is about the practice of showing up, day after day and laying down our agenda for his.  Asking God that he would spark a deeper desire for more of him in our hearts.


Here are some suggestions of practical things that you can use throughout your day as a reminder to be present to Jesus.


1. Light or use a battery powered candle to remind you that God is with you and in you.


2. Place a small cross in your pocket. Every time you touch it serves as a reminder to turn your focus back to Jesus.


3. Set reminders on your phone. You can label them with messages, like “You are a beloved child of God.” “How is your day going? Love, God” “I am with you today- Love, God”


4. Hang a meaningful symbol from your rearview mirror. Every time you get in the car, let it serve as a reminder to pray.


5. Put a picture of Jesus holding a lamb, or with children on the background d of your phone or computer. Let it serve as a reminder that you are a child beloved by God.



Do you want to learn how to live WITH God? Do you want to experience a deep relationship with Jesus not just find out more facts about him?  Check out Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren. This book was pivotal in my own journey, in learning how to be present to God all throughout my day. I LOVE it!


What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to living life with God?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!    

How To Avoid Feeling Like An Inadequate Christian

How To Avoid Feeling Like An Inadequate Christian


Reading Time: 5 min 15 sec

The last couple of weeks I hit a major writing block. I would stare at a blank computer screen, for what felt like decades, with just fragments of thoughts. I knew the topic I wanted to explore but every time I went to set pen to paper (or fingers to keys as the case may be) my mind would go completely blank.


It was disorienting. I had deadlines to meet, to-dos to cross off and here I was with zip, nada, nothing. As time went on, panic set in, and fear crept up the back of my throat.  Doubts started to plague me.  “Who do you think you are?” it yelled, “You aren’t qualified to write about this topic”.


As deadlines came and passed, a cloud of discouragement and fear came with it, whispering in my ear, “You obviously don’t know anything. Sit down and let the professionals handle it.”   


Have you experienced the paralyzing fear of inadequacy? Have you worried that if your friends, family, and coworkers really knew you, you would be seen as a failure, a big disappointment, and a fraud?


So, what do we do when fear of failure rears its ugly head?  


  1. The Imposter

2. Who Am I? 

3. Daily Surrender



1. The Imposter


The Imposter mentality is all around us, we see people filling their lives in a flurry of activity, maintaining superficial relationships, shouting their achievements, all desperately trying to keep the overwhelming sense of emptiness and failure at bay.


This crippling fear that we are not enough can paralyze us. We can end up leading lives of stress, pushing ourselves to higher and higher levels of achievement all in the desperate search to find validation. To get some relief from the doubts and fears that harass our thoughts.


We can also see this mentality popping up in our relationship with God. We work so hard to do, say, and be all the right things, only to worry that we might be a modern-day Pharisee.


Do you ever feel exposed before God?  Do you wonder if he is sitting in heaven passing judgment over our many failures?   If we are honest, we can quickly fall into the trap of feeling like our relationship with God is like a soul-sucking list of “should’s”. 


  • I should know the correct way to pray.
  • I should know how to hear from God.
  • I should know more about God.
  • My prayers should sound more spiritual.


The list goes on and on.  And so we begin to run on the wheel of performance, trying to prove our worth to God, to others, and trying to fill that hole in our hearts; with a book list, a workshop, a podcast, or a conference. 


This exhausting cycle can keep us from embracing all that God has for us. It can keep us from living a life of freedom.



2. Who Am I? 


So, what do we do when we feel the need to find our validation in anything other than God?


We need to know who we are.


1 John 3:1 says, “What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. But that’s also why the world doesn’t recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he’s up to.”


We are called children of God.  God chose us. He knows all of our sin, all of our mistakes, all of our frailties, and yet even then he extended his love to us.  The God of the Universe calls us by name, and showers love upon us.  He knows our innermost thoughts, and yet he still chooses to shower lavish love upon us.


Romans 8:32-35 unpacks it with these words, “If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?  

And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way!”


There is nothing and no one that can separate us from the love of God.  We don’t have to work for, manipulate, or portray something that we are not in order to gain his acceptance or approval.  


He loves us just as we are, no performance necessary.


3. Daily Surrender

So how do we live out of our true identity as beloved children of God?  It needs to become a part of our core DNA.  

1. The Imposter


The Imposter mentality is all around us, we see people filling their lives in a flurry of activity, maintaining superficial relationships, shouting their achievements, all desperately trying to keep the overwhelming sense of emptiness and failure at bay.


This crippling fear that we are not enough can paralyze us. We can end up leading lives of stress, pushing ourselves to higher and higher levels of achievement all in the desperate search to find validation. To get some relief from the doubts and fears that harass our thoughts.


We can also see this mentality popping up in our relationship with God. We work so hard to do, say, and be all the right things, only to worry that we might be a modern-day Pharisee.


Do you ever feel exposed before God?  Do you wonder if he is sitting in heaven passing judgment over our many failures?   If we are honest, we can quickly fall into the trap of feeling like our relationship with God is like a soul-sucking list of “should’s”. 


  • I should know the correct way to pray.
  • I should know how to hear from God.
  • I should know more about God.
  • My prayers should sound more spiritual.


The list goes on and on.  And so we begin to run on the wheel of performance, trying to prove our worth to God, to others, and trying to fill that hole in our hearts; with a book list, a workshop, a podcast, or a conference. 


This exhausting cycle can keep us from embracing all that God has for us. It can keep us from living a life of freedom.



2. Who Am I? 


So, what do we do when we feel the need to find our validation in anything other than God?


We need to know who we are.


1 John 3:1 says, “What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. But that’s also why the world doesn’t recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he’s up to.”


We are called children of God.  God chose us. He knows all of our sin, all of our mistakes, all of our frailties, and yet even then he extended his love to us.  The God of the Universe calls us by name, and showers love upon us.  He knows our innermost thoughts, and yet he still chooses to shower lavish love upon us.


Romans 8:32-35 unpacks it with these words, “If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?  

And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way!”


There is nothing and no one that can separate us from the love of God.  We don’t have to work for, manipulate, or portray something that we are not in order to gain his acceptance or approval.  


He loves us just as we are, no performance necessary.


3. Daily Surrender

So how do we live out of our true identity as beloved children of God?  It needs to become a part of our core DNA.  

In order for our knowing of God’s love to be truly transformational, it must become the basis of our identity…An identity grounded in God would mean that when we think of who we are, the first thing that would come to mind is our status as someone who is deeply loved by God.”-David Benner


Instead of identifying ourselves in what we do, we need to see ourselves for who we are in Jesus. This also means that we have to daily (sometimes hourly) surrender ourselves to God.


Every morning I ask God to help me place my value, not in my roles (wife, mother, etc.), or in what I accomplish (or don’t) throughout the day, but as his beloved child. I pray that I would come to experience at deeper and deeper levels that there is nothing I need to do to gain his love or approval.  


This takes transparency and humility. We want to always be doing for God.  It can be scary, messy and countercultural to accept and rest in his extravagant love. And I sometimes fail miserably.  I get moving too fast and fall back into the lie that my worth, my very identity is tied up in what I produce.


Genuine transformation requires vulnerability. It is not the fact of being loved unconditionally that is life-changing. IT is the risky experience of allowing myself to be loved unconditionally.”-David Benner


In our independent culture, receiving an extravagant gift when we didn’t earn it can be uncomfortable. God has done so much for us, we just want to do our part to pay him back. 

When you learn what it means to just be with God instead of working for God, to experience (not just know about) his lavish love… it’s transformational.


When fear and self-doubt threaten to take over, remember God chose you. You are the beloved of the king of all kings.  You don’t need to perform to earn his love.  When you daily surrender your feelings of inadequacy to God, and you walk through life resting in the security that you are enough, just as you are, fear loses its grip. You have nothing to prove.


Today is the day.  Lay down fear, the rat race of performance and embrace God’s overwhelming, never stopping, beyond comprehension love.. for you. I promise you your life will never be the same.  



Do you want to learn how to live out of your true identity as one chosen by God? Check out David Benner’s Surrender to Love. This book was transformational in my own journey to laying down fear and living freely and lightly as a beloved child of God.

 What about you? What is your #1 issue when it comes to living life with God?   Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!    

A Homeschool Day In the Life

A Homeschool Day In the Life


Reading Time: 4 min 48 sec

When we first decided to homeschool, we had a vision to create a certain type of atmosphere for our children.  We wanted to foster deep family relationships, build life long memories, dive down rabbit holes, and allow our children to bask in the magic of childhood. We wanted our children to have the freedom to play, to explore and to create. We wanted to foster independent thinkers, lifelong learners, and courageous children.


And above all else, we wanted to encourage a deep, lifelong relationship with Jesus. We wanted to raise men and women of faith who live out of their identity as beloved children of God.


Every time we listen to Anne of Green Gables, giggle over board games, get down on our knees to pray, dance to the blues, and pour over logic, we are making small choices that move us toward our big vision.  


When you look at our typical homeschool day,you need to understand that this is what works for our family in this season. I know it can be easy to get caught up in what you are or are NOT doing, we all want to do it RIGHT, but that misses the point of this article. You need to do what’s right for you, what fits your personality, and the needs of your family. 


Mama’s, we are in this together! We are stepping out on faith, working hard, and imaging a different type of future for our children.  So, don’t get too caught up in the details (we do not all have to use the same schedule) and let’s give ourselves A LOT of grace, and make choices today that move us toward our vision for the future. 


Daily and Weekly Rhythm: 

We found that it helps our day flow smoothly when we follow a rhythm instead of a schedule.

Years ago, I created a schedule, and it totally stressed me out. I always felt like the clock was the master of our day, and we are always struggling to keep up. 

Now, we take our time, and after completing a task, we just move to the next thing on the list.

Every day we work on core subjects but each day has a different emphasis. 


Borrowing from Brave Writer our weekly schedule looks something like this: 

MondayPoetry Tea Time and Free Write 

Tuesday– Nature Study

Wednesday– Art and Music

Thursday– Extra Curricular Activities, Games, and Languages

Friday– Field Trips



I stumble out of bed and head downstairs to make coffee in the wee hours of the morning after my alarm goes off for the second time.   I realized quickly that I am more productive in the morning than waiting to work until the afternoon. I have found that these early mornings of silence set my day up for success and I actually miss it when I sleep in.  


I check my e-mail, work on my blog, and other projects until about 7am.  My children stumble down the stairs ready for snuggles. After helping my husband get out the door for work, we finish up breakfast and start working on our chores for the day.


We then move to some type of exercise, in the warmer months we go for a walk, run or bike ride, in the bitter cold of winter, we will use an exercise video to burn off that excess energy.  On certain days of the week, the kids are involved in extracurricular sports.


While they finish up chores and play quietly, I go to my room (the quietest place in the house) for devotions. 


We officially start the day by lighting our candle to remind us that God is in us and with us. We then spend some time in prayer inviting him into our day.  We move to read our Bible (we ABSOLUTELY LOVE this one) and memorize scripture. Depending on the day, we will either sing some worship songs or work on interactive projects, to help the kids move from head knowledge to heart experience of God.


We then snuggle under a huge blanket and start reading through a huge stack of picture books from the library. Books are the foundation for our daily curriculum. We choose books based off of our monthly unit study, the kids’ interest, core subjects, and just for fun books.


We then move to work on math, reading lessons, logic, and handwriting. We discovered a great French handwriting book this year that has dramatically improved their handwriting skills. 


We intermix lessons with reading aloud to give them a break.  A large amount of our learning can be done together but I do work with my six-year-old on reading separately, while I have my eight-year-old work their handwriting. 


Here are our daily goals that we try to make happen FIRST each day. If nothing else gets done, at least I know that these things were accomplished.

Time with Jesus

Outside Time

Read Aloud (Books, Books, and more Books)

Games & Music


We will finish out the morning with either free play, listening to an audiobook, art, games and stem activities. 



At around noon, I start making lunch while the kids play. After eating, we begin afternoon quiet time. Where the kids either nap, read books or play quietly in their rooms. I have found that this is a necessary part of our day, as tempers can flare without some time to themselves.  I spend this time working on the blog and completing work projects.


At about three-thirty, everyone comes back together to play outside, go for a walk, or depending on the weather, to watch their favorite tv show.


Before I know it, it’s time to start preparing dinner and cleaning up the endless art projects, massive forts, and the sticky messes of the day. 



After dinner, we spend the rest of the night playing a variety of board games together as a family.  We are HUGE fans of board games. We include them wherever we can all throughout our day. They not only are FUN, create lifelong family memories, but they allow us to improve core skills (math, logic etc).


After putting kids down to bed.  I finish preparing for the next morning, working on some projects, and reading. Before I know it, its time I am in bed. And yes, I am asleep in about two minutes (morning comes FAST). 🙂


That’s our day! What about you? What does your homeschool day look like? Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest

You Got this Mom!



How to Unlock Hidden Secrets to Affordable Homeschooling

How to Unlock Hidden Secrets to Affordable Homeschooling

                                                            Reading Time: 4 min 21 sec

You are interested in homeschooling but one of the huge hurdles is the budget. Last time you checked, you are not Bill Gates, and you have kids that are determined to eat you out of the house.


In this day and age where the majority of households are dual-income, you wonder how on earth anyone can afford to homeschool? When you think about the potential cost of curriculum, let alone all the co-ops, field trips, and activities, your mind begins to explode. The only thing you can come up with is that homeschooling families have to be secretly rich.  


I am here to tell you that no, not all homeschoolers are rich, not by long shot. They are just normal families with mortgages, kids needing braces, and spending their extra money buying diapers in bulk.  The difference is that they made a huge decision to adjust their way of life in order to meet their family’s values.  


It can feel overwhelming when you begin a new journey, especially when finances are involved. Unlike public school, the US government does not offer any assistance for homeschoolers in the form of tax breaks etc.  You are responsible to cover the cost of your child’s education.


It is hard to make life adjustments if you do not know your end goal. Have you sat down and asked yourself (or with your spouse) what are our values as a family? And then follow that up with asking the question does homeschooling match up our vision and values for the future of our family?


So how do you do it?  How do you homeschool on a typically one income budget?


 1. Shop Smart

2. The Local Mom Scoop


3. Free Curriculum 


4. Utilize Free Trial Offers

1. Shop Smart 

You can always get good deals on school supplies in August, but what about in freezing cold of February?  The Dollar store is my go-to resource for all school supplies, art supplies..chocolate…that you use all the time.  I don’t know about you, but we always have a shortage of drawing paper.  What would cost four dollars or more somewhere else is a steal at the dollar store.  

There is a whole section just dedicated to teacher and education supplies.  It is full of blow globes, clocks, workbooks, flashcards, and games. You never know what you are going to find, so I make sure to check out my local dollar store prior to making a purchase somewhere else.  With the amount of school and craft supplies my kids go through on a daily basis, I have saved the fortune. Yay!


Here are some of my favorite finds:

  1. Activity Books (Math, Language Arts, Spelling etc.)
  2. Acrylic Paint
  3. Drawing Paper
  4. Handwriting Paper
  5. Pencils/Pens
  6. Puzzles


2. The Local Mom Scoop

There can be a wealth of free or low-cost classes and field trips if you know where to look in your town.  Local mom websites that list upcoming events in your town are invaluable to homeschooling affordably.


 You can find them by searching for free activities for kids or by also looking for a local kid activity magazine located in the FREE magazine section at your local grocery store (typically by the door).  This is my #1 Resource for finding AMAZING free or cheap activities to do with my kids.


Second, search for local homeschooling Facebook groups. Join the main homeschooling group for your area and then one or two subgroups that match or have a similar teaching philosophy to yours.  Those groups are a great resource for letting you know of upcoming homeschooling events in your area.  


Third, check your local performing arts websites for field trip opportunities.


Here are some low-cost field trip ideas to check out locally.

  •  Museums– Free Art Classes, Art History, Science Classes
  • Performing Arts– Free Symphonies, ballets, classes
  • Zoo– Free Days
  • Science Center– Free Science classes
  • Historical Landmarks
  • State Parks– Nature centers, classes,
  • Places of business– Factory Tours, etc.


3. Free Curriculum 

I HATE spending hundreds of dollars on curriculum that I don’t end up using (frankly I hate spending money, period).  I am so thankful that I discovered that you can borrow curriculum for FREE at the library. You heard me! I know Christmas just came early, right?!  (See this article for step by step instructions)


They have a number of not only mainstream textbooks, streaming documentaries, and free software (ROSETTA STONE, PEOPLE), that are available. If your library doesn’t have the resource, they can request it from a web of libraries all over the US.


I have found not only found reading, grammar, logic, math, science, and religion books but have saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Woohoo!


 Here are just some examples:

  1. Living Books for every subject
  2. Audio Books– Music, Languages, Math, Social Studies etc. on CDs
  3. Curriculum– Textbooks, and Software


*Check out this post for more info and step by step instructions to request your free curriculum.


4. Utilize Free Trial Offers

There are some amazing resources that you can check out for FREE (many with zero credit card required).  Whatever topic you are diving into, check to see if there is a free trial for a resource you could use to supplement your curriculum. These resources could be apps, streaming video, audiobooks or classes, etc.


This is a HUGE resource because it SAVES YOU MAJOR MONEY! No one wants to buy the latest and greatest resource only to have it sit on a shelf (waiting to be returned) because it doesn’t fit the needs of your family.


I have personally tried out free trial offers to art, social studies, math, reading, piano, language programs. Sometimes the trials are temporary and only happen a couple of times a year, and others are a permanent part of their marketing.  


You can find such resources by a quick Google Search and by following your favorite homeschool bloggers (insert shameless plug* You can hear about more awesome homeschool resources and follow Most Important Work below* ) If you find a resource that you are interested in, sign up for their email list, be patient, and a couple of times a year, they will send out free (or close to free) specials.


Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling.  I also created a 10 Tips to Finding Excellent Curriculum form (grab it below) to help you on your journey. 

You Got this Mom!


What about you? What is your number one frustration when it comes to figuring out this homeschooling adventure?  Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

How to Overcome the Top 10 Fears to Homeschooling

How to Overcome the Top 10 Fears to Homeschooling


                                                       Reading Time: 5 min 32 seconds


What scares you when it comes to homeschooling? Is it the fear of failing? The cost? Or something else? When you start to entertain the possibility of homeschooling, it can be a daunting process. You don’t know what you don’t know, and that can be overwhelming. 


Before we talk about breaking down the top ten fears of homeschooling, we need to take a look at the foundation of homeschooling, which are your family’s values.


Instead of focusing on your fears, ask yourself the question: What are my family’s values? What life do I imagine for my child? 


Your values are CRUCIAL to not only deciding whether or not to homeschool, but how and what you teach, and your overall learning environment.  Family values serve as building blocks to everything else.


I would encourage you to sit down with your spouse or a friend and write out your family’s values.  They don’t have to lengthy or eloquent.  


They can be as simple as: 

  1. A value of close family relationships
  2. A value of encouraging a strong relationship with God.
  3. A value of fostering a love of learning
  4. A value of taking initiative, problem-solving, and out of the box thinking

Once you settle on your key values, you can begin to address your fears of homeschooling.


Disclaimer: Homeschooling is not for everyone. You must decide what type of education is best for your family.


 1. I Am Not Trained As A Teacher

2. I Would Go Crazy Being At Home        With The Kids All Day

3. I would Mess Them Up

4. What If I Failed

5. I Don’t Have Enough Patience 

6. I Couldn’t Leave My Career

7. I Hated School

8. I Could Never Afford it 

9. It’s Just Too Overwhelming

10. I’m Not Organized Enough

1. I Am Not Trained As A Teacher

Rest assured you do not need to be trained as a teacher to be qualified to teach your child. You have been teaching your child since they were born. You taught them how to walk, how to talk, their ABC’s, and how to share (okay, that’s an ongoing learning experience). You don’t need to start anything new, you just need to continue loving them, fostering relationships and a love of learning in your home.  

2. I would go Crazy being at Home with Just the Kids all Day

Are you stuck at home now all the time? Unless you have an infant most likely, you are taking advantage of playdates, Storytime at your local library, and trips to the park.   Nothing changes when you homeschool. You don’t cloister inside. You take advantage of the many opportunities homeschoolers have to learn, grow and explore the world.


Yes, as with any job, there are tough days, or days when you can’t get outside, and that’s when you continue to employ self-care practices.  Throughout the day you take a couple of minutes to yourself, when your spouse comes home you go take a walk, go shopping, read a book or go out with friends. Taking care of your overall mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health is important no matter what job you hold.


3. I would Mess Them Up

Seriously, who knows and loves your child more than you? Who wants them to succeed more than you? We all want good things for our kids. We know their strengths and weaknesses, and unlike a teacher who has to manage twenty needs at once, we can tailor our teaching style to our child’s specific needs. You are the most highly motivated teacher out there.


4. What If I Failed

 You need to know that just like traditionally educated children your child will have gaps in their education.  It’s not failure on your part, it’s just life. You could teach everything there is to teach and some of it will go in one ear and out the other.


In homeschooling, you are not teaching just to get through the curriculum, you are fostering a love of learning in your child. If you focus on encouraging curiosity, exploration, and initiative, your child will the tools to not only fill in any gaps but the sky’s the limit on what they could add to the world.


5. I Don’t Have Enough Patience

Let’s be honest, every mom feels inadequate and like there is never enough patience to go around. That’s parenting in a nutshell, right?!  As a parent (and a homeschooler) your patience is tested and it provides daily opportunities for growth.  You can do it! You are doing it right now just by being their parent.  


6. I Couldn’t Leave My Career

What are your dreams for your kids for the future? What are your family’s values? Those are the questions you need to  ask yourself. Homeschooling doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to leave your career but it will mean sacrifice and adjustment.


There are tons of homeschool moms who still have a career while teaching their children. That’s one of the perks of homeschooling, it’s flexible, you don’t have to stick to typical eight to three pm schedule. There are parents who homeschool at night, or who trade off responsibilities during the day. You just have to find what works best for your family.


7. I Hated School 

Homeschooling is not public school at home and it also looks different for every family.  You can tailor homeschooling to your personality, your schedule and the needs of your family. You will need to incorporate your states homeschooling laws but other than the environment, and daily schedule is up to you. 


I would encourage you to sit down and put to paper why you hated school. When you put it down on paper it’s amazing that what looks insurmountable is really not as big as you thought.


8. I Can’t Afford It

Homeschooling will take sacrifices. However, with the benefits of local libraries, free field trips, co-ops, second-hand curriculum, and scholarships, you can homeschool very affordably.

Take a look at your budget and ask yourself what do you really need and what can you cut out to make homeschooling doable for your family?  Make a plan that will move you towards homeschooling.


9. It’s too Overwhelming

Many first-time homeschool moms feel like they need to plan their homeschool year down to the minute only to find out on day two that their plans are not realistic, AT ALL.  I have never had a homeschool plan (even a basic one) that I didn’t adjust a lot.


You are not committing to teach your child at home for life. You are just responsible for planning this year. That planning can be as loose or as detailed as your personality warrants.


10. I’m Not Organized Enough

No one is. Seriously, there is not one homeschool mom that thinks that she is organized enough. Your children are living, breathing, human beings with different interests, strengths, and aptitudes. You can have an AMAZING homeschool plan only to have it fall apart when you realize your child needs more or less time with that particular subject, or there is a family illness, or a major life change.  

You don’t have to be super organized to homeschool. What you do need to be able to do is to recognize the needs of your child and adjust your expectations accordingly. Your goal is to foster a love of learning, not to finish every textbook to the detriment of your child. 


Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling.  I also created a How to Find Excellent Curriculum checklist (grab it below)  to help YOU on your journey.

You Got this Mom!



What about you? What is your #1 concern when it comes to figuring out this homeschooling adventure?  Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

What You Need to Know the Good and Bad of Homeschooling

What You Need to Know the Good and Bad of Homeschooling


Reading Time: 4 min 


You can’t believe that your precious child is almost ready to head off to school.  It feels like you just brought them home from the hospital, and were up all night just trying to get them to go sleep.


Now your baby is all grown up and you are in the throes of trying to figure out the best type of education for your child. You want them to not only thrive in school and you also want them to grow up to be a well-rounded, functioning member of society.   


As you start to research you keep hearing about this thing called homeschooling. You initially dismiss it, with an I could never do that shake of your head.  But as you get deeper into the research process, you come to the place where you want to explore all your options.


I agonized over the decision of whether or not to homeschool. I remember the process like it was yesterday, feeling overwhelmed with this enormous weight of responsibility.  


Choosing to homeschool (or attend public or private school) is a big decision but we are going to walk you through the process of discovering:


 1. What is Homeschooling? 



2. The Good and Bad of    



3. How to Decide if Homeschooling

       Is Best for You



1. What is Homeschooling? 

Home Schooling is more than teaching your child at home. It is a way of life.  If your only exposure to education has been in a corporate setting, it might be helpful for you to think of homeschooling as private tutoring (with a lot of snuggles, family adventures and laughter thrown in). 

 You do not need to have a teaching degree in order to teach your child. You do not need classroom management skills because you don’t need to worry about the needs of twenty children, just your own.


There are an estimated 2.3 million childrenhomeschooled as of 2016 survey by the National Home Education Research Instituteand that number is growing each year.


Each family chooses to homeschool for a variety of reasons, such as religious views, financial reasons, to spend more time together as a family, to allow the child to pursue opportunities, or because they live in a school district not known for its high-test scores etc.


Homeschooling looks different for each family. Some choose to participate in an online school, or 2-3 day a week co-op, and others learn at home using a variety of sources.  You can tailor make homeschooling to fit your child’s needs, your teaching, and your family’s lifestyle.


 Here is a fun list of people who have homeschooled throughout the ages and went on to accomplish some pretty amazing things.

  • A number of our Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,& Abraham Lincoln.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Claude Monet
  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Thomas Edison

  • Orville and Wilbur Wright
  • Charles Dickens
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Beatrix Potter
  • Louis Armstrong
  • Misty Copeland
  • Tim Tebow
  • Walt Whitman
  • Winston Churchill
  • Mozart
Thank goodness I was never sent to school: it would have rubbed off some of the originality.” Beatrix Potter


2. The Good and Bad of Homeschooling

As with anything, there are pros and cons to homeschooling. You just need to decide if the pros outweigh the cons for YOUR family.  This list is not meant to be exhaustive but to serve a starting point.


The Pros of Homeschooling include:

  • A personalized education,
  • One on one time with your child
  • Flexibility
  • You get to be the primary influence in their lives
  • Foster a love of learning
  • You are not restricted by a school calendar
  • Freedom to explore and develop your kid’s interests
  • Build strong family ties


The Cons of Homeschooling could be:

  • You are primarily responsible for their overall education
  • Could mean a sacrifice of a career and a second income
  • The financial costs of homeschooling (the state does not pay for homeschooling)
  • Time spent teaching your child


I would encourage you to sit down with your spouse (or trusted friend) and create your own pros and cons list.  Take some time to discuss the sacrifices that homeschooling could entail for you and your family. Don’t worry about trying to come to a decision, just focus on getting it all down on paper.


3. How to Decide If Homeschooling Is Best For You

So how do you know what type of education is best for your family?  I am not going to lie, this was a very tough decision. This is a choice that takes time. You can’t rush it, even if you think you already know what decision you are going to make.


Here are five steps I learned after going through the process:


1st- Spend Time in Prayer

Talk to God about your thoughts, concerns, and fears. Ask him for the wisdom to make the best decision for your family.  


2nd- Write Down Your Values

What is important to you and your spouse? Does homeschooling move you towards or away from those values?


3rd- Get advice from People You Trust (and who know you well).

You will get conflicting viewpoints, so limit how many people you talk to, and remember that at the end of the day, YOU have to live with your decision (not them).


4th- Consider your Child’s Personality  (learning style, & your personality)

This should be considered but should not be the sole determining factor in the overall decision.


5th- Take It a Year at A Time

Sometimes we can make the decision to homeschool seem so much bigger than it actually is, you are not committing to homeschool for life, just next year.



Are you wondering HOW do you actually get started homeschooling? Join our community of moms who want to invest in the lives of their children through homeschooling.  I also created a How to Find Excellent Curriculum checklist (grab it below)  to help YOU on your journey.

You Got this Mom!



What about you? What is your #1 concern when it comes to figuring out this homeschooling adventure?  Leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

12 Kid Approved Gifts that Focus on the True Meaning of Easter

12 Kid Approved Gifts that Focus on the True Meaning of Easter


Reading Time: 4 min 56 sec

One of my most favorite memories growing up is visiting my grandparents’ house and participating in a massive scavenger hunt to find my very own Easter basket. Even though the basket was pretty much always hidden in the dryer, it was an amazing time of fun, excitement, and it ended with a basketful of chocolate!  


As a follower of Jesus’ the celebration of Easter is the most important day of the year. Jesus death and resurrection are foundational to our faith.   If Easter is so important, what are we communicating to our children when we condense it down to fancy outfits, beautiful eggs, and tons of candy?


I am not saying banish your Easter traditions. Instead, what I am saying is that what if we intentionally moved the focus from candy to Jesus? Can you imagine our children experiencing Jesus’ over the top love for them as they come to appreciate his sacrifice on the cross in a whole new way?  


Children go deeper in their faith, and own their faith through experiential learning. By watching you, experiencing life in a family and church context, they are being told each day what is really important.  Easter is a huge opportunity to pour into the spiritual lives of our children. So how do we do that?


Intentionally invite Jesus into what you are already doing. Instead of giving an Easter basket or gift, full to the brim with chocolate, what if you included some items that would turn your child’s eyes towards Jesus?  Instead of hurrying past Lent without much of a thought, what if you took some time to journey through an Easter devotional or watched a video of Jesus’ death and resurrection together as a family?  These small steps make a POWERFUL impact on the lives of your children.


Today, we are going to be talking about twelve amazing resources that you can use to help turn your family’s eyes towards the true meaning of Easter this year!


1. Devotionals 

2. Toys 

3. Books 

4. Journals

5. Art 

6. DVD’s



Good Dirt by Lacy Finn Borgo

1. Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide

This is the BEST devotional I have found yet for kids during Easter. The devotional is very doable for each day (it’s about a half a page). The devotional covers Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide and is written from an evangelical perspective.

I really appreciate how each devotional is broken into four sections:

– Till (Prayer)

– Plant (Meditate on Scripture)

– Water (Reflect)

– Weed (Examine)

As you travel through lent, this is a great resource to serve as the foundational piece of your day.

Jesus Doll

2. Jesus Doll

My children LOVE this doll! They sleep with it every night and it serves as a tangible reminder that Jesus is always with them. One of my children told me, “I know I don’t have to be afraid (of the dark) because I hold my Jesus doll and remember that Jesus is in the room with me.”  This doll is perfect for a young-elementary child because it is not huge and will be easy to carry around.

The Jesus Storybook Bible

3. The Jesus Storybook Bible

 This is a phenomenal paraphrased Bible for kids. The text is age appropriate, the illustrations are captivating, and the overarching story focuses on God’s never ending, never giving up, always and forever love for his kids.  I have read what feels like HUNDREDS of Bibles (okay, a little overdramatic here) and I haven’t found one yet that comes close.

4. A Picture of Jesus

This is huge!  When you place a special picture of Jesus with a child or a lamb in your child’s room it is a daily reminder that Jesus is always with them. It is also a huge reinforcement that Jesus is priority in the life of your family.  For years, we have asked our children, Who is that that lamb that Jesus is holding? And they shout out, that’s me!

5. The Boy And The Ocean

“God’s love is like the ocean, my little boy,” she said. “It’s always here. It’s always deep. It never ends. God’s love is special.”

Oh my word, hands down, probably my favorite Christian picture book. The illustrations are beautiful, the words are life-changing, and what an amazing book to pull out at bedtime.   The story draws parallels between Gods creation and his vast love for his children. I love how Max Lucado, portrays parents who include God in everyday life. Both boys and girls will love this book.

God's Great Love For You by Rick Warren

6. God's Great Love For You by Rick Warren

This book is all about Gods overwhelming love for his kids told in such an imaginative way. Written by Rick Warren, the book shows a young girl on different adventures discovering God lavish love. The illustrations are adorable and though the book can be read to girls and boys, the book is specifically geared towards young girls.

Writing To God Kids Edition

7. Journal - Writing To God: Kids Edition

This book is an amazing and creative resource full of journal prompts that guide children in learning how to talk to God.  This book has 35 different prayer journal exercises and it covers prayer topics on events that happen during the day, emotions, praise, thanks, pain, and using their five senses.  Your child comes to find out that you can speak to God about EVERYTHING, and has actually practiced doing just that throughout the book. Love it

Praying in Color Kid's Edition

8. Journal - Praying in Color - Kid's Edition

Have you ever heard “But I don’t want to pray? I don’t know what to say? I’m embarrassed to pray out loud?” This is a revolutionary resource for children (and adults) who want to try another way to spend time with God.  The author, Sybil Macbeth gently leads children in understanding what prayer is, common prayer problems, how to pray, and step by step of how to pray using art. This has been an amazing resource for children and students who have felt inadequate or have had a hard time concentrating when it comes to prayer. Love it!

The Bible Doodle Book - Amazing Bible Pictures You Can Complete and Create!

9. Journal - The Bible Doodle Book

This doodle book has 100 unfinished drawings and stickers for children to complete.  I love it because the children can use the prompts to help them complete the drawings. You can use the drawings/prompts as a complement to your daily family devotions. A creative way to engage with the Bible!

Blank Journal

10. Journal

Choose a journal (with no lines) for your child to write or draw prayers that can be especially for this Lenten season.  After a lot of searching, the best journals seem to be found at your local craft store. Let me know if you find a great journal somewhere else!

The Animated Passion Trilogy

11. DVD - The Animated Passion Trilogy

This is a great visual retelling of the Easter story for preschool-elementary age kids. Something about a video allows the children to really experience the life of Jesus in a whole new way.

Matthew - Visual Bible

12. DVD - Matthew: Visual Bible DVD

This is a wonderful movie for older elementary children who are emotionally ready to watch the crucifixion and resurrection. It is not as graphic as the Messiah but I would still preview it ahead of time to make sure your kids are ready for it.

How to Help Your Child Experience Jesus this Easter

How to Help Your Child Experience Jesus this Easter


Reading Time: 5 min 31 sec

Have you ever had a year where you are so busy that one minute its Christmas and the next, it’s the Saturday before Easter and you are scrambling trying to cobble together outfits and stuff a million Easter eggs with chocolate bunnies?  


Do you wish that there was a way to really help your children understand that Easter is more than eggs, candy, with some Jesus thrown in?  ME TOO!


In our fast-paced society, it can be easy to pass over the importance of the lent season with nothing more than a thought or a good intention to stop eating chocolate.


But Lent is more than giving something up; it is a time of reflection, of preparing our hearts, of remembering Christ’s life, death and resurrection, and a concentrated time of refocusing on Jesus. A forty day (not including Sundays) fast, interwoven with prayer and giving that culminates on Easter Sunday.


We do not celebrate Lent or Easter as a way to earn more brownie points with God or as another task to complete. There is nothing we can do to make God love us any more or any less than he does right now.  We participate in Lent and Easter as a way to actively participate with the Holy Spirit in the transforming of our hearts.


I love how life as a follower of Jesus, is an ACTIVE, experiential life. We don’t just get to hear about God, we get to EXPERIENCE a relationship WITH God.  Children learn experientially, and active participation is formational in their spiritual growth. Lent and Easter is a time rich with experiences and a perfect way for children to actively engage in their faith.   


We are going to be talking about 13 meaningful experiences that you can have with your child as you learn to walk through this Easter season with intention. 


These are just suggestions. You do not need to do everything on the list but choose one or two activities that are speaking to you.   I pray that the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of your family in powerful ways this Easter season.


  1. Art

  2. Devotional

  3. Drama

  4. Events

  5. Decorations

  6. Music

  7. Practices


A Couple of Tips: Your active participation with your child in the activity is HUGE. Do not to rush through these activities. It is not about getting them “done” and giving your child an Easter experience. This is not about being productive but about moving slowly, savoring, and giving the Holy Spirit elbow room to speak with your child. Allow for silence, (yes, this can work even with preschool children) in and around the activity.  

1.Use a Lent-Easter Family Devotional

 This is the BEST devotional, (Good Dirt Lent, Holy Week, Eastertide Devotional)  I have found yet for kids during Easter. The devotional is very doable for each day(it’s about a half a page).

 The devotional covers Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide and is written from an evangelical perspective. I really appreciate how each devotional is broken into four sections: Till (Prayer) Plant (Meditate on Scripture) Water (Reflect) Weed (Examine).  The book includes 14 weeks of devotionals.  You can grab your copy here!

2. Decorate Your Home

 Allow the decorations in your home to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of the Lenten season. The color purple serves as the traditional reminder of Easter. It symbolizes not only the pain of the cross but it is also the color of royalty, and it celebrates Jesus’s resurrection.  Decorate a table or space (or throughout the house) with the color purple, you could add a cross, a Bible and or a candle.  


3. Observe Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday serves as the start to the lenten season. It is important for your child to witness the community of God gathered together to worship him. Carving out time to attend serves speaks louder than words to your child about your family’s priorities.


4. Light a Candle 

 Every morning, start your day, by lighting a candle each day to as a reminder of Jesus’ shining light in the world. You can follow the lighting of the candle with prayer inviting him into your day.


5. Look at Art


Visit a church, or museum, in books, or print some pictures off the internet depicting the crucifixion and resurrection.  

 Start by inviting Jesus into this time. Find a piece that speaks to you or your child. Spend some time just enjoying the art.

Ask God what he is saying to you through this piece.  Remember, this is for you as much as it is for your child. It is powerful for your children to watch you engage with the Holy Spirit through art.


After a couple of minutes ask your child:

a) How does this piece make you feel?  

b.) What do you love about it?

c) What do you think the Father is saying to you through this piece?


Tip: Don’t rush. The goal is quality over quality. You are there to create elbow room for the Holy Spirit to speak to them through art. You are not there to teach your kids something (though they will learn). Also, don’t feel like you have to be there an hour to make it worthwhile.

6. Listen to an Easter Playlist

It is important to place a special emphasis on creating an environment that draws their hearts towards Jesus during this Lenten season.

Tip-I am loving the Lent and Easter Worship Songs Playlists by Salt of the Sound on Spotify


7. Act out the Easter Story

This can be as simple or elaborate as you desire. 🙂  This is great for allowing the children to really engage in the story of Easter. Remember this is not about getting it “right” but about engaging in the story of Jesus’ resurrection. 

Tip: Your children can also do this with stuffed animals or dolls.  


8. Draw Prayers to Jesus 

Layout art supplies, plain paper, and have your Easter playlist playing quietly in the background. Encourage your child to write or draw prayers to Jesus.

 Tip: This should not feel like a homework assignment. There is no correct way of doing this. This is their personal prayer to God. Let them know that they can but don’t have to share their prayers with you when they are done.

9. Watch a Video of the Easter Story


Here are two suggestions for younger and older children:

  1. Preschool-Elementary- The Animated Passion Trilogy
  2. Middle School-High School- Matthew:Visual Bible 

10. Use Playdough to Recreate the Empty Tomb

This is a GREAT, hands-on, simple activity to allow children to engage in the Easter story.


11. Draw or Paint an Easter Scene

Read through the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Encourage your children to draw or paint a picture of a scene from the Easter story that grabs their attention.  

Tip: I typically put on instrumental music in the background to help focus their attention on listening to Jesus.

12. Look for Ways to Serve Others

Pray with your children. And ask God what way he wants you to focus on serving others during this Lenten season. 

13. Attend a Good Friday and Easter Service

If appropriate allow your children to join you for all or part of the service. The death and resurrection of Jesus are foundational to our faith and allowing your child to witness that at a young age is HUGE!  Also, Easter sunrise services are amazing (especially for elementary age children).


14. Plan a Special Meal for Easter Sunday


The goal is to plan and prepare WITH your children a special meal celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. Invite over family and friends to celebrate.


Give your Easter season a strong foundation by grabbing your own copy of the Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide Devotional. I am excited to travel through it with my own family this year!  You can get it here! 


What about you? What are your favorite ways to encourage a love of Jesus in your child during Easter? 

If you try any of these activities, let me know! Leave me a comment and don’t forget to follow Most Important Work on Pinterest!

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